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That's some nice artwork there. Instantly recognizable as Fable. Can't wait to see how PG do with the IP

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coolbeans said:
If that'll be PG's Fable (99% sure it is), I'm cautious of the art style changes. It's too early to say for sure, but I don't need Witcher's emphasized realism for character models.

Yeah, i think Fable Legends art style was perfect.

Not sure about a realistic style Fable.

shikamaru317 said:

I personally don’t care much one way or the other. If they want realistic character models, I don’t mind as long as the Fable humor remains intact. If they want to stick with cartoony character models because they think that it fits the series humor better, that’s fine too.

I just hope that they remove character model changes based on your strength stat and light/dark alignment, it’s really annoying to be forced to have some beefy Olympic shot putter looking woman if you want a good strength stat. Make it an option to enable/disable stat based appearance changes please. I want my character to look like how I designed them to look at the beginning. I also hope that character creation is a lot more detailed than earlier games, I want detailed body and facial customization, lots of hairstyles and tattoo options.

Another thing I want is for more detailed romance than earlier games, where you simply needed to do emotes and stuff to win a lover. But keep it T for Teen, no need for nude scenes or anything, just fade to black sex noises like the earlier games.

Uhm....did Fable ever even have a character creator? I don't remember one. I remember choosing between male and female in 3, but that's about it. 

Also, I'm pretty sure all the Fable games have been rated M anyway, so if they were to do more fleshed out romances, it might as well have nudity lol.

I prefer this look over Fable Legends. Legends had some really nice looking enviroments but the character models were pretty bad.

Sweet. Looks awesome. It;ll be my first fable title. I considered using gamepass to play the original definitive addition but... I'll just wait for this instead.

Finally just did my completion of Outer Worlds... Last achievement was a toothpaste related quest that I missed out on by selling the formula... Woops. Now I'm hoping for DLC tbh. I want to throw money at obsidian for that game. My Goty by far.

Yet to play Fallen Order though.

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WoodenPints said:

Looks like a FFA mode coming in the next Operation.
Hopefully a MASSIVE balance pass arrives with it something like -75% lancer damage and - 50% shotgun range and damage will do nicely.

Damnit if this nonsense mode is their big Operations 2 reveal. They just seem to lack ideas or originality.

Wouldn't hold my breath with massive balance adjustments either. They did nerf bullet magnetism and it helped slightly, but this is how they want their Gears to play.

They also need a complete overhaul of Tour of Duty system. Better yet, get rid of it completely.

They should also add classic Horde to bring horde fans back. They completely butchered the mode with useless gimmicks, class restrictions, grindy progress system etc. There's hardly anyone playing it. Not a single one of my Horde buddies either..

Their ranking system has been broken since launch. I don't care about rank but it's a bit deal for plenty of people.

They also managed to fuck up KotH for now. They changed it so you only get 30 points for capture and 10 for break instead of 300/100. Like wtf? 

On top of this, campaign and achievements are still bugged. What a mess..

Don't know if they can save it. It's still dropping on most played lists and dead on Steam. I don't even know if I want them to. 

Someone out there hates me. I was 1 cheevo away from a 48% completion rate and then Halo MCC gets 100 new achievements and now I need to earn nearly 50 more to finally get to 48%.

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

That's good news. I don't want to see any of their 1st party teams wasting time making VR games that won't even sell 100k units due to how niche VR is still. Maybe VR will be worth it later on when the hardware has enough power for VR with good graphics, but right now, I don't think it's a great idea to focus on it. They do risk Sony getting an early 9th gen console VR lead, but better to have their studios focus on delivering content that will actually appeal to people and get them permanently subbed to Gamepass. 

I personally have zero interest in VR so I'm glad their not putting a bunch of studios onto games even though I think inXile and Ninja Theory still have a small team each working on a VR project.
He doesn't outright say there will be no VR on Scarlett just that it's not a focus which is good imo they can just enable support for current third party VR headsets and VR game devs will release stuff on the platform since it's such a niche product any small boost to userbase is worth chasing for and all that is doing so without focusing resources into VR.
I am quite unsure how the VR scene will go next gen, Will PSVR2 actually grow the userbase? Have those that wanted to try VR bought it and had their time with it and moved on and won't jump in again? Will a higher tech headset push the price to a point that only a even smaller fanbase buys into it? There is a whole bunch of uncertainness in the mix for sure.
Last edited by WoodenPints - on 26 November 2019

Wow a decent month after all this time.

Honestly I feel that if Microsoft created a Japanese studio it would end up getting shut down.