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Who won the E3 ? @ All VGChartz User

The PlayStation 4 (Sony) 1,279 68.03%
The Xbox1 (MS) 279 14.84%
nintendo digital event 105 5.59%
see results 217 11.54%
sales2099 said:

Seems no matter what MS does, bias always wins.

MS: Here's backwards compatibility, remasters/collections, favorite IP sequels, new IPs, Indie support, and VR doing something different then the competition.

No Kinect, no COD (which Sony had), and all time was dedicated to game, except for Hololens, which people were atcually excited about.

Sony: Timed exclusive FF7, confirming The Last Guardian still exists,funding Shenmue 3 which you can't play until 2+ years later, timed exclusive 3rd party DLC

Off course this is a oversimplification, but I really want to talk about this. Sony is banking on nostalgia (which MS too) while leaving 2015 with next to no big title releases, with Uncharted Collection being the headliner.

Sony managed to make grown men cry and wet them selves, make a bias clain when if ever ms ever manages that.

Around the Network
yvanjean said:
Normchacho said:

I don't think you understand what "smoke and Mirrors" means...

Smoke and mirrors is a metaphor for a deceptive, fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description.

Shenmue 3, Last Guardian & No man sky ..... Shenmue 3 and No man sky coming to PC and all three title have yet to prove that they are worth playing. 

FF7 Remake was the only major announcement IMO and you know that game will be AAA and will be amazing. Also probably coming to PC and time exclusive console remains to be seen. 

Surely *ALL* games have to prove they are worth playing right? So all conferences were smoke and mirrors, because they want to show their games in the best light.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

deskpro2k3 said:
sales2099 said:

But FF7 doesn't belong to more then Tomb Raider belongs to XBox fans. Still find it difficult to believe that Sony saying The Last Guardian still exists counts as a megaton.

But hey, if that's what you guys want, then more power to ya. But in all that glamour, they kinda left the rest of this year in the hands of third parties, while MS has a stacked lineup and is bringing backwards compatibility.

Guess what I'm trying to say is that MS used to be criticized for leaving some years barren only to focus on the next one, as well as relying on third parties. MS is announcing 2016+ things, but also giving us things in the near future. Sony is banking on the idea of what the future will bring, while taking it easy now just because they are the market leader. Just my persepctive, but ok I see your points.

Last time I checked, FF7 is not on any xbox console.

The rest of this year is in good hands with Persona 5, until dawn, god of war III remaster, uncharted collection, no man's sky, rime, tearaway, everyone's gone to rapture, wattam.

Last time I checked, FF7 remake is timed exclusive to PS4 and will come to Xbox One. You know what I meant.

That list is composed of remakes and B titles/indies. With No Man's Sky being the exception and possibly 2016. Its happened..... its 2011 again, except PS4 fans are defending Sony for the remakes and indies and Xbox fans are bragging about having more AAA games.

This is trippy :P

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
deskpro2k3 said:

Last time I checked, FF7 is not on any xbox console.

The rest of this year is in good hands with Persona 5, until dawn, god of war III remaster, uncharted collection, no man's sky, rime, tearaway, everyone's gone to rapture, wattam.

Last time I checked, FF7 remake is timed exclusive to PS4 and will come to Xbox One. You know what I meant.

That list is composed of remakes and B titles/indies. With No Man's Sky being the exception and possibly 2016. Its happened..... its 2011 again, except PS4 fans are defending Sony for the remakes and indies and Xbox fans are bragging about having more AAA games.

This is trippy :P

Oh really? Send me that source, I must have missed when they said it was coming to Xbox One.

Thanks jlmurph!

Of course there would be more people that say the PS4 won.  More people own the PS4, and more people on this site probably favor PS4.  I am not hating on the poll, but it seems a bit biased.

Favorite Game Franchises-

Gran Turismo, Forza, Project Gotham Racing, Need for Speed, Burnout, TOCA Race Driver/Race Driver/Grid, Colin McRae Rally/Dirt, Halo, TimeSplitters, Splinter Cell, Gears of War, Borderlands, and Call of Duty.

Let's just say I love racing games followed by shooters and the Xbox One has filled this love.

Around the Network
BreedinBull said:
sales2099 said:
deskpro2k3 said:

Last time I checked, FF7 is not on any xbox console.

The rest of this year is in good hands with Persona 5, until dawn, god of war III remaster, uncharted collection, no man's sky, rime, tearaway, everyone's gone to rapture, wattam.

Last time I checked, FF7 remake is timed exclusive to PS4 and will come to Xbox One. You know what I meant.

That list is composed of remakes and B titles/indies. With No Man's Sky being the exception and possibly 2016. Its happened..... its 2011 again, except PS4 fans are defending Sony for the remakes and indies and Xbox fans are bragging about having more AAA games.

This is trippy :P

Oh really? Send me that source, I must have missed when they said it was coming to Xbox One.

Everything says "First on PS4".  So it is a timed exclusive, but other consoles or PC have been named yet.

Favorite Game Franchises-

Gran Turismo, Forza, Project Gotham Racing, Need for Speed, Burnout, TOCA Race Driver/Race Driver/Grid, Colin McRae Rally/Dirt, Halo, TimeSplitters, Splinter Cell, Gears of War, Borderlands, and Call of Duty.

Let's just say I love racing games followed by shooters and the Xbox One has filled this love.

sales2099 said:
deskpro2k3 said:

Last time I checked, FF7 is not on any xbox console.

The rest of this year is in good hands with Persona 5, until dawn, god of war III remaster, uncharted collection, no man's sky, rime, tearaway, everyone's gone to rapture, wattam.

Last time I checked, FF7 remake is timed exclusive to PS4 and will come to Xbox One. You know what I meant.

That list is composed of remakes and B titles/indies. With No Man's Sky being the exception and possibly 2016. Its happened..... its 2011 again, except PS4 fans are defending Sony for the remakes and indies and Xbox fans are bragging about having more AAA games.

This is trippy :P

I don't think they have more AAA games. They do have more sequels to already established AAA franchises though. 

Hynad said:
sales2099 said:

Last time I checked, FF7 remake is timed exclusive to PS4 and will come to Xbox One. You know what I meant.

That list is composed of remakes and B titles/indies. With No Man's Sky being the exception and possibly 2016. Its happened..... its 2011 again, except PS4 fans are defending Sony for the remakes and indies and Xbox fans are bragging about having more AAA games.

This is trippy :P

I don't think they have more AAA games. They do have more sequels to already established AAA franchises though. 

lol ill take it!

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Vrruumm said:
BreedinBull said:
sales2099 said:

Last time I checked, FF7 remake is timed exclusive to PS4 and will come to Xbox One. You know what I meant.

That list is composed of remakes and B titles/indies. With No Man's Sky being the exception and possibly 2016. Its happened..... its 2011 again, except PS4 fans are defending Sony for the remakes and indies and Xbox fans are bragging about having more AAA games.

This is trippy :P

Oh really? Send me that source, I must have missed when they said it was coming to Xbox One.

Everything says "First on PS4".  So it is a timed exclusive, but other consoles or PC have been named yet.

You gonna help him find that source stating FFVII Remake is coming to Xbox one or ?

Thanks jlmurph!

yvanjean said:
Normchacho said:

I don't think you understand what "smoke and Mirrors" means...

Smoke and mirrors is a metaphor for a deceptive, fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description.

Shenmue 3, Last Guardian & No man sky ..... Shenmue 3 and No man sky coming to PC and all three title have yet to prove that they are worth playing. 

FF7 Remake was the only major announcement IMO and you know that game will be AAA and will be amazing. Also probably coming to PC and time exclusive console remains to be seen. 

For the sake of keeping things clean I'll reply to both of your posts here.

Yeah...doesn't match the definition of smoke and mirrors...We've seen gameplay for No Mans Sky and The Last Guardian, so it would really be up to each person to decide for themselves what they think is "worth playing" and that even applies to the big games like Uncharted and Halo.

You don't think Horizon: Zero Dawn was a big announcement? A huge AAA open world RPG being made by the guys who made Killzone who recently hired people that worked on The Witcher 3, Shadows of Mordor, and Fallout New Vegas? Oh, and they showed gameplay.

as for MS 2016, that's about the same number or "major" games Sony has had for 2015.

The Order, MLB 15, Bloodborne, GOW3:R, Until Dawn, No Man's Sky, Uncharted collection.

So far Sony in 2016 has or will likely have, 

Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, Horizon, The Last Guardian, GT7, SFV, World of Final Fantasy,  and likely Dreams.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.