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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario: 3D Land vs. 3D World

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They're Both 3D...but which is better to you?

Super Mario 3D Land 28 18.18%
Super Mario 3D World 115 74.68%
Super Mario 3D Land World... 11 7.14%

3D World for me.

3D Land just felt like a little brother to 3D World. Not in a bad way, I love 3D land, but just feel as though 3D World trumps it in every way.

If you haven't beat the last special level with no power ups then you haven't truly finished the game. Im no good at platformers so it took me forever. haha

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Volar said:
3D World for me.

3D Land just felt like a little brother to 3D World. Not in a bad way, I love 3D land, but just feel as though 3D World trumps it in every way.

If you haven't beat the last special level with no power ups then you haven't truly finished the game. Im no good at platformers so it took me forever. haha

Being a Mario fan, I saw 3D World as a chance for Nintendo to capitalize on the success of 3D Land by just updating graphics, sound, etc. I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all. I loved 3D World. I just liked 3D Land more because it truly felt like Super Mario Bros. 3 in 3D without me even noticing.  I go all out with difficulty. I've done that challenge and I know it waaay to well. For me, I just see what the game doesn't allow mario to do and not focus on those things. For instance, Nintendo thought it would be hard to jump on single blocks in an open space. Well, all you have to do is get a running start and run over the things. Glad you could beat that level though. It was a bit hard my first few tries as well.

3D World kinda plays like 3D Land-2 for about the first 1/3 of the game, but for the last 2/3rd it puts on it "f*ck it, this is Mario Galaxy 3 bitch!" cape and pulls far away.

3D world all day and all night if you ask me


NNID : ShenlongDK
PSN : DarkLong213

3D World > 3D Land easily
3D Land was way too easy and way too short imo.
While the normal worlds in 3D world are also really easy, atleast the bonus world's delivered some tough challenges.
Also graphics (obviously) and the soundtrack are much better.

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3D World wins by a landslide for me... It has more varied and better level design, decent challenges, and a good soundtrack. It's a superior game in every way.

3D Land was just too easy... I literally breezed right through it. I was a hoping to find some challenge, but it never really happened, with exception to a few levels. I had some absurd amount of lives too (way too easy to earn 1-up's in the game). 3D World seemed much of the same until you get to the 4th world and beyond.

I really like both games though, but only one has any true replay value.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

Yeah, not much of a comparison for my mind. 3D World easily. It's only real fault I felt was that it took a little too long to hit its stride. The early worlds were merely very good whereas the latter worlds were exceptional.

3D world had more levels, better levels, better music, four player was just the better game quite comfortably.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

World is far better if only for its overworld map. To me 3D land is the worst 3D mario game ever made by an immense margin.

Cat power-up, that is all!