BreedinBull said:
sales2099 said:
deskpro2k3 said:
Last time I checked, FF7 is not on any xbox console.
The rest of this year is in good hands with Persona 5, until dawn, god of war III remaster, uncharted collection, no man's sky, rime, tearaway, everyone's gone to rapture, wattam.
Last time I checked, FF7 remake is timed exclusive to PS4 and will come to Xbox One. You know what I meant.
That list is composed of remakes and B titles/indies. With No Man's Sky being the exception and possibly 2016. Its happened..... its 2011 again, except PS4 fans are defending Sony for the remakes and indies and Xbox fans are bragging about having more AAA games.
This is trippy :P
Oh really? Send me that source, I must have missed when they said it was coming to Xbox One.
Everything says "First on PS4". So it is a timed exclusive, but other consoles or PC have been named yet.
Favorite Game Franchises-
Gran Turismo, Forza, Project Gotham Racing, Need for Speed, Burnout, TOCA Race Driver/Race Driver/Grid, Colin McRae Rally/Dirt, Halo, TimeSplitters, Splinter Cell, Gears of War, Borderlands, and Call of Duty.
Let's just say I love racing games followed by shooters and the Xbox One has filled this love.