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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Disinformation Agents Have Overtaken VGCHARTZ (Nintendo Related)

You can't see the writing on the wall if you don't think Nintendo has shifted development from Wii U to NX. I mean seriously, their big reveal at E3 was Mario Tennis??! If they have all their resources focused on developing Mario Tennis then Nintendo is in even worse shape than anyone ever thought.

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Maybe we should do a pole in a thread?

Ask when do you think Nintendo will release a their new consol?
Have options for 2016 , 2017, 2018, 2019.

See where people vote.

I think Wii U gen will be short,... like by 2017 there will be a new consol out.

Pavolink said:
Will you open a thread next year calling yourself a liar if everything pointed in the OP occurs?

is there a power supply nearby ?

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

tak13 said:
Pavolink said:
Will you open a thread next year calling yourself a liar if everything pointed in the OP occurs?

If he gets refuted,yes he will make it,because he has the guts to admit it!I wonder about the others of the opposite side if will do the same if they get refuted...

They seem so certain,so such a miss would be painful!

Why would I open a thread calling myself a liar if I have already been called like that in this thread (and before)?

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

kljesta64 said:
Pavolink said:
Will you open a thread next year calling yourself a liar if everything pointed in the OP occurs?

is there a power supply nearby ?

You don't need one. Anyone can put the link to this thread in his sig.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

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Ruler said:
i am one of them.
Seriously i am really not that into nintendo to care but ever since they delayed zelda U for next year it became so clear to me.

What became clear ... if you're not familiar with Console Zelda games them being delayed is the norm.  When they announced it for 2015 I immediately said we wouldn't see it before 2016.

kljesta64 said:

Beware of those who disinform and claim Nintendo will release a new consoles in 2016. It's a lie.

Beware of those who say Zelda U is cross gen and it will release on Nintendos new console and Wii U. It's a lie. 

Beware of those who say Nintendo has abandoned Wii U and is already developing games for their next console. It's a lie.


There's no evidence. There's no logic to support these ugly claims.

Releasing a new console in the mid of a generation makes no sense at all. It's basically the path of Sega and look what happend. People are dissapointed. Nintendo fans are dissapointed..that does not mean any of these claims are true. That does not mean a new console is on the horizon. It's all a big messy disinformational campaign a lie.

The gaming industry dissapoints but eventually it makes up for it.



I call the information a lie not people and im clearly not calling names out. I made this thread for those who dont know better and see all kinds of threads where most claim its a fact its only logical that nintendo will release a new console in 2016 and other stuff i mentioned above. its simply not the truth and i dont claim to now the truth. we'll have to wait and see i guess.


you are claiming to know the truth as you are categorically calling conventional wisdom re the Wii U a lie.    I undertand if you don t agree that the NX will be released next year or that Zelda will be on both consoles, but just becasue yo don t agree w those of us who beleive the opposite does not mean its a lie- A lie would mean we have tangible evidence that the Wii U is not being replaced in 2016 yet we are saying otherwise-  In fact it is Nintendo who are doing and saying things that strongly indicate the Wii U  s days are numbered-  If they are not  releasing Zelda on both consoles they could easily say that and could have easily had it at e3 (after all they have been using the "imminent" ZeldaU to build hype since shortly after the Wii u launch-but they did not. They could have said Zelda Wii U is going to release in 2016 but they did not-  They did not need to refer to the NX by name but they did-   If Nintendo is not releasing a new console in 2016 then they are even more incometent than anyone could imagine because they are sure acting like it

Soundwave said:

I don't really get why Nintendo fans on this board are so terrified of new hardware.

The Wii U and 3DS are nothing special, the sooner they are replaced the better.

This is nothing like the Sega situation at all where they released 32X and Saturn 8 months within each other too, OK so stop citing that as an example, especially the 15 year olds here who don't really know anything about that era. 

The XBox 360 and Nintendo DS are the best selling Microsoft and Nintendo game hardware systems and they were both preceeded by system's with shorter lifecycles and that didn't impact them. 

I can't speak for others and this is the first I've really weighed in on the subject.  Personally if they release another home console in 2016 I won't be picking it up at launch.  I'll take a wait and see approach (at least I'll try).  The numbers for the Wii U have sucked.  I think it is a great console, I've embraced it financially like no other console before it. I have close to a couple hundred games for it.

If they release another console too soon (and I think 2016 even holiday 2016 is too soon) my confidence in the markets acceptance of said console is pretty low. I don't think I will be the only one taking a wait and see approach. If enough of the N base does this I can't see third parties treating the NX any differently than the Wii U (perhaps even worse ... no third party launch support).  Outside of the Wii, it seems a console needs decent to good 3rd party support to gain market-share and thus be attractive as a platform for third parties.  There are a lot of factors (architecture being one) that play into 3rd party support and even said support is just one of many other factors than can be part of a consoles success.

Tachikoma said:
kljesta64 said:

Beware of those who disinform and claim Nintendo will release a new consoles in 2016. It's a lie.

Beware of those who say Zelda U is cross gen and it will release on Nintendos new console and Wii U. It's a lie. 

Beware of those who say Nintendo has abandoned Wii U and is already developing games for their next console. It's a lie.

No offence but you cannot prove that these theories are untrue, just as they cannot prove their own theories are true, so labeling them liars seems a little pointless.

Can you, beyond a shadow of doubt prove that Nintendo will not release a new console/console in 2016, that Zelda U won't be cross gen, or that Nintendo are planning on winding down support for the WiiU? because if you can't, you really shouldn't be calling peoples theories lies.

Couldn't have said it better myself, this thread comes across as I have a contrary view point , so anything else must be a lie, so instead of an arguement  based on empirical evidence you end up with a rebuttal based on emotion using emotive language like it's a lie rather than looking at the evidence and giving reasons why you think it is improbable and the bonus is you don't need to use the word lie just the bolded.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

noname2200 said:
Tachikoma said:

Theres a difference between a realistic and plausible theory based off of varying factors and a complete fabrication.
People are coming up with these theories based on real world events, Nintendos actions and various key signifiers.

We had a sparse e3 direct where Nintendo went out of their way to repeatedly focus on the idea that Nintendo was transforming, they even mentioned NX in the direct, if it was far enough off that we could expect a few more years worth of WiiU titles there would have been zero reason to mention NX, but they did.

Also, a theory isn't a lie if the person that shares that theory believes it, far fetched? maybe, Plausible? depends, but a lie? not really.

When you give an example of iwara planning to harvest organs, you write that knowing full well that theres nothing to back it up and you yourself do not believe it to be true, thus it's a lie, however if you truly believed that iwata was harvesting organs, until it could be varifiably disproved it would not be a lie, it would be your belief / theory.

Take religion as an example, Millions of people follow religion because it's what they have chosen to believe, even when said religion lacks physical evidence to support it, would you in that situation, call the people following these religions liars?

You're right to a degree, but only to a degree. I also believe the OP went too far by calling the theorists "liars," because I believe some of the people spouting the theories genuinely (though not necessarily reasonably) believe their statements might be true.

However, the OP is correct in calling these unsupported theories "misinformation," because at the end of the day that's exactly what it is. After all, when a person puts forth a statement it is up to that perso to provide the factual support for it.

There is, literally, no evidence to support the first two statements identified in the OP.* There are logical assumptions - in this case, often leaps really - that some people are making to jump to those conclusions. They don't even rise to the level of rumors: they're suppositions cobbled together from select information, and they should be treated accordingly. Notwithstanding this reality, there appear to be folks going around spreading these assumptions like they're gospel.

In that respect, I feel comfortable siding with the OP, and took exception to holding him to a higher standard of proof than the rumormongers. After all, he is simply calling out people who are dressing supposition as fact: before I demand that he prove his case, it is both fair and logical to insist that the people making the original claims submit some proof for their claims, no?


*I, at least, have not seen or heard of any, nor have I heard whispers that the evidence is available somewhere.

Nintendo IS telling everyone the wiiu is being replaced ASAP  It almost does not matter the date of when the NX is released becasue they have given all the evidence needed that the support for Wii U will be minimal going forward and their resources have been focussed on the future console