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The Fable IP won't die but the decision to attach its name to unnecessary spin-offs is only hurting the franchise(The Journey,Heroes and Legends) MS needs to find the Devs that made KoL Reckoning and hire them to reboot the franchise with a fresh story. Make Albion Great Again!!!

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shikamaru317 said:

There's good stuff coming; Scalebound, ReCore, FH3. Thing is, I can play it all on PC too (except for Crackdown 3, it hasn't been announced or leaked for PC yet afaik; and future main Halo games). I think it's time for me to finally sell my XB1, after last week when I was considering selling it, I had pretty much decided not to sell it, but after today I think it's time. With so much bad news recently I'm afraid that resale value is going to plummet, need to get it on the market soon just in case. 

I fully expect Crackdown 3 to come to PC due to the fact that Multiplayer is a big part of the game, putting ReCore on PC makes sense because the game doesn't look like it has a big budget so they wan't to make it as profitable as possible but Scalebound to me makes no sense on PC.

Ryuu96 said:

I wonder if their plan is to just keep their big franchises under MSG

Coalition - Gears
343 - Halo
Turn 10 - Forza
Mojang - Minecraft

Then shut down everything else, keep their for sure hits under their own studios and outsource everything else to the best 3rd parties they can find, It's probably more risky but cost less if it works out, just have to find the right studio willing to do it, seems to be working out so far but I'd want a lot more deals and less screw ups since MS has already had two so far.

Hopefully developers aren't too wary of working with MS.

That's what i believe as well. In their announcement they said "These changes are taking effect as Microsoft Studios continues to focus its investment and development on the games and franchises that fans find most exciting and want to play" and to me that means they'll be focusing on Halo, Gears and Forza.

They already gave Halo Wars to Creative Assembly and KI to Double Helix and later Iron Galaxy. I think it's possible that they continue giving their ip's to 3rd party devs. I want them to give Conker to Insomniac.

How did MS get Creative Assembly to make Halo Wars 2 aren't they a Sega studio?

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Non rhetorical question, did you guys hear that Gigantic is potentially being cancelled?

Just discovered this a few minutes ago and am shocked how the news seems to have fallen under the radar. Wasn't talked about at any of my regular places. Gigantic isn't AAA, but it still had pretty big marketing I thought.

WTF!!!!! Lots of things happening at MS. I really hope it's for the best and good things do pop out of these decisions. I was anticipating Fable Legends and I really don't know why they closed Press Play they have done a magnificent job with Max...

I'm not jumping on the Phil hate train though as we have yet to hear why these decisions took place.

The more things go, the more I realize it's time to let go exclusivity and let gaming companies free to develop for every platforms so they can make money and stay open. Being dependant of a console maker is not always a good thing especially if you haven't released a multi million cash cow.

I love videogames and I prefer games on Xbox but really this industry is getting ridiculous. MS keeps tripping on their every steps, exclusivity on multiplatform games, exclusivity on DLCs timed deals just so the other camps don't have access to them, fans being over sensitive, games are getting way too expensive to get the complete experience, too many directions without proper support and the worst of all there are too many shovelware. I'm not talking specifically about MS here but the whole industry. I think I'm going to take a step back from news and spending on anything video gaming.

shikamaru317 said:

^Also, we shouldn't forget that 2nd party deals have already fallen through. The Phantom Dust reboot fell through because MS was only willing to give them a $1m budget, far too small. And an Obsidian exclusive got cancelled because "it didn't feel like a 1st party title". And then there's the rumors of a Conker reboot by Insomniac falling through because MS gave Insomniac a deadline they didn't think they could meet. If MS is going to put 2nd party development at the forefront of their strategy, they're going to need to loosen up with their restrictions.

That was proven to be fake.

Experience has announced a $10 off pre-order campaign and released the third official trailer for the Xbox One version of Stranger of Sword City.

Pre-orders for the Xbox One version of Stranger of Sword City will begin on March 8 via the Xbox Store. Those who pre-order the game will receive a $10 discount, dropping the price from its standard $40.49 to $30.49. Pre-orders can be pre-loaded immediately to be played right away when Stranger of Sword City launches.

As a reminder, an eight-hour free trial version of the game will also be available when the game launches. The Achievements earned in this trial can be kept, and the save data can continue to be used if you decide to purchase the full game.

Project Spark was a Failure and probably wasn't cheap to make Team Dakota closing isn't a surprise, Mojang won't contribute anything to Xbox One because they are a small studio and we don't even know wtf Lift London is working on. If Gigantic does get cancelled then there goes two of Microsoft's big PCxXB1 games gone along with Fable Legends and both games are really far along in development.
So how are they going to support both platforms when 3 of their 4 AAA studios are essentially only going to work on 1 IP for the rest of their existence? (Turn10, 343 and Coallition)