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Deviation59 said:
loadedstatement said:
sharky3 said:
Didn't Target have a $99 sale on PS2? That probably accounts for a lot of it's bump.

Vgchartz numbers wrong again, the usual. Any generic prediction would be at least as accurate as vgchartz.

That'll probably get me banned but oh well, just the truth.


First of all, NPD just PREDICTS. Just like VGC. These are not numbers from Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony. Keep in mind we track all of NA, not just USA. You are massively uninformed and extremely pessimistic. If you do not enjoy the website or the numbers we produce, please do us all a favor and leave.

 Predict != estimate. NPD and VGC both estimate based on a percentage of sales figures and formulas. NPD is more accurate by nature of collecting in the neighborhood of 4-6 times as much data as VGC.

 Don't get me wrong though, VGC is still quite cool and useful.


True.  A slight vocab mixup.  Still though, my point remains the same.  And we seem to trust NPD more because it is their job to report this data and charge for it.  VGC samples less sources and offers free data and thus is seen as less reliable.  I believe both sources deserve a ton of credibility.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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