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Ryuu96 said:
Was wondering what studios Microsoft could buy to fill gaps in their genres.

Iron Galaxy - Fighting.
Mistwalker - JRPG.
Bloober - Horror.

Any other ideas?

Mistwalker is doubtful, Grounding is capable of doing JRPGs too.

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Soma was very good. Not a scary game and the existence of a monster feels unnecessary but the story is amazing.

shikamaru317 said:
Ryuu96 said:

MS should staff up The Outer Worlds team to like 150-200 for sequels, assuming it is popular enough to get sequels, so that the sequels feel more AAA, because right now it definitely feels more AA than AAA. Then they can keep one or two 50-60 man AA teams to work on their isometric RPG series. Then when the EA Star Wars license expires in 2023, MS should put in a bid for Obsidian's AAA team to make KOTOR 3, maybe Disney would allow them to. 

Klobrille actually said that one of the terms of Obsidian joining MS was that they be allowed to grow past 200 staff. With that info no doubt they are planning to have two teams possibly AAA focused too.

Ryuu96 said:
Was wondering what studios Microsoft could buy to fill gaps in their genres.

Iron Galaxy - Fighting.
Mistwalker - JRPG.
Bloober - Horror.

Any other ideas?

If they buy Bloober, they need to change that studio name ASAP. It's awful. 

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Ryuu96 said:
Was wondering what studios Microsoft could buy to fill gaps in their genres.

Iron Galaxy - Fighting.
Mistwalker - JRPG.
Bloober - Horror.

Any other ideas?

I think Dontnod would be perfect for Microsoft, They can make great episodic games like they have show through Life is Strange which would be perfect for regular Game Pass content and have also shown talent with Vampyr and Remember Me. They also seem to have a good relationship as well with the 3 LiS games been on Game Pass and Vampyr as well.

Just finished Guacamelee 2.

Great game but plays it very safe. Barely any differences to the first game. There's much more content but it doesn't feel as exciting. Locations were far more varied and interesting in the first game. Guacamelee 2 is also noticably easier compared to its prequel. Never died once due to having my health reduced to zero (I died of course a couple of times hitting insta kill sections). Not even during any of the boss fights. Aced them on first try. In the first game I probably died around 3 times to each boss, even when I replayed it on X1 I died here and there. And I remember the end boss battle being really hard. It's incredibly easy here.
I wasn't even using the health and stamina regeneration upgrade in that battle. Got hit only about 4 times.


btw. I also started Hollow Knight since I heard so much good stuff about it. So far I'm really disappointed. Level design is pretty poor. Even when you buy a map and the upgrade to make yourself visible on the map (which is quite bullshit) it's so easy to get lost as everything looks the same with no clear indication of where to go.
Combat isn't great either but to be fair I'm still rather early.
Very disappointed by the visuals as well. Looks like a flash game IMO. Expected much more by looking at the title screen and some other art I've seen.
It's also supposed to be a Metroidvania game.. really? Didn't notice any of that. Everything from the first section was accessible from the start. Only getting to the next section required a magic spell. But that's about as Metroidvania-like as collecting a key and opening a locked door.
Not sure if I'll continue it. Probably not.

Last edited by Barozi - on 19 June 2019

Barozi said:

Just finished Guacamelee 2.

Great game but plays it very safe. Barely any differences to the first game. There's much more content but it doesn't feel as exciting. Locations were far more varied and interesting in the first game. Guacamelee 2 is also noticably easier compared to its prequel. Never died once due to having my health reduced to zero (I died of course a couple of times hitting insta kill sections). Not even during any of the boss fights. Aced them on first try. In the first game I probably died around 3 times to each boss, even when I replayed it on X1 I died here and there. And I remember the end boss battle being really hard. It's incredibly easy here.
I wasn't even using the health and stamina regeneration upgrade in that battle. Got hit only about 4 times.


btw. I also started Hollow Knight since I heard so much good stuff about it. So far I'm really disappointed. Level design is pretty poor. Even when you buy a map and the upgrade to make yourself visible on the map (which is quite bullshit) it's so easy to get lost as everything looks the same with no clear indication of where to go.
Combat isn't great either but to be fair I'm still rather early.
Very disappointed by the visuals as well. Looks like a flash game IMO. Expected much more by looking at the title screen and some other art I've seen.
It's also supposed to be a Metroidvania game.. really? Didn't notice any of that. Everything from the first section was accessible from the start. Only getting to the next section required a magic spell. But that's about as Metroidvania-like as collecting a key and opening a locked door.
Not sure if I'll continue it. Probably not.

There are many abilities in Hollow Knight that'll help you reach new areas. You can't judge how good is as a metroidvania from the first area. HK is a very big game.

Personally, i consider it one of the best games of this generation.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Ryuu96 said:
Was wondering what studios Microsoft could buy to fill gaps in their genres.

Iron Galaxy - Fighting.
Mistwalker - JRPG.
Bloober - Horror.

Any other ideas?

If they buy Bloober, they need to change that studio name ASAP. It's awful. 

I hate to be that guy, but Mistwalker is an artistic studio. They off-source the actual work, so it's not a good choice. 

shikamaru317 said:
Yeah, dropping Lockhart is smart if the spec rumors were true. Lockhart would only be viable if it had a more powerful GPU than XB1 X, coupled with the Ryzen 2 CPU and an SSD, then it would have been a better console than XB1 X in every area, for $300-350 according to the pricing rumors. But since it was looking like Lockhart would have had a slightly weaker GPU than XB1 X it would have been a mistake to release it imo. Better to just drop XB1 X down to $300 Holiday 2020 and sell it as a budget option, especially since most early gen 3rd party games will be cross-gen, and all MS 1st/2nd party games for the first few years of the generation supposedly.

Seems like my "XBX will be the cheap next gen console" prediction is likely to be spot on... just like my Tales at Xbox prediction. I'm back bitches! 

If dropping Lockhart means longer XBX support then it’s the right choice, especially if the X can manage to run next gen games at 1080p.