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oh my god guys, my new TV is so huge. It's amazing! The old 47" one looks pathetic in comparison.
Now I only need that One X....

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Barozi said:
oh my god guys, my new TV is so huge. It's amazing! The old 47" one looks pathetic in comparison.
Now I only need that One X....

How big? My uncle got an 82" recently himself.

I remember I wanted to go with 65'' at first but then changed my mind and went with 55''. No I think I've made the right choice. 65'' would have been way too big.


VGPolyglot said:
Barozi said:
oh my god guys, my new TV is so huge. It's amazing! The old 47" one looks pathetic in comparison.
Now I only need that One X....

How big? My uncle got an 82" recently himself.

Haha damn no it's not that big. It's 70".
I never aimed to get one as big as that. I always had 60" or 65" on my mind, but got a great deal on my current one.

derpysquirtle64 said:

I remember I wanted to go with 65'' at first but then changed my mind and went with 55''. No I think I've made the right choice. 65'' would have been way too big.

I bought a 50" in 2011 and then a 47" in 2013 as a 2nd TV. I wanted to make a decent leap ahead so I chose a bigger one.
But yeah I had to buy a second, identical sideboard to put it on, because it sticks out 20cm on each side.
More space for consoles and games :)

Around the Network
Barozi said:

I bought a 50" in 2011 and then a 47" in 2013 as a 2nd TV. I wanted to make a decent leap ahead so I chose a bigger one.
But yeah I had to buy a second, identical sideboard to put it on, because it sticks out 20cm on each side.
More space for consoles and games :)

Where does one put such a big TV like that? Like, how many meters do you have between the screen and the seat?

Kaneman! said:
Barozi said:

I bought a 50" in 2011 and then a 47" in 2013 as a 2nd TV. I wanted to make a decent leap ahead so I chose a bigger one.
But yeah I had to buy a second, identical sideboard to put it on, because it sticks out 20cm on each side.
More space for consoles and games :)

Where does one put such a big TV like that? Like, how many meters do you have between the screen and the seat?

well I moved to a different apartment and now I'm sitting much closer than before when I had the 50".
So not only does the TV appear to be bigger due to the lesser distance, it IS bigger. That's a great effect.
Currently, I'm sitting about 3m away from it.
According to this I could even move a little closer, which I will probably do once I view (or play) 4k content.

Anyone here played Hellblade? Saw it's coming out on Xbox soon, but I don't really know much of anything about the game. Worth a buy for 30 bucks?

So guys, when you got the Xbox One X, what did you do with your old consoles? I'm wanting to get a PS4 Pro and Xbox One X eventually, but I don't know what I'll do with my vanilla PS4 and Xbox One S aftewards. Maybe I'll give them to my step dad so he can play some games?

VGPolyglot said:
So guys, when you got the Xbox One X, what did you do with your old consoles? I'm wanting to get a PS4 Pro and Xbox One X eventually, but I don't know what I'll do with my vanilla PS4 and Xbox One S aftewards. Maybe I'll give them to my step dad so he can play some games?

hmmm I was thinking about selling my X1. I hope to get around 100€.

On the other hand, I own Kinect 2.0 and the X would need the expensive adapter for it to work. Might as well keep the old console then.
That way I could also connect them via LAN.