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Ryuu96 said:

20by20! Fill as many genres as possible! I think it's likely that they will reach 20 studios Tbh, they've still got a few gaps in terms of genres that they need to fill for Gamepass, it would be a great number to stop at.

Keep trying to buy Moon Studios, buy Iron Galaxy for fighting, I do believe that 1 Japanese studio won't cut it, they'll need at least two Imo, Japan is pretty diverse in it's games as well, if I could pick I would go for Platinum Games and White Owls, both make completely different games that can compliment Gamepass, I don't think Platinum is likely at all though so pick some JRPG studio. Then having a horror studio would be good too.

If they go into Japan then they have to go all in, there are not that many independent studios in Japan atm.

They have to go after either Cyberconnect or Platinum maybe even both. I know that many here want Mistwalker but that isn’t going to work at all.

White Owl and Grounding would be great if they expand to at least AA size.

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Edit: Nevermind 

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 19 August 2019

Ryuu96 said:
EspadaGrim said:

If they go into Japan then they have to go all in, there are not that many independent studios in Japan atm.

They have to go after either Cyberconnect or Platinum maybe even both. I know that many here want Mistwalker but that isn’t going to work at all.

Buy White Owls, Grounding Inc, Platinum Games, JP Games, Mistwalker /s

I agree with you, they definitely need to go big, Platinum would be perfect for that, I just don't know how it would realistically happen, and not because they cancelled Scalebound cause that doesn't really mean anything in business, but because I just can't see how Microsoft would pull them away from Nintendo...They seem pretty close to Nintendo and are practically being bank rolled by them, Lol.

Regarding Mistwalker, I was doing some digging, are they even based in Japan anymore? I remember reading that Sakaguchi actually lives in Hawaii and it seems like Mistwalkers HQ is in Hawaii too now...Kinda makes me think Mistwalker is even less likely...buying a Japanese studio that's HQ'd in Hawaii...Lmao.

Platinum have always been a Mercenary studio for hire, If MS promises creative freedom with proper funding then it could happen since Nintendo would never attempt to buy them it’s not what they do.

Its my biggest pipe dream and I would forever be a fan of MS pulls it off.

Mistwalker have never developed games besides mobile games, Feelplus was literally created by MS for Lost Odyssey. MS would never consider Mistwalker at all.

WoodenPints said:
Machiavellian said:

This probably wasn't a move for Xbox gamers but for the studio.  Moon isn't first or even 2nd party to MS.  MS allowing the game on PC and Switch increases the return for the studio and who knows keeps relationships high and keep the studio making top notch games for MS.  Maybe with this good will, they might even decide to come over to the dark side.

We know Moon is also working on a new IP for after Ori and have been for a while now, Ori on Switch could of been a deal sweetener to keep them producing for Xbox and I'd take that :D They don't want to sell to MS and have apparently already turned down an offer and been vocal about staying as they are but I hope they can keep them producing quality games like Ori going forward.

I doubt they wouldn't release their next IP on Xbox. Ori sold well on the platform. So the only thing we're getting from this deal is that their next game will be Xbox, PC, Switch instead of Xbox, PC, Switch, Playstation. I don't see the point.

Ryuu96 said:

I don't see what the issue is Tbh, Ori is a 4+ year old smaller game, it is not going to be pushing Xbox consoles anymore (If ever), especially compared to the major AAA releases which will seemingly remain exclusive. Microsoft also seems to just see Switch as their go-to handheld device and not exactly a direct competitor to Xbox, which I'd agree with, I don't think releasing these smaller titles on Switch hurts Xbox at all and benefits Xbox in terms of more money for their XGS, which means more money for future games.

Everything one day will available through XCloud, their exclusives, at the start will be available through Android thanks to XCloud while Xbox hardware will provide the high end affordable gaming, but the future is going to be service wars.

I think this change of direction was needed in order for Xbox to survive also, I posted a week or so ago an interview where Phil said the first thing Satya did after making him Head of Xbox was to ask why they were in gaming and outright told him they may be a future where Microsoft isn't in gaming, I do believe if Xbox continued as usual and didn't move towards more of a service model, that Satya likely would have shut the division down, Phil has changed Xbox in order for it to survive.

Apart from XGS receiving money from this, it also increases the Xbox brand awareness along with the IP brand awareness and is easy marketing for the sequels which could entice more people to buy into them, as of right now, Ori and the WotW is Xbox/PC only but it's almost certainly Microsoft's ultimate goal to get XCloud everywhere, including Switch which may be where they put their sequels.

Also, as Wooden and Machiavellian have said, this will keep their relationship with Moon Studios high, ensuring they're a happy partner and continue to make amazing games for Microsoft, we know Microsoft have already attempted to purchase them in the past, maybe they'll try again in the future, and we know Moon is working on a 2nd IP which hopefully Microsoft is negotiating for by keeping Moon happy.

Switch will be a big platform and when a few former Xbox exclusive or console exclusives will also be playable on Switch, there will be less incentive to buy the next MS console. What you say about XCloud is right but if anything that's more reason to not release games on other platforms. It diminishes the value of the Xbox library when you can already play the games without the need for an Xbox or XCloud.

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Ryuu96 said:
EspadaGrim said:

Platinum have always been a Mercenary studio for hire,   If MS promises creative freedom with proper funding then it could happen since Nintendo would never attempt to buy them it’s not what they do.

Its my biggest pipe dream and I would forever be a fan of MS pulls it off.

I could see the financial freedom being a pretty big convincing factor for them, not having to work contract to contract nonstop to keep the lights on, they could take it easy and consolidate some of the teams, I mean as of recently they were working on 2 Mobile IPs, Astral Chain, Bayonetta 3, Babylon's Fall (I'm guessing that's cancelled...) and 2 Original IPs between 200ish staff...

Also I believe Matt Booty said there's a clause in their recent acquisition contracts where the studios can leave at any point they want without fear of being shutdown, basically they'll part ways like they did with Twisted Pixel which leaves the door open for any studio if they don't like how things are going to being able to amicably split.

Still don't see it happening though, If it did though, they should revive Scalebound and make it one of the first Scarlet exclusives, one of the biggest problems with Scalebound was rumoured to be that it was running like crap on Xbox One.

Pretty sure that both Mobile games that they were working on got canceled World of Demons and Lost Order are both MIA, then there is the whole GrandBlue Fantasy situation that was super sketchy.

They actually said a while back that they had to can some games because they didn’t have enough staff at the time and I’m guessing that’s was because they are working on too many projects at the same time.

They would be the Ultimate studio for Game Pass since they are workhorses that can deliver 1 AA-AAA game per year.

RIP Sunset Overdrive 2, well at least on Xbox.

MS needs to focus on getting AAA studios, I fear that Sony will also look to get more since they are in a great position to purchase more studios.

I can see Sony getting Bluepoint and possibly even strike a deal to get FromSoft from their parent company or even some independent JP studios that MS might have interest in.

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 20 August 2019

I'm with releasing an older game to build anticipation for the sequel, especially if the console make sense. Ori is a perfect current example. This game could be played by millions of Nintendo fans before the release of the sequel. Some of these fans might jump to Xbox to play the sequel after falling in love with the game. The jump to Microsoft ecosystem will be much easier next year with Xcloud.

In fact, I would've announced Halo MCC on PS4 along with Steam. Do this once in a while when the situation make perfect sense and enlarge you're user base.

Ryuu96 said:
Yoo, Clayton Carmine is in Gears 5 story trailer, only just noticed. Pretty awesome to have the whole gang back together, I kinda hope one or two die though, I'd go with Baird, I wonder if Kait will turn evil by the end of the game.

Doubt she will. She's the only chick in the new crew, and it doesn't appear as if they've added any, so she's gotta stick around. Cole is gonna die either in this game or the next, guaranteed. Him and Marcus I both envision going out in a bang. Maybe Cole in this one, Marcus in the next. Baird will probably live since he seems to have taken more of a backseat scientist/engineer role.

Ryuu96 said:
Yoo, Clayton Carmine is in Gears 5 story trailer, only just noticed. Pretty awesome to have the whole gang back together, I kinda hope one or two die though, I'd go with Baird, I wonder if Kait will turn evil by the end of the game.

Well it'll obviously be Baird & Sam dying together. But I wish they wouldn't do it. It would probably make a strong  dramatic scene, like Han Solo death but meh..just let them be. Nobody actually liked that Solo died. Kill one of the  new characters instead.

Kait turning evil would be cool. Don't think  she will though, female heroes seem to be a thing these days. And while I know these are two different stories and characters, Halo fans didn't really appreciate  Cortana turning evil either. They might be afraid to upset fans unfortunately.