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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - It's time - Reggie needs to quit, Now!

pokoko said:
Nintendo of America definitely needs a new "face". Reggie sucks at that aspect of the job. His constant attempts to downplay anything not on Nintendo isn't simply insulting to those other developers and companies, it's insulting to the fans who play and enjoy those games. It's a turn off and it does them no favors.

It's almost like they don't want customers who aren't already Nintendo faithful. If so, then they're going about it the right way, because it sure seems to be working.

And with NX coming, now more than ever a new face is needed.

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I really liked him back in 2004/2005 during the "I'm Reggie and we're here to kick ass and makes games" era. He has said and done a lot of dumb shit lately tho.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
I really liked him back in 2004/2005 during the "I'm Reggie and we're here to kick ass and makes games" era. He has said and done a lot of dumb shit lately tho.

He's a large part of the damaging reputation to his company in recent years. He is the head of Nintendo, big decisions go through him, and some decisions have been detremental, in addition to Reggies attitude of late

Just because he is shit at Public Relations doesn't mean he should quit. He is probably decent at running the internals of the American subsidiary (though they should fix their marketing strategy). I do think he should stop the digs at the competition and take a few classes in PR.

fireburn95 said:
zorg1000 said:
I really liked him back in 2004/2005 during the "I'm Reggie and we're here to kick ass and makes games" era. He has said and done a lot of dumb shit lately tho.

He's a large part of the damaging reputation to his company in recent years. He is the head of Nintendo, big decisions go through him, and some decisions have been detremental, in addition to Reggies attitude of late

Yes I know, hence why I said he has said and done dumb shit lately......

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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ihatefatkatz said:
Just because he is shit at Public Relations doesn't mean he should quit. He is probably decent at running the internals of the American subsidiary (though they should fix their marketing strategy). I do think he should stop the digs at the competition and take a few classes in PR.

Is he? Reputation is hard to gain but easy to lose in this industry. And NoA have been doing nothing but demeaning their own reputation. Nintendo's ad policy for one. Lack of games for another. Where are the american nintendo developers? What about comments about third parties tech, companies he could be relying on in the future, which explains absense of a lot of third party support. When you lose rep, you lose customers support, and in turn, you get lesser sales ala wii u

I don't believe Reggie has much power anyway. He is 'President' and Chief Operating Office of NoA. Iwata is Global President and Chief Executive Officer of Nintendo's American and Japanese branches.

Reggie is the face of NoA but honestly I have never bought into him having real strong sway in major decisions outside of maybe marketing and publicity.

Don't really think he should be fired, but he really should think twice before speaking about certain things :/

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He is not humble, even when he loses, badly.

Reggie - " We Don't Announce Games 5 or 6 Years in Advance Like Other Companies "

Spemanig - "They announced Zelda U, XCX, Yarn Yoshi, and SMTxFE almost 3 years ago. None are out in the U.S."

Reggie - "Virtual Reality 'Isn't fun, and it's not social. It's just tech."

Spemanig - "That explains why Metroid has been turned into an ugly co-op shooter on the 3DS."

Reggie - "Iwata Didn't Apologize Over Nintendo's E3 Direct."

Spemanig - "He should have."

Reggie - "PS4 & Xb1 have a lot of shared content and no exclusives"

Spemanig - "Wii U has a lot of exclusives and no shared content."

He doesn't need to quit. He needs to be fired, along side Iwata and Miyamoto. There, I said it. The legendary Miyamoto-san needs to be (EDIT) petted like a sweet little kitten.