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Nem said:

1 lolwhat? Thats not how it works. The margin is calculated from the cost to produce subtracted from the sale price (minus retailer cut).
PSN costs and services are a totally seperate thing. For example, i dont have PS+ on my PS4. They certainly didnt gain any margin there as i don't use online on either system tbh. One can make the argument that that will influence the end tale of the console's sales. We shall see. Not a totally possible comparison as the PS4 has had a much better start.

Of course, this all doesnt mean i don't think they should slash prices. Its always beneficial to sales and to capture a wider segment in the market.
But, this PSN thing i really dont like. I know of people who specifically have not been interested in the PS4 because of the need to pay for online gaming. I think there was no need for Sony to gate it in absolutes like Microsoft does. It makes more sense to charge for use and have a free monthly plafond. A person who plays 5 hours of online a month shouldnt have to pay the same as a person that plays 50 hours online in a month. I think thats a serious oversight.

If you want to play online, you pay. 50 bucks a year is not asking alot. Sony used to make their's free because in the past it was inferior and they knew it. They now have a comparible network. They spend alot maintaining it, no issue with them turning a profit on it.


psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.