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Forums - Sony Discussion - Its Time. Sony will put GEN 7 out of its misery this fall.

Edit- Please note I mentioned nothing about them discontinueing, or stopping support for the PS3. It seems most of the people who read this got that impression. I am just saying they should give consumers a strong incentive to upgrade, and I gave a method I think would work well.

Yeah.. i wonder where that idéa came from

"Sony will put GEN 7 out of its misery this fall."

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This is all about 'keeping the faith' if the PS3 is supported long after the super successful PS4, people are more likely to be okay with buying a PS4 knowing it'll be supported long after the gen is over. Sony always do this, which is why they made sure 2013 was one of the greatest send-off years for a console (in terms of exclusives) I've seen.

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The longer they support PS3 the more confidence consumers have that PS4 will be supported in the long run which is quite unique with tech today (see computers and phones that become paperweights after a couple years). Cut the PS3 to $99 (12gb), $150 (250gb), and $200 (500gb). That would boost its sales though now it'll miss 100m because they weren't will to do this last September or the one before that when it still had some sales potential.

I am Iron Man

tokilamockingbrd said:

349.99 COD BO III bundle. Bam. 

That's not a very strong bam. 2 years in and only 50 dollars less?

Roronaa_chan said:
tokilamockingbrd said:

349.99 COD BO III bundle. Bam. 

That's not a very strong bam. 2 years in and only 50 dollars less?

yeah I was thinking $300 BO or $300 Bloodborne and The Order bundle

I am Iron Man

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Honestly the only incentive existing PS3 owners are waiting for is more games that they care about, a cheaper price helps as well.

They've already got COD locked and I doubt they'd go through the holiday without a temporary price cut. In the UK they've already done it for certain releases. So I don't anything you've suggested is daring or unlikely

This year should be the PS3's last holiday outside of Japan. Beyond 2015 I think the only game the system will receive is Fifa.

Make the ps3 for 149.99 bucks and it will sell bangbusters specially for people with lower incomes




The last PS2 game came out in 2013. Think about that. Then rethink Sony stopping production of PS3s right now.

You should edit the title. It made me think that it was official :/

PS3 eventually surpassed the 360 last gen which was one of the most amazing feats in my opinion. Years and years of threads and debates about PS3 sales on VGC...And the damage control was quite funny when it became official that PS3 dug its way out of Hades depths to land second place. Then the "It never was about the sales" posts started to pop up.

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