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Forums - Sony Discussion - Its Time. Sony will put GEN 7 out of its misery this fall.

1 lolwhat? Thats not how it works. The margin is calculated from the cost to produce subtracted from the sale price (minus retailer cut).
PSN costs and services are a totally seperate thing. For example, i dont have PS+ on my PS4. They certainly didnt gain any margin there as i don't use online on either system tbh. One can make the argument that that will influence the end tale of the console's sales. We shall see. Not a totally possible comparison as the PS4 has had a much better start.

Of course, this all doesnt mean i don't think they should slash prices. Its always beneficial to sales and to capture a wider segment in the market.
But, this PSN thing i really dont like. I know of people who specifically have not been interested in the PS4 because of the need to pay for online gaming. I think there was no need for Sony to gate it in absolutes like Microsoft does. It makes more sense to charge for use and have a free monthly plafond. A person who plays 5 hours of online a month shouldnt have to pay the same as a person that plays 50 hours online in a month. I think thats a serious oversight.

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No sony isnt doing anything at al for the ps3 there focus is already on the ps4 every console sold is money in there pockets.
Ps3 is still 200 euro here i remeber the ps2 being 99euro in the last couple of years.

Iam waiting for the ps3 to drop to 99euro so i can get a brand new spare one.


My youtube gaming page.

Nem said:

1 lolwhat? Thats not how it works. The margin is calculated from the cost to produce subtracted from the sale price (minus retailer cut).
PSN costs and services are a totally seperate thing. For example, i dont have PS+ on my PS4. They certainly didnt gain any margin there as i don't use online on either system tbh. One can make the argument that that will influence the end tale of the console's sales. We shall see. Not a totally possible comparison as the PS4 has had a much better start.

Of course, this all doesnt mean i don't think they should slash prices. Its always beneficial to sales and to capture a wider segment in the market.
But, this PSN thing i really dont like. I know of people who specifically have not been interested in the PS4 because of the need to pay for online gaming. I think there was no need for Sony to gate it in absolutes like Microsoft does. It makes more sense to charge for use and have a free monthly plafond. A person who plays 5 hours of online a month shouldnt have to pay the same as a person that plays 50 hours online in a month. I think thats a serious oversight.

If you want to play online, you pay. 50 bucks a year is not asking alot. Sony used to make their's free because in the past it was inferior and they knew it. They now have a comparible network. They spend alot maintaining it, no issue with them turning a profit on it.


psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

tokilamockingbrd said:
AllThosePixels said:

I think more will be get rid of their 360 than getting a new one because of BC, frankly.

meaning used consoles will be dirt cheap. New sales should almost completely evaporate.

Exactly. Getting a used console is a lot cheaper than a new one, which is pretty crazy. When's the last time either did a price drop on their last gen system? When the PS3 got the Super Slim in 2012? Don't even remember the 360's last one.

tokilamockingbrd said:
Nem said:

1 lolwhat? Thats not how it works. The margin is calculated from the cost to produce subtracted from the sale price (minus retailer cut).
PSN costs and services are a totally seperate thing. For example, i dont have PS+ on my PS4. They certainly didnt gain any margin there as i don't use online on either system tbh. One can make the argument that that will influence the end tale of the console's sales. We shall see. Not a totally possible comparison as the PS4 has had a much better start.

Of course, this all doesnt mean i don't think they should slash prices. Its always beneficial to sales and to capture a wider segment in the market.
But, this PSN thing i really dont like. I know of people who specifically have not been interested in the PS4 because of the need to pay for online gaming. I think there was no need for Sony to gate it in absolutes like Microsoft does. It makes more sense to charge for use and have a free monthly plafond. A person who plays 5 hours of online a month shouldnt have to pay the same as a person that plays 50 hours online in a month. I think thats a serious oversight.

If you want to play online, you pay. 50 bucks a year is not asking alot. Sony used to make their's free because in the past it was inferior and they knew it. They now have a comparible network. They spend alot maintaining it, no issue with them turning a profit on it.


I strongly disagree. Their network has always been good to me. Just the shop was a bit slow, but i never got any issues compared to the 360. That is the thing though, i am not interested enough to pay for online. I hardly use it. Theres people who do and aren't willing to pay, wich is completely understandable, wich is something that has always been free until Microsoft got in the picture and still is on the PC.

Its alot smarter to have a limited number of hours free to lure in new players than to shut them off completely. I am certainly not going to feel compelled to sub to PS+ because i dont even get a taste of an online mode that may make it feel worthwhile. At the same time, those that hardly play online don't turn away from upgrading because they are beeing coerced into buying a monthly fee on top of the console.

And yes, 50€ is a considerable investment, especially for something you hardly use. On the other end of the spectrum, players that play hundread of hourse should have to pay more. There is really no sense in the average gamer paying so the hardcore gamer can play more. Its only fair.

This all or nothing service is very limiting.

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Nem said:
tokilamockingbrd said:
Nem said:

1 lolwhat? Thats not how it works. The margin is calculated from the cost to produce subtracted from the sale price (minus retailer cut).
PSN costs and services are a totally seperate thing. For example, i dont have PS+ on my PS4. They certainly didnt gain any margin there as i don't use online on either system tbh. One can make the argument that that will influence the end tale of the console's sales. We shall see. Not a totally possible comparison as the PS4 has had a much better start.

Of course, this all doesnt mean i don't think they should slash prices. Its always beneficial to sales and to capture a wider segment in the market.
But, this PSN thing i really dont like. I know of people who specifically have not been interested in the PS4 because of the need to pay for online gaming. I think there was no need for Sony to gate it in absolutes like Microsoft does. It makes more sense to charge for use and have a free monthly plafond. A person who plays 5 hours of online a month shouldnt have to pay the same as a person that plays 50 hours online in a month. I think thats a serious oversight.

If you want to play online, you pay. 50 bucks a year is not asking alot. Sony used to make their's free because in the past it was inferior and they knew it. They now have a comparible network. They spend alot maintaining it, no issue with them turning a profit on it.


I strongly disagree. Their network has always been good to me. Just the shop was a bit slow, but i never got any issues compared to the 360. That is the thing though, i am not interested enough to pay for online. I hardly use it. Theres people who do and aren't willing to pay, wich is completely understandable, wich is something that has always been free until Microsoft got in the picture and still is on the PC.

Its alot smarter to have a limited number of hours free to lure in new players than to shut them off completely. I am certainly not going to feel compelled to sub to PS+ because i dont even get a taste of an online mode that may make it feel worthwhile. At the same time, those that hardly play online don't turn away from upgrading because they are beeing coerced into buying a monthly fee on top of the console.

And yes, 50€ is a considerable investment, especially for something you hardly use. On the other end of the spectrum, players that play hundread of hourse should have to pay more. There is really no sense in the average gamer paying so the hardcore gamer can play more. Its only fair.

This all or nothing service is very limiting.

You do know every month you are getting new games thats worth 10x more than that 50 dollar/euro you pay right?

And yes many are indies.

And yes many are very good!


My youtube gaming page.

No. The only thing Sony needs to do is cut the price of the PS3 in half and their sales will keep growing. Unless Sony makes PS4 backwards compatible with the PS3, that console is not going away any time soon.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Couldn't disagree more. The PS3 reached the point of making money on each machine sold a while back, so they'll sell them all the way until it reaches Wii sales numbers just so they can get more return on 7th Gen.

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Azuren said:
Couldn't disagree more. The PS3 reached the point of making money on each machine sold a while back, so they'll sell them all the way until it reaches Wii sales numbers just so they can get more return on 7th Gen.

The PS4 has been turning a profit on hardware from day one. Each PS4 sold projects more future profit.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

BraLoD said:
Sony said this year they will continue to support the PS3 "for years to come".
This is a good way of keeping a stronger brand, as it's a way to go for a lot of people without the money to jump into a 8th gen console, what they need is to do a nice price cut on it and keep it there.


giving the console such a long support for so many years is great for the brand, it surely gives me confidence when buying a PS that even the PS3 (the black ship of the PS console family) was strongly supported for such a long generation and its services (including FREE online) remained active for years after the gen ended, not to mention it still being supported by some 3rd parties not just with multiplats but exclusives as well.