My favorite conference... I must say that I find E3 conferences in general ver, very boring. All of them.
There's always too much talk, too many people going on stage for 5 minutes or less that need to be introduced and explain what they are going to do, and lots of moments where nothing happens. Yes, there's the "human element" from the crowd, but when you think how those supposedly impartial journalists (
yes, I know) have no problem acting like teenage hysterical fans on the concert of their favorite artist, or even worse, how they remain quiet after a bad attempt of a joke from the host, I rather prefer to not have them.
Because of that, I really liked that Nintendo decided to move from a conference to a Direct and while their first attempt didn't work, last year was awesome. It was funny, it was full of content, it had rythm and left me wanting more and more. Plus it had that Zelda U reveal.
Yes, I'm going to say that last year's conference is my favorite one... even though it wasn't a conference.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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