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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New artworks from a mistwalker project ! (Cry on ?)

starcraft said:
tombi123 said:
It looks like the craptastic Folklore... as Starcraft would say.

What other games have mistwalker done?

Lol, I was going to argue, but that really is the kind of thing I would say about Folklore.  Folklore took much of it's artsyle from Fable.

That's an absolutely absurd statement.

Lets compare some artwork:



And some screenshots:




Agghhh the similarities are killing me!!!


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Dodece said:
I think Microsoft deserves its due in regards to this genre. This is the role playing console of this generation. They have the volume, they have the star power, and they have followed a strong delivery plan. I think its rather indefensible the lack of attention both Sony and Nintendo have brought to this problem. Microsoft has done right by the fans while the others haven't and they should be recognized for that.

When you say Final Fantasy like its a vile curse against Microsoft you expose your true colors. Are you a fan of the genre or are you merely a fan of Final Fantasy. I think it is probably the latter, because if you were a true fan you would be hurting desperately. Like wise attacking a developer when you haven't even played their games is juvenile at best. Didn't you mother ever ask you this question how do you know you don't like it if you haven't even tried it. Have you played Blue Dragon? Have you played Lost Odyssey? Well if you haven't they are very good games, and they show a great deal of care.

The style is definitely interesting however I wonder if this is concept art, cinematic snap shots, or real time footage. That makes a huge difference.

read all three pages please.

and yes ima big ff fan and thats only because its the best, i own blue dragon (love it) and lost odd (love it) but ff12 on PLAYSTATION 2 was better look at any metric score it will tell u. i have every RPG on the next gen so no who u are talking to. to compare a huge series like ff to blue dragon is horrible and i will not argure if u think they are the same....

...And if you really did play alot of RPGs before next-gen RPGs, then you'd know that many, many, RPGs outside of the uber-IPs were killed on the rankings charts for being "too typical"

But you wouldn't know this because you only talk about the big boys. Was FFXII better than Blue Dragon? Of course. But that doesn't mean in its own right, Blue Dragon was fantastic because BD never had the pedigree of having the backing of the giant that is SquareEnix.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
...And if you really did play alot of RPGs before next-gen RPGs, then you'd know that many, many, RPGs outside of the uber-IPs were killed on the rankings charts for being "too typical"

But you wouldn't know this because you only talk about the big boys. Was FFXII better than Blue Dragon? Of course. But that doesn't mean in its own right, Blue Dragon was fantastic because BD never had the pedigree of having the backing of the giant that is SquareEnix.

first off i did play LOTS or RPGS and they got slammed for good reason. they were COMPLETE copies and they ARE in fact far to typical JUST like Blue dragon and Lost Odd. and should not have a 90% or more ranking. If they are classic games that are not easily forgetable then your crazy and i should NOT be talking to u.

You are GUESSING what i no and you are wrong.  my FAV type of game is RPGS and i own all systems and played the little boys AND the big boys. If you read my post i loved BD but (AS YOU SAID) it was not better then ff12 on a Last gen system so my bet is that it will not be better then ff13. and its not my fault its not on ff pedigree so who cares? point is the BEST RPG and prolly highest selling is on sony and that makes it MY RPG system. people are BUYING ps3s for ff they are not buying xbox for LO or BD. that should tell you something.......

if anyone thinks what system SE is on is not the RPG console then u are hopeless fanboys and you make me a little sick.... to say mistwalker is on the level of SE makes me a little angry lol.

hey, leave fable alone, fable is the cuteness.

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

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Last time I checked, the man that made SquareSoft into the ghastly beast that it is now, was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi.

Can you guess, for everything your worth, who that man now works for Dno?

And also, to say that Square Enix makes or breaks what an RPG console is, your rather ignorant. SquareEnix does not make every good RPG out there.

And furthermore, out of any generation given, SquareEnix's favor to the PS3 is tenious at best - they've only announced 1 game, as far as I can reccolect, as PS3-exclusive. The rest are either unknown (the vast majority), handheld, or split between the X360/PS3.

And you can say "The PS3 is the best RPG system coz' it's got SquareEnix" but I'd beg to say that 80% of RPG gamers right now are playing on the Xbox 360, and not the PS3. If they were, then there'd actually be a bevy of solid RPGs after more than a year on the market for the PS3, but there are oh-so few - Oblivion, Folklore, Disagea 3, and Enchanted Arms - only 2 are thus far, exclusive....Whereas the X360 has had quite a few more.

So I fail to see how your analysis of the JRPG and RPG market is remotely valid, since it seems you cannot take your Final Fantasy blinders off. Yes, the PS2 was the undisputed champ of RPGs last gen, but it doesn't take much of anyone to realize this generation is vastly more fragmented - No tales game is on a Sony system, no Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts is up in the air, we haven't heard anything from Shin Megami Tensei yet, Star Ocean is rumored to be multi-plat, and everything else is on the DS, and a few PSP offerings.

And again, saying that SE is the JRPG market makes me wonder if you ever played a Tales or SMT game...

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:

And again, saying that SE is the JRPG market makes me wonder if you ever played a Tales or SMT game...

To be fair, the Tales games themselves are pretty bland and mediocre.  I'd much rather see more RPGs Suikoden and its ilk.

Thanx for the Pics thibje, I can't wait to hear more on this game.

I second mrstickball as I was PS2 only owner last generation, I have been getting my JRPG & WRPG fixes on my 360 (I'm on LO right now and its great).

I currently own ZERO rpgs on my PS3 and Folklore did NOT do for me (I played a rental at my brother's house, yuck).

I with FF13 not coming out unit 2009 the RPG situation is not going to change.

I can only hope that White Knight is good and that's only one PS3 JRPG I might get this year.

I might pick up Eternal Sonata when it comes out on the PS3 (I didn't get it for the 360) and show my black beauty some love. Actually, I might be to busy playing MGS4 and GTA4 around that time, so who knows.

But yes, the 360 is the place to be for RPGS right now.


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mrstickball said:
Last time I checked, the man that made SquareSoft into the ghastly beast that it is now, was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi.

Can you guess, for everything your worth, who that man now works for Dno?

And also, to say that Square Enix makes or breaks what an RPG console is, your rather ignorant. SquareEnix does not make every good RPG out there.

And furthermore, out of any generation given, SquareEnix's favor to the PS3 is tenious at best - they've only announced 1 game, as far as I can reccolect, as PS3-exclusive. The rest are either unknown (the vast majority), handheld, or split between the X360/PS3.

And you can say "The PS3 is the best RPG system coz' it's got SquareEnix" but I'd beg to say that 80% of RPG gamers right now are playing on the Xbox 360, and not the PS3. If they were, then there'd actually be a bevy of solid RPGs after more than a year on the market for the PS3, but there are oh-so few - Oblivion, Folklore, Disagea 3, and Enchanted Arms - only 2 are thus far, exclusive....Whereas the X360 has had quite a few more.

So I fail to see how your analysis of the JRPG and RPG market is remotely valid, since it seems you cannot take your Final Fantasy blinders off. Yes, the PS2 was the undisputed champ of RPGs last gen, but it doesn't take much of anyone to realize this generation is vastly more fragmented - No tales game is on a Sony system, no Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts is up in the air, we haven't heard anything from Shin Megami Tensei yet, Star Ocean is rumored to be multi-plat, and everything else is on the DS, and a few PSP offerings.

And again, saying that SE is the JRPG market makes me wonder if you ever played a Tales or SMT game...

then lets make a bet which system (i was talking about 360 and ps3 i never metion DS intill someone up there did) will end up with the most JRPGs ps3 or 360. Second if u think for i second u have 2 school me on any game news your a fool. i no excatly who made ff and that he is with mistwalker and guess what even without him ff12 was awesome. Blue Dragon and Lost Odd dont even come close.

I think your peoples blind fanboy eyesight has shot all of you. I hate to argure but i will.  A SYSTEM THAT HAS BEEN OUT FOR A YEAR LONGER WILL BY DEFAULT HAVE MORE GAMES. of course xbox has more rpgs i think your silly to think ps3 will have caught up by now (cept passing it in sales weekly). And i have heard about the new Shin and last i heard its on PS3.

Tales for the gamecube was the ONLY good one to me. i have them all and they suck. i am a little sick of this site if u people think namco even comes close to SE. Only company that does is Level 5 but u can have your opinions ( that i will laugh at).

Come at me with your opinons do not pretend to even think u no me cause u dont. Dont ever think u no what ive played cause u dont and u might just have to take your foot out your ass when u find out what games ive played/own and that ima blind Fanboy.

 and about Hironobu making SE into the beast it is its very true but like u said in your post about the ps2 the future is different from the past and guess what his company barley hits a million copies with any game and SE does with a remake............... They still got it and are doing pretty good.

Okay, so lets take a quick look at what RPGs are actually confirmed for both systems to see which one will more likely be the best at JRPGs, okay?

Xbox 360:
Tales of Verspia (Namco, major JRPG IP)
Infinite Undiscovery (Tri-Ace, same company that makes Star Ocean)
Cry On (Mistwalker)
Last Remnant (Square-Enix)

Magna Carta 2

Playstation 3:
Final Fantasy XIII
White Knight Story (Level 5)
Valkyire of the Battlefield (Sega)
Last Remnant (Square-Enix)

Hmm. It doesn't sound like the Playstation 3's confirmed lineup is any better than the 360's - I chose not to include Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey 2, as both have pretty much been known, but not totally confirmed.

So exactly how is this list so much more definitive for the PS3? Yes, the upcoming list might be slightly better, due to FFXIII, but the fact that the X360 has quite a few former exlusive JRPGs negates that advantage.

And like I said, the PS3 WILL NOT be the JRPG home of consoles this generation - everyone has jumped the Sony RPG train - Namco, Nippon Ichi, Square-Enix, and other companies that made RPGs almost exclusively for the PS2 are not making their uber-IPs on the PS3.

Also, if you had the grammar of someone older than a 13 year old boy, would make me respect your opinion as you *might* have been playing RPGs as long as I have...but I do doubt that with your additude.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.