Damn you, region lock!
Is Your Body Ready? | |||
Yes. | 40 | 24.39% | |
No. | 14 | 8.54% | |
Not my problem. | 12 | 7.32% | |
I feel like a Purple Pikmin. | 16 | 9.76% | |
Hey Bill, you're Fired. | 23 | 14.02% | |
What's wrong with you? | 8 | 4.88% | |
I'm about kickin' ass. | 6 | 3.66% | |
I'm about takin' names. | 3 | 1.83% | |
My body is Reggie. | 42 | 25.61% | |
Total: | 164 |
mZuzek said:
Actually, if I recall correctly, Project Guard was already confirmed to have been integrated into Star Fox. |
Oh, hadn't heard that. Don't know what to make of it really, not sure how it would fit in, but I guess that is why I don't design games.
Alrighty then Smeags! Gimme an evening to think and sober up and I'll be sure to post my moment here for your enjoyment
Some great ones so far though. Always nice to read things like this because it's little random memories like this which stick with us for the longest.
Well right now it's a 50/50 chance.
Yeah, the E3 threads are among my favorite memories here on the Chartz. Just fun hyping things to oblivion, and having a bit of fun in the process. ^_^
Smeags said: Well right now it's a 50/50 chance. ![]() @Cone Yeah, the E3 threads are among my favorite memories here on the Chartz. Just fun hyping things to oblivion, and having a bit of fun in the process. ^_^ |
That's very much the case. Had a read through the one from last year on the train...some great predictions and memories. But isn't that the fun of it, eh?
RolStoppable said: My E3 prediction: Mario Kart 8 DLC pack 3 and 4 will be announced. Will launch in November and May, respectively. |
My prediction (wishful thinking, really): A new console Metroid game will finally be revealed.
But my real stance, for all conferences and E3 events is to not try to guess what will be revealed/shown or not. Keeping my expectations in check as much as possible. This has worked well for me so far, and I find myself getting less disappointed than most once E3 is done. Of course, some E3 are just lackluster no matter what, but you get what I mean.
Why should I talk about any experience other than my very first (and bit after) with a Nintendo game?
Always heard of the DS/Wii in addition to Xbox/PS since I came to UK. But it wasn't until a year 5 end of year party where almost everyone brought thier DS. I got to try my friends MK DS and after the first lap I had a....
E U R E K A! moment. Loved it. My eyes lit up into the world of clouds and blue shells.
After I begged me parents to get me one I got one and bought it with NSMB instead for....reasons of a 8/9 year old forever confuzled at how a hoover was a kart.Now then, loved it. The DS I used the most portably I have ever used a portable console. Played it at home, in park, on the train,on holiday, in the hospital....
Anyway then I got Lord of the Rings Conquest. Was fun but kinda short. But not as fun as the MK DS I 'borrowed' from my cousin which I have beaten and we played a ton of local multiplayer after I sneakily gave it back. And I mean, 10+ hours on the 8 maps available(since used download play on 1 copy of game)....plus the local play of NSMB! Later I bought Dragon Quest 9 and never got another DS game since. And my cousin hid it in my grandparents house since she got revenge. Found it only 3 years later in a book about cats.
Then I tried Wii Sports and....... but that's another bedtime story for later.
One ticket for the hype train for me.
MyAnimeList | Osu! | Backloggery |
I'll talk about my most memorable Nintendo moment.
I forget what birthday it was, but it was my birthday and there was one thing I wanted: a Nintendo 64. It's all I talked about going into my birthday and I was putting all my hopes into getting one. I *had* to get a N64!
So the family went to a restaurant (Ruby's, which is pretty great). We ate and then afterwards they pulled out the presents. Nothing looked like an N64 box, and lo and behold there was no N64... but maybe it was a "Oh wait, we have another present!" trick. But alas, after I tore the paper from the last Star Wars action figure that was it. Don't get me wrong, I was happy with my gifts (I had allll the Star Wars action figures!), but I was also a bit dejected. I guess there was always Christmas.
We drove back home in separate cars, and before I went to bed, my dad called from downstairs that he saw something strange that the dog found. So I came downstairs, and sitting by our dog was a Blue N64 controller. My eyes grew wide and I was in disbelief! I then turned... and there it was: a N64 sitting in the living room. And Diddy Kong Racing! I was so excited, but I couldn't play it until the morning, as it was already my bed time.
I woke up at dawn the next morning, and plugged the system into our T.V. with Diddy Kong Racing before we had to leave for school. It was absolutely magical.
I believe I'll be on a plane during the Digital Event sadly... But I can at least take a seat. If we're going inside Fils Amech, I'd like to take the crotch
Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.
NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code: SW 7885-0552-5988