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Forums - Sales Discussion - The official NPD February 2008 thread

I think ioi is doing a marvelous job. I give you the award for "best video game sales charting site that I post on".

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Jandre theres so many of those people. "douchebag" describes the majority of this sites population. You need to be a little more specific.

DMeisterJ said:
ioi said:
Look at those DS numbers! Undertracked in Jan, anyone?

I don't get it?

[maybe i'm slow]

 I'm not sure either but maybe he's implying that NPD undertracked DS in Jan and "corrected" itself by giving it a boost in Feb. 

loadedstatement said:
sharky3 said:
Didn't Target have a $99 sale on PS2? That probably accounts for a lot of it's bump.

Vgchartz numbers wrong again, the usual. Any generic prediction would be at least as accurate as vgchartz.

That'll probably get me banned but oh well, just the truth.


First of all, NPD just PREDICTS. Just like VGC. These are not numbers from Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony. Keep in mind we track all of NA, not just USA. You are massively uninformed and extremely pessimistic. If you do not enjoy the website or the numbers we produce, please do us all a favor and leave.

 Predict != estimate. NPD and VGC both estimate based on a percentage of sales figures and formulas. NPD is more accurate by nature of collecting in the neighborhood of 4-6 times as much data as VGC.

 Don't get me wrong though, VGC is still quite cool and useful.

Last year at this time it was

GBA VS PS3!!!!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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DMeisterJ said:
leo-j said:
DS 584,153
Wii 561,332
Xbox 355,921
PS3 338,493
PS2 273,933
PSP 265,475

PS3 overtracked by more than 50k
Wii overtracked by about 130k
Xbox over tracked by 100k
PS2 undertracked by 80k
PSP almost spot on
DS Amazingly spot on.

Oh damn... why did you do this leo-j.

*Puts ear to ground*

They're coming, RUN!


darthdevidem01 said:
Last year at this time it was

GBA VS PS3!!!!


I remember those times. Dark days, indeed. PS3 has made quite the turn around.

azrm2k said:
DMeisterJ said:
ioi said:
Look at those DS numbers! Undertracked in Jan, anyone?

I don't get it?

[maybe i'm slow]

 I'm not sure either but maybe he's implying that NPD undertracked DS in Jan and "corrected" itself by giving it a boost in Feb. 

Yea I think thats what he meant.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

ioi said:
Look at those DS numbers! Undertracked in Jan, anyone?



Your site predictions were a joke as usual, but go ahead pat yourself on the back and ban me again.


I like your site, but it should be reimagined as a sales depository, where  say all the scattered articles of confirmed Europe sales are collected and archived in one place, as well as any public NPD's. The fact is the place is built on dishonesty, and you've got lots of little kids who actually dont know you just pull the numbers out of your butt more or less. But I do know.


Oh, hurry up and report me all you PS3 fanboys (or more like 360 haters) patrolling the board because you certainly dont have any games to play. Somebody qoute my post so the discussion lives on though plz :) 


*20,000 rabid PS3 fanboys frothing at the mouth and breathlessly waiting by their keyboards report sharky's post* 

Deviation59 said:
loadedstatement said:
sharky3 said:
Didn't Target have a $99 sale on PS2? That probably accounts for a lot of it's bump.

Vgchartz numbers wrong again, the usual. Any generic prediction would be at least as accurate as vgchartz.

That'll probably get me banned but oh well, just the truth.


First of all, NPD just PREDICTS. Just like VGC. These are not numbers from Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony. Keep in mind we track all of NA, not just USA. You are massively uninformed and extremely pessimistic. If you do not enjoy the website or the numbers we produce, please do us all a favor and leave.

 Predict != estimate. NPD and VGC both estimate based on a percentage of sales figures and formulas. NPD is more accurate by nature of collecting in the neighborhood of 4-6 times as much data as VGC.

 Don't get me wrong though, VGC is still quite cool and useful.


True.  A slight vocab mixup.  Still though, my point remains the same.  And we seem to trust NPD more because it is their job to report this data and charge for it.  VGC samples less sources and offers free data and thus is seen as less reliable.  I believe both sources deserve a ton of credibility.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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