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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - being 'unique' has cost nintendo every recent generation!!!!

let's face it, Nintendo is stupid, if Wii had the gamer's support (3rd party & graphics) even partly it would have outsold Ps2 and still be selling

this gen they had the chance to recover 3rd party support and graphics with the WiiU, which they tried at first, but then suddenly they thought going with what gave them sales (casuals) would be the safest way, and hence, failed even more

next gen they have to be on par graphic-wise, and I believe their games are already unique enough not to mention that tablets or anything they can think of can always be an optional accessory, not all games were using motion controls anyway

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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Nogamez said:
Rustuv said:

Think of it like this. I was about 15 when game cube came out and loved the n64 and wasn't a huge fan of ps1. Trade in n64 hmmm lets see shall I get ps2 or game cube. Looks at gamecube  ' wtf is this weird purple  toy that looks like a fisherprice thing that uses weird mini discs that no one uses!!! Looks at ps2looks cool modern sleek sexy. Nice ps2 it is then.

I have to ask: I can understand that an unsecure 15 year old boy is sensitive to the colour of the console. This surely could not be your real reason?

I do not defend Nintendo, just assuming games and the success of PS1 could be more deciding factors.

baloofarsan said:
Nogamez said:

Think of it like this. I was about 15 when game cube came out and loved the n64 and wasn't a huge fan of ps1. Trade in n64 hmmm lets see shall I get ps2 or game cube. Looks at gamecube  ' wtf is this weird purple  toy that looks like a fisherprice thing that uses weird mini discs that no one uses!!! Looks at ps2looks cool modern sleek sexy. Nice ps2 it is then.

I have to ask: I can understand that an unsecure 15 year old boy is sensitive to the colour of the console. This surely could not be your real reason?

I do not defend Nintendo, just assuming games and the success of PS1 could be more deciding factors.

I do not defend Nogamez, but it is a real reason. It's nothing to do with insecurity, it's just the psychology of kids that age. They want to look mature, so they're more likely to want something that looks cool. It's the same mentality that draws kids of that age group away from bright, cartoonish games and towards gritty, realistic shooters because they want to look more 'mature', and cool among their friends.

I doubt any kid that age would buy a PS2 based on the commercial success of the PS1, especially if he'd never played one before. It's going to be the look of the new console and the games that are on offer with that console.

The gamecube resembled a kids toy. It was bright purple and even had a carry handle. You can just imagine 6 year old kid sister pretending it's a handbag and using it as an accessory to her dress-up outfit. (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit there, but you get the picture)

baloofarsan said:
Nogamez said:

Think of it like this. I was about 15 when game cube came out and loved the n64 and wasn't a huge fan of ps1. Trade in n64 hmmm lets see shall I get ps2 or game cube. Looks at gamecube  ' wtf is this weird purple  toy that looks like a fisherprice thing that uses weird mini discs that no one uses!!! Looks at ps2looks cool modern sleek sexy. Nice ps2 it is then.

I have to ask: I can understand that an unsecure 15 year old boy is sensitive to the colour of the console. This surely could not be your real reason?

I do not defend Nintendo, just assuming games and the success of PS1 could be more deciding factors.

This and the fact they turned my favourite franchise (Zelda) into a cartoon. Remember I was 15. On the PS Ilse was GTA3 of course I bought a ps2. Eventually I owned all 6th gen consoles for this reason except GameCube.

PS windwaker is a amazing game my adult self now realises this. 

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
let's face it, Nintendo is stupid, if Wii had the gamer's support (3rd party & graphics) even partly it would have outsold Ps2 and still be selling

this gen they had the chance to recover 3rd party support and graphics with the WiiU, which they tried at first, but then suddenly they thought going with what gave them sales (casuals) would be the safest way, and hence, failed even more

next gen they have to be on par graphic-wise, and I believe their games are already unique enough not to mention that tablets or anything they can think of can always be an optional accessory, not all games were using motion controls anyway

If Wii had a power like the PS360, the device would have been too expensive to interest the new consumers as much as it did. It would have had less sales, and 3rd parties would have kept the trend of less support on Nintendo's home consoles. The Wii had a lot of third party support, the thing is, that support cattered mostly to the casual side of the Wii fanbase. Hell, thanks to the Wii not being HD, its developing costs meant developers could try and experiment on the platform and profit from the gigantic fanbase. The Wii worked so well both MS and Sony tried to imitate Nintendo (Kineckt and PS Move, cattering to that same casual audience).

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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Hedra42 said:
baloofarsan said:
Nogamez said:

Think of it like this. I was about 15 when game cube came out and loved the n64 and wasn't a huge fan of ps1. Trade in n64 hmmm lets see shall I get ps2 or game cube. Looks at gamecube  ' wtf is this weird purple  toy that looks like a fisherprice thing that uses weird mini discs that no one uses!!! Looks at ps2looks cool modern sleek sexy. Nice ps2 it is then.

I have to ask: I can understand that an unsecure 15 year old boy is sensitive to the colour of the console. This surely could not be your real reason?

I do not defend Nintendo, just assuming games and the success of PS1 could be more deciding factors.

I do not defend Nogamez, but it is a real reason. It's nothing to do with insecurity, it's just the psychology of kids that age. They want to look mature, so they're more likely to want something that looks cool. It's the same mentality that draws kids of that age group away from bright, cartoonish games and towards gritty, realistic shooters because they want to look more 'mature', and cool among their friends.

I doubt any kid that age would buy a PS2 based on the commercial success of the PS1, especially if he'd never played one before. It's going to be the look of the new console and the games that are on offer with that console.

The gamecube resembled a kids toy. It was bright purple and even had a carry handle. You can just imagine 6 year old kid sister pretending it's a handbag and using it as an accessory to her dress-up outfit. (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit there, but you get the picture)

that's all hindsight. i think it's only in retrospect that people are criticizing the gamecube's appearance, and that's only because it lost. i think if it had sold better, people would be like "man! that thing was so awesome looking." i hadn't heard the "lunchbox" comments till relatively recently. the reality is it was the most compact system that generation; the handle was sometimes made fun of, but ultimately useful; and that violet color back in the early 2000s was pretty cool. yes, today it looks tasteless, but not back then. 

Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U combined total of 310 million units of hardware sold, being unique has not cost Nintendo thus far. The numbers and profits are heavily in Nintendos favour on this.

jmorris724 said:
Hedra42 said:
baloofarsan said:


I have to ask: I can understand that an unsecure 15 year old boy is sensitive to the colour of the console. This surely could not be your real reason?

I do not defend Nintendo, just assuming games and the success of PS1 could be more deciding factors.

I do not defend Nogamez, but it is a real reason. It's nothing to do with insecurity, it's just the psychology of kids that age. They want to look mature, so they're more likely to want something that looks cool. It's the same mentality that draws kids of that age group away from bright, cartoonish games and towards gritty, realistic shooters because they want to look more 'mature', and cool among their friends.

I doubt any kid that age would buy a PS2 based on the commercial success of the PS1, especially if he'd never played one before. It's going to be the look of the new console and the games that are on offer with that console.

The gamecube resembled a kids toy. It was bright purple and even had a carry handle. You can just imagine 6 year old kid sister pretending it's a handbag and using it as an accessory to her dress-up outfit. (ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit there, but you get the picture)

that's all hindsight. i think it's only in retrospect that people are criticizing the gamecube's appearance, and that's only because it lost. i think if it had sold better, people would be like "man! that thing was so awesome looking." i hadn't heard the "lunchbox" comments till relatively recently. the reality is it was the most compact system that generation; the handle was sometimes made fun of, but ultimately useful; and that violet color back in the early 2000s was pretty cool. yes, today it looks tasteless, but not back then. 

If my 13 year old lived in the early 2000s and was shown a PS2 and a Gamecube and told that he could choose one of them, based on looks alone he'd choose the PS2.

Nes was not the same as compertition. You focus on the costs of being unqie and ignore the success they had with the likes of the ds and wii.

Being "unique" isn't what's cost Nintendo. On the contrary, the "uniqueness" of Nintendo's offering is what makes them stand out from the crowd of the gaming industry.

Their main problem is a failure to understand their market, to keep up with industry trends and to nail the fundamentals. For instance, their online infrastructure is weak and they've taken time to get it up to industry standards. The courting and consultation of third-parties is now a basic element to console development but their failure to engage with them has lead to a underpowered console third-parties prefer not to develop on. Being late to HD development and not paying attention to the issues other devs have faced when making the switch to HD has lead to delayed releases of big games on Wii U.

When they've succeeded in the home console space, it's normally because they've managed to differentiate from the crowd to such a degree that not having core features of the other consoles isn't that big of a deal. Innovating is a good thing, but they need to nail the fundamentals as well.