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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - being 'unique' has cost nintendo every recent generation!!!!

Sooner or later there will be (big) developers who creates a Zelda or a Metroid like game with gorgeous graphics and Nintendo-like gameplay and it will not be released on Nintendo's console. Nintendo's own Zelda and Metroid will look ancient and childish compared to them, they become irrelevant. So Nintendo should focus more on games with realistic graphics and a lot of them because they have too much colourfull qnd cartoony games that hurts them in the long run and NOT the hardware...

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sam987 said:
Sooner or later there will be (big) developers who creates a Zelda or a Metroid like game with gorgeous graphics and Nintendo-like gameplay and it will not be released on Nintendo's console. Nintendo's own Zelda and Metroid will look ancient and childish compared to them, they become irrelevant. So Nintendo should focus more on games with realistic graphics and a lot of them because they have too much colourfull qnd cartoony games that hurts them in the long run and NOT the hardware...

Wow. Cartoony and colourfull don't equal childish. Do all the games have to be grey, brown and orange to be great? 

Scoobes said:
Being "unique" isn't what's cost Nintendo. On the contrary, the "uniqueness" of Nintendo's offering is what makes them stand out from the crowd of the gaming industry.

Their main problem is a failure to understand their market, to keep up with industry trends and to nail the fundamentals. For instance, their online infrastructure is weak and they've taken time to get it up to industry standards. The courting and consultation of third-parties is now a basic element to console development but their failure to engage with them has lead to a underpowered console third-parties prefer not to develop on. Being late to HD development and not paying attention to the issues other devs have faced when making the switch to HD has lead to delayed releases of big games on Wii U.

When they've succeeded in the home console space, it's normally because they've managed to differentiate from the crowd to such a degree that not having core features of the other consoles isn't that big of a deal. Innovating is a good thing, but they need to nail the fundamentals as well.


It isnt being unique, but as I am sure others have stated, Nintendo has been slow to adapt to external changes in the industry as well as with marketing to the changing audience.

Being unique has nothing to do with it, Nintendo in their last 4 home consoles have just made decisions that instilled fatal weaknesses in their devices.

N64 - Cartridge medium
GC - The mini disc medium, while later somewhat vindicated the GC controller was not initially well received and the early push of the purple color as the main device color.
Wii - The device barely being stronger then the previous generation, the lack of HD, the weak online infrastructure, the multiple add one, extra devices that never got support beyond 2 or 3 games and Nintendo's own abandoning of support (particularly the lack of more traditional releases that dried up mid way in its life cycle with a focus more ontargeting nostalgia and casual audiences) for the system in NA at least half of the system's life.
Wii U - Poorly named trying draw on the Wii audiences but winding up just confusing the less knowledgeable. Just like the Wii it was just strong enough to be slightly stronger than the last generation. The tablet is well implemented but the lack of more advance tech giving it weaknesses that don't help it seem like a true advancement. The lack of Nintendo titles early on that show the positives of the console or its controller like they had with the Wii and the N64.

These fatal flaws have wound up hurting Nintendo, while the N64 and Wii did well enough due to their games, innovations and other factors, the Wii U is probably even with the improved online features and powerful graphics has all the hallmarks of a Frankenstein device that was not put together by a core concept but piecemealed together by a committee looking at what THEY believed were the current weaknesses of the Wii and not the upcoming issues or features a new generation of consoles would need to face .

Nogamez said:
zorg1000 said:
This is one of the dumber things I've read, Wii & DS are Nintendo's most unique handheld and console ever and sold over 250 million units of hardware, nearly 2 billion units of software and make something like $15 billion dollars in profit over 5 years.

These devices didn't hurt their reputation, 3DS & Wii U hurt Nintendo's reputation by having awful strategies that go against what made Wii/DS so successful.

The wii didn't hurt Nintendo rep? C'mon are you in denial? If the wii brand is so strong why has the wii u only sold 10mil? Because it's associated with the wii that's why.

It's far more complicated than that, just like anything. There are a whole crap ton of reasons that the Wii U hasn't done well. One as you said is the name, not because a negative association with the Wii, but because of consumer confusion about what the Wii U is. The majority of consumers were quite happy with their Wii consoles. The Wii U had abysmal marketing, and the little bit it did have wasn't good or memorable. What was a huge difference between the Wii and Wii U? I bet you still remember the "Wii would like to play" commercials. Any off the  top of your head for the Wii U? I think I remember one, they were pretty rare, and it was essentially a clone of the Wii commercial, ya know, just to add to consumer confusion lol. They couldn't seem to garner much interst from the gaming community for the system. All that and more are reasons why the Wii U hasn't done well, and much of it is quite the opposte of the Wii.

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

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What? This is totally wrong!

NES - very unique console (there wasn't even an actual console market back then!) and a huge success
SNES - moderately unique, moderate success
N64 - moderately unique, moderate success
Gamecube - not unique at all (small discs don't make a console unique...) - no success
Wii - extremely unique, huge success
Wii U - not unique at all (it has a traditional controller with a screen, what's unique here?) - no success

And on the handheld side:
Gameboy - Very unique, huge success
Gameboy Advance - not unique but still a success (no competition says "hello"!)
DS - very unique, huge success
3DS - moderately unique (same as DS but with 3D, no unique software) - moderate success

Nintendo consoles have been successful whenever they were cheap, easy to understand, had mass market software on them and when Nintendo *didn't* try to please any hardcore gamers. You can't just look at a piece of hardware. It's the software that defines how unique a system is.

Nogamez said:
zorg1000 said:
This is one of the dumber things I've read, Wii & DS are Nintendo's most unique handheld and console ever and sold over 250 million units of hardware, nearly 2 billion units of software and make something like $15 billion dollars in profit over 5 years.

These devices didn't hurt their reputation, 3DS & Wii U hurt Nintendo's reputation by having awful strategies that go against what made Wii/DS so successful.

The wii didn't hurt Nintendo rep? C'mon are you in denial? If the wii brand is so strong why has the wii u only sold 10mil? Because it's associated with the wii that's why.

It's like you guys live in an alternative universe! :P 

In the "real world" outside of gaming message forums the Wii was extremely popular and everyone loved it. Outside of gaming message forums people love games like 2D Mario, Wii Sports, Wii Fit and they appreciate cheap consoles like the Wii that are inviting and easy to understand. What really hurts Nintendo's reputation in the market is games about giant flying robots (Xenoblade), Witches who kill giant monster with their hair (Bayonetta) and Nintendo being associated with "hardcore gamers" (who are considered to be weird people playing strange games about flying robots and explosions, post all day on gaming forums and are socially awkward). 

Show a hot girl a Wii with Wii Sports and she'll think you are cool and want to play with you. Show a hot girl a Wii U with Bayonetta and she'll think you're crazy and wonder how soon she can go home. 

RolStoppable said:
UncleScrooge said:

It's like you guys live in an alternative universe! :P 

In the "real world" outside of gaming message forums the Wii was extremely popular and everyone loved it. Outside of gaming message forums people love games like 2D Mario, Wii Sports, Wii Fit and they appreciate cheap consoles like the Wii that are inviting and easy to understand. What really hurts Nintendo's reputation in the market is games about giant flying robots (Xenoblade), Witches who kill giant monster with their hair (Bayonetta) and Nintendo being associated with "hardcore gamers" (who are considered to be weird people playing strange games about flying robots and explosions, post all day on gaming forums and are socially awkward). 

Show a hot girl a Wii with Wii Sports and she'll think you are cool and want to play with you. Show a hot girl a Wii U with Bayonetta and she'll think you're crazy and wonder how soon she can go home. 

I nominate this for post of the week.

Actually, this website could use a section like this. It would be really fun.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

RolStoppable said:
UncleScrooge said:

It's like you guys live in an alternative universe! :P 

In the "real world" outside of gaming message forums the Wii was extremely popular and everyone loved it. Outside of gaming message forums people love games like 2D Mario, Wii Sports, Wii Fit and they appreciate cheap consoles like the Wii that are inviting and easy to understand. What really hurts Nintendo's reputation in the market is games about giant flying robots (Xenoblade), Witches who kill giant monster with their hair (Bayonetta) and Nintendo being associated with "hardcore gamers" (who are considered to be weird people playing strange games about flying robots and explosions, post all day on gaming forums and are socially awkward). 

Show a hot girl a Wii with Wii Sports and she'll think you are cool and want to play with you. Show a hot girl a Wii U with Bayonetta and she'll think you're crazy and wonder how soon she can go home. 

I nominate this for post of the week.

I'll second that! Even though its my ass he's owning :)

UncleScrooge said:
Nogamez said:

The wii didn't hurt Nintendo rep? C'mon are you in denial? If the wii brand is so strong why has the wii u only sold 10mil? Because it's associated with the wii that's why.

It's like you guys live in an alternative universe! :P 

In the "real world" outside of gaming message forums the Wii was extremely popular and everyone loved it. Outside of gaming message forums people love games like 2D Mario, Wii Sports, Wii Fit and they appreciate cheap consoles like the Wii that are inviting and easy to understand. What really hurts Nintendo's reputation in the market is games about giant flying robots (Xenoblade), Witches who kill giant monster with their hair (Bayonetta) and Nintendo being associated with "hardcore gamers" (who are considered to be weird people playing strange games about flying robots and explosions, post all day on gaming forums and are socially awkward). 

Show a hot girl a Wii with Wii Sports and she'll think you are cool and want to play with you. Show a hot girl a Wii U with Bayonetta and she'll think you're crazy and wonder how soon she can go home. 

this would have been true back when Wii sports was actual relevant