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Forums - Sales Discussion - All of you that supported bluray only and wanted 1 next gen format...enjoy!

iclim4 said:
mesoteto said:
I_own_a_PS3 said:
PS3 is better than any other Blu-ray player end of story.


Booo! We want cute aimal pictures! j/k

Well look at the bright side.
They just made the ps3 look much more desirable.

I remember when people where claiming the ps3's blu-ray drive would become a non-factor once stand alones reaches mass market price, guess that's not happening anytime soon.
Imagine if they also dropped the ps3's price again...


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kingofwale said:
disolitude said:
There is a Sony bluray player on that site as well and it is 70 bucks more expensive than its cheapest point...

In any case, anyone thinking that competition is not a good thing and that 1 format is the way to go is insane. PS3 without 360 would still be 499 and you'd get 1 game to play every 6 months. But sony has to work hard to compete. Bluray has no such competition... you will see less R&D on the product, prices will be higher...Sony will not lower PS3 price for a while because it may piss off hitachi who are licensing the technology at a higher price...

You know...the corporate BS!

 and yet, the best selling blu-ray player on the market, one the with more than 10 million unit sold, did not raise the price at all.

  yes, Blu-Ray has no competition anymore, neither did CD-Rom or DVD Rom, 

Not quite... CD didn't have competition, especially when it was designed by 2 electronics giants of the time. DVD in the other hand, DVD-, DVD+ and DVD-RAM. Too bad that the best out of the 3 lost badly, while the worst, DVD- is the most common. @other people: About upgrading players... If it requires only firmware upgrade, i don't see any other problems than the will of manufacturers. Since i didn't have any problems to update my DVD-players firmware. When the article is clearly about how the competition pushes prices down, DVD-players early price is somewhat irrelevant, unless the purpose is to show how high the price can still climb.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Maybe everyone just wants blu ray now.

Anyone ever hear of this supply and demand thing?

PSN ID: TheSimkin

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To be clear...I am not saying HD should have won. I was thinking more along the lines that we as consumers had a chance to benefit from this war. And we blew it... we didn't have 2 equally good competitors for CD-ROM and DVD era like this time around.

@Magnific0 - you need to look for different DL media as I get mine under a dollar. Philips or RIDATA.

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mesoteto said:

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Yay ^_^

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

Didn't read the whole thread, but this can only help PS3 sales as it'll continue to be the cheapest Blu-ray option.

Does make the chance of a price drop for PS3 increasingly unlikely though...


WiiStation360 said:
nordlead said:

Also, as noted in the article, none of these players are worth anything because within a year there is a decent chance you won't be able to watch the new movie you want to because you can't update the firmware.

I might be mistaken, but I thought that profile 1.1 added picture-in-picure and profile 2.0 enabled optional internet content. As far as I know every player should be able to watch every movie in the future. It is the extra features that may not be accessable. Can anyone confirm this?

Samsung players specifically have had problems with new discs coming out with increased used of BD+ and BD-J.  It wasn't until many complaints (and even a class action lawsuit against their combo player) that firmware came out to resolve the issue with some of these discs.  Imagine purchasing a new movie and going home only to see it not play.  Then waiting 1-2weeks until the player manufacturer came out with firmware to fix the issue.  Once the profiles get worked out in the next 6months-1year less problems like this will happen but their is no guarantee that a first/second gen standalone will continue to be supported in the future.  

That reason alone is why I would refuse to buy a standalone unit at this time.  The only decent alternative right now to the PS3 would be the Panny DMP-BD30.  The BD50 coming out later this year looks to finally be a profile 2.0 player that exceeds the PS3 in most all playback areas.

I love my PS3 for the BD playback and it excells at that. I do find it somewhat funny that other CE's cannot manufacturer a cheaper or even better player at this time for around the same price or less.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

It's funny that I can recall folks saying the prices would keep falling on Blu players, even with the loss of a competitor ... yeah, right.

And based on the prices, only early adopters and movie fiends will buy an expensive movie player right now. If I had to pay $400 just to watch BR movies, I'd hurl. It offers little more than a sharper picture and oh yeah, better sound. That's it. And that's worth $400? ROTFLMBO!

The PS3 sales will naturally increase due to it being the cheapest BR player on the market, and really the best one.

Welcome to less innovation for a premium.

So, no one wanted a next gen format? I for one would hate to be stuck with DVD's for another 10 years what with all the HDTV's and the sheer size of modern games and media.
I don't get you people, CD's were a natural descendant of floppy's and cassette's, DVD's were a natural descendant of CD's, so why the hell is a new format that is heaps better on all accounts unnatural now?!
And, its not like DVD discs and burners were cheap when they came out... One of my friends bought one of the first one's available here, is cost over 4500NOK at 4x burning speed.

Come on, give Sony a break. They like technology and are not afraid of backing it 100%, which can't be said by too many other companies.
I for one welcome the HD format, realizing that the lack of such would effectively render all modern TV's nearly useless.
And please don't give me the "downloadable media" excuse either, so far only a measly 7-8% of the world's population have proper broadband while movie retailers and outlets have over 70%, optical media ain't going nowhere anytime soon...
People just love to hate Sony and all their products for some reason, we all need to grow up and start complaining that new tech is costly, it always is, but when Sony is fronting that tech its completely uncalled for it seems.

I hate to come off as a fanboy, but the Sony bashing and groweling in here is simply unbelieveable at times.