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Forums - Sony Discussion - Can SONY get away without a PS4 price cut?


Can SONY get away without a PS4 price cut?

Yes 86 66.67%
No fucking way 43 33.33%

So Sony's exlcusives or lineup hasn't been great this year but now its looking alrite.As the year started,Microsoft had an upperhand when it came to Exclsuives and game content and after Uncharted 4 Delay was announced,it really looked that SONY might be a bit weak this holiday.

But the way SONY started this generation and hoard of game franchises they had,i never really doubted them but still they were a bit lacking and were slow and sould seem to be laid bad.

The way they started and the amount of studio's they have and game IP's,they could actually have easily sealed and finished off the generation by now either by sales or by announcements.Not that they already haven't but I still think if SONY majorly fuck-up(I don't think they will or even come close to it),Microsoft still has a chance to catch-up with PS4 if not beat it.

Destiny was a big franchise and marketing and DLC exclusive but Destiny wasn't as big atleast in Quality terms or even sales terms as people were hoping when $500 million fake budget was announced or the way it was hyped up or what people expected of a Bungie game and a game which from previews looked stunning and game changer.


To me its not just winning and relaxing but when you have 50% marketshare,a hoard of Gaming Studio's and Gaming IP's and Brand Lead,you should be finishing off the game sealing your dominance and crushing off the competitors,the way SONY fucked up with PS3 after PS2 Lead,anything is possible and SONY's financial state doesn't exactly assure me that they couldn't fuck-up again.


Anyways,lets get to this years E3 as after Microsoft's conference,I feel pretty good about PS4 as Microsoft didn't really announce anything game-changing but still sony should be tightening up and run away with the lead.So will they or will they just relax?Their head-start and Microsoft's performance gives PS4 almost competition as far as XBONE coming back from beind but still thing can change the game totally over a 6months sales period and Microsoft's Marketing and Price-cut can add to it.

Sony doesn't need to do much but how much will be enough if they choose not to kill off XBONE.I think they can get away with just Call of Duty and Star Wars Battlefront and Metal Gear Bundle's and DLC exclusivity and just One other big game like Final Fantasy 15 in 2015.I also expect Uncharted 4 to be release in FY2016(April2015-March2016) as their have been rumors that it will release before April 2016 but i am not counting it as far as supporting PS4 this year.They don't even need a price-cut anywhere even in North America.

But I think they will do alot more and will give a $50 price-cut but what do you think?

Following are some of the announcements i think will happen at this year SONY E3.


Gran Turismo 7 2016 release
Uncharted 4 FY 2015-16 aka in or before March 2016
Battlfront Gameplay and Bundle
Call of Duty Gameplay and Bundle
Destiny Expansion
Last Guardian release date announcement
Guerrilla Games 2016 release
God of War 4 announcement
Sucker Punch announcement
Media Molecule announcement
Agent release 2016 release
Final fanatasy 15 release date FY 2015-2016 aka in or before March 2016
Kingdom hearts Gameplay
Metal Gear Solid Phanton Pain bundle
PS4 pricecut
VITA pricecut
Project Morpheus price and release date FY 2016 aka in or before March 2016

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No... they need a 50$ price cut atleast.

You don't need to worry about this. Pretty sure Sony will announce a PS4 price cut.

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If they announce a price cut, I will buy another PS4!

Yeah, they can. No competition.

Around the Network

They can certainly "get away" with it. Sales WW are not even close and it is very doubtful that will change. However, it is time for a pricecut to sustain growth. History has shown that pricecuts, not exclusives, are what shoots a shot of adrenaline in the chest of a console. If they want to stay on track it is time to cut the price.

I'm surprised as people say that Destiny didn't "sold" well. You can argue about its quality, but the game sold 10M and got a ton of expansion sales.

Why do you keep attacking Sony in thread after thread? What is your agenda honestly?

Wut ? Get away from what ? O_O

Nothing seen until now should scare Sony...

*Looks at chartz*
*Looks at current prices and sales since price cut for MS*
Yeah I'm thinkin they'll be fine at LEAST waiting until the Fall. I don't remember them ever cutting before September unless they cut late August sometime. I think they'll wait for the pre-holiday season to get maximum effect.

I am Iron Man