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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 2015: Horizon: Zero Dawn's incredible balance of action and RPG

T-Rex Attacks in the Demo

4:06 - Ram

4:13 - Sends out little drones, that shoots rockets at you.

4:25 - Stomp

4:59 - Tail whip

And they are supposed to have more? Holly shit.

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Torillian said:
Acevil said:

But wouldn't you thus argue that drops themselves could be seen as experience that you need to make your character stronger? Given you are correct that I truly need to see what they mean by leveling up system. In which case I could be so wrong on my assumption.

You could argue that grinding for equipment in MH is similar to grinding levels in any standard RPG, but just because something is very similar does not make a game an RPG.  Similar to how some think Zelda is an RPG simply because it has a lot of the trappings common to the genre.  To me genres are defined by key gameplay motifs and the key for RPGs is leveling base stats using experience.  

And yeah, it really depends what the quoted person means by "leveling up Aloy" because obviously that isn't a statement with a clearcut definition as you and I just proved.  

I guess I should really decide exactly how I define as a clear cut RPG over as well. All these survival games have really messed me up. Given I am looking forward to this regardless. Like I said I will get this. 


I can't believe this game is open world RPG. I want to know more about how open the game is so that I can finally shit my pants without regrets.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

This game has potential to sell very well.