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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Grand Theft Auto 4 to ship 6 million copies first week.

When does this game launch again?

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Minibragg said:
When does this game launch again?

April 29


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

6 million lol there no way this game wll sell 6 million copies in one week that's crazy 3 million week 1 tops

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

mesoteto said:
i can see it doing mabye 4-5 mil then droping down fast

 Still confident about our bet :)

It seems understandable. I mean, GTA 4 should be as big as SSBB in attachment rate, if not bigger. Now, the attachment rate for 1st week WW SSBB will be between 16 and 20 %.

Total X360 + Ps3 is currently at roughly 28.3M, and perhaps 29.5 within then. To make it easy, I say 30M

So 20% would be exactly 6M. This seems very possible to me...

IF GTA IV is as big as SSBB, it will sell 5-6M first week.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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DragonLord said:

GTAIV is suppose to ship 6 million copies its first week and sell 9 million copies this year. What do you guys/gals think? Seems kinda high to me.

Hmm.. I'd guess 5.5million copies sold on 360 and 3.5 million on PS3 so that 9 million total number for this year sounds about right to me.

DMeisterJ said:
I have the eerie feeling that this game isn't going to be as huge as Take-Two is expecting. I'm predicting that they will be sorely disappointed at sales.

 I sometimes get that feeling too... then I remember even if it only does 5 million WW first week, that's hardly "bad" just not as good as expected. And it's very likely going to have monster legs, so it shouldn't really matter what it does first week.

That is a huge first shipment, but then again, it is probably the best selling series of all time.


Devilstation said:
That is a huge first shipment, but then again, it is probably the best selling series of all time.


You forgetting Mario, Pokémon, Final Fantasy, The Sims, etc. on purpose or what?

@Tombi. Wow that's a tough bet actually.... although I suppose you will have to wait till the Japan release of GTA to see what happens (unless it is obvious beforehand)

I mean first month for SSBB is probably going to end up being 5-6 million.

assuming you are using 4 weeks as your base for first month:
Japan was just over 1.38 million.
America looks like it might turn out to be near 3 million if supply is ok.
Europe will definately get at least 1 million in the first 4 weeks... possibly near 1.5.

America will likely see 3 millon+ (I am unsure of how high it could be)
Europe will see about 2/3rds of America.
Japan- about 200k perhaps

unless it gets phenomenal hype, Japans 200k may be the deciding factor.
personally I would favour GTAIV to be the victor... but SSBB has suprised me so far.