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Forums - General Discussion - would you beat the crap out of this kids mom if you saw this.

Yay for media sensationalism. Ever get sprayed by a car wash hose? It doesn't hurt much more than a super soaker. Also the video details the max pressure. There is a low setting on those things that doesn't even sting. No way to tell what it was set on from the video. The video also doesn't show anything that led up to the spraying. It's no excuse for serious abuse, but if the kid was seriously misbehaving, squirting them on the low pressure(rinse) setting is hardly cruel.

If the pressure was set to high and the kid didn't really do anything, that is pretty bad. We don't have that information though. Of course, it must be all true and the worst case scenario if it's on the news though! Sort of reminds me of that Gummi di Milo Simpsons episode.

It's possible that it was set on the highest pressure(which still isn't much worse than an old fashioned spanking), but I'm not ready to damn someone to hell without knowing the most important facts that were skipped over the report.


A firehose is a totally different beast. You would dent the hell out of a car with a firehose. Car wash hose pressure isn't even close.  

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slacker164 said:
Yay for media sensationalism. Ever get sprayed by a car wash hose? It doesn't hurt much more than a super soaker. Also the video details the max pressure. There is a low setting on those things that doesn't even sting. No way to tell what it was set on from the video. The video also doesn't show anything that led up to the spraying. It's no excuse for serious abuse, but if the kid was seriously misbehaving, squirting them on the low pressure(rinse) setting is hardly cruel.

If the pressure was set to high and the kid didn't really do anything, that is pretty bad. We don't have that information though. Of course, it must be all true and the worst case scenario if it's on the news though! Sort of reminds me of that Gummi di Milo Simpsons episode.

It's possible that it was set on the highest pressure(which still isn't much worse than an old fashioned spanking), but I'm not ready to damn someone to hell without knowing the most important facts that were skipped over the report.

 You are assuming the women knew you could adjust the pressure in the first place.  It is a pretty reckless thing to do as a parent anyway you look at it.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

slacker164 said:

Yay for media sensationalism. Ever get sprayed by a car wash hose? It doesn't hurt much more than a super soaker. Also the video details the max pressure. There is a low setting on those things that doesn't even sting. No way to tell what it was set on from the video. The video also doesn't show anything that led up to the spraying. It's no excuse for serious abuse, but if the kid was seriously misbehaving, squirting them on the low pressure(rinse) setting is hardly cruel.

If the pressure was set to high and the kid didn't really do anything, that is pretty bad. We don't have that information though. Of course, it must be all true and the worst case scenario if it's on the news though! Sort of reminds me of that Gummi di Milo Simpsons episode.

It's possible that it was set on the highest pressure(which still isn't much worse than an old fashioned spanking), but I'm not ready to damn someone to hell without knowing the most important facts that were skipped over the report.


A firehose is a totally different beast. You would dent the hell out of a car with a firehose. Car wash hose pressure isn't even close.

 in all my life ive never seen a carwash with selectable pressure 


akuma587 said:
slacker164 said:
Yay for media sensationalism. Ever get sprayed by a car wash hose? It doesn't hurt much more than a super soaker. Also the video details the max pressure. There is a low setting on those things that doesn't even sting. No way to tell what it was set on from the video. The video also doesn't show anything that led up to the spraying. It's no excuse for serious abuse, but if the kid was seriously misbehaving, squirting them on the low pressure(rinse) setting is hardly cruel.

If the pressure was set to high and the kid didn't really do anything, that is pretty bad. We don't have that information though. Of course, it must be all true and the worst case scenario if it's on the news though! Sort of reminds me of that Gummi di Milo Simpsons episode.

It's possible that it was set on the highest pressure(which still isn't much worse than an old fashioned spanking), but I'm not ready to damn someone to hell without knowing the most important facts that were skipped over the report.

You are assuming the women knew you could adjust the pressure in the first place. It is a pretty reckless thing to do as a parent anyway you look at it.

Sorry, I don't mean to assume she was right or didn't do anything wrong. I just don't think it's fair to assume the worst. They never show the start of the incident, so we really have no idea if she turned it down or was already in rinse mode. Maybe she is a horrible parent that should be in jail, I just don't see this as conclusive evidence of that.

I would apploud this woman, perhaps if more parents were like her we wouldn't have these disobidient punks roaming the streets in the middle of the night.
Discepline FTW!!!

Around the Network
slacker164 said:

Yay for media sensationalism. Ever get sprayed by a car wash hose? It doesn't hurt much more than a super soaker. Also the video details the max pressure. There is a low setting on those things that doesn't even sting. No way to tell what it was set on from the video. The video also doesn't show anything that led up to the spraying. It's no excuse for serious abuse, but if the kid was seriously misbehaving, squirting them on the low pressure(rinse) setting is hardly cruel.

If the pressure was set to high and the kid didn't really do anything, that is pretty bad. We don't have that information though. Of course, it must be all true and the worst case scenario if it's on the news though! Sort of reminds me of that Gummi di Milo Simpsons episode.

It's possible that it was set on the highest pressure(which still isn't much worse than an old fashioned spanking), but I'm not ready to damn someone to hell without knowing the most important facts that were skipped over the report.


A firehose is a totally different beast. You would dent the hell out of a car with a firehose. Car wash hose pressure isn't even close.

You're one of the people I'm complaining about.

A) Those hoses were pretty strong.  OBVIOUSLY no fire hose, but it would suck to get blasted in the face with one, especially a little child.

B) It's a CHILD.  The parent is a DOUCHE.  Hell if it was just a garden hose it'd still be cruel if you're just blasting water in the kid's face just for the hell of it.  Maybe that wouldn't be so news-worthy, but the point is it definitely is a sign of further abuse at home.  I saw someone a few buildings down from my work yell at her kid and give him a really hard push into the backseat of their car because he was misbehaving and whining.  She was screaming at the top of her lungs.  I didn't say anything, I don't want to meddle in others' lives, but if you see signs of serious abuse, you really should call it in, there are stupid, messed up parents out there who don't take the fragility of children seriously.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

"The mother is 'likely' facing child abuse charges?" She should never be released from prison, and she deserves to get raped there every single day.

@Slacker: Not conclusive evidense? Not only did she hold her child up to a hose that was strong enough to wash stains off of a car on full blast for an entire minute or so, but she said that she was doing it as punishment for 'not respecting her mother', and then she stripped the kid, put her in a towel and drove off with her. What more evidence could there possibly be?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

A friend of mine used to work at a car wash, which is one of the main reasons I'm responding to this thread. We used to fight with the hoses all the time. It was friggin awesome! It stings on high, but not enough to bruise an adult. I agree that it's not cool to hit a kid on full blast though.

As skip said, some do not have pressure settings, but around here, many do. The ones that don't have pressure settings usually have three modes and divide your time between the three. First is soap+water, then water, then rinse. The first two are higher pressure and the rinse mode is low pressure. So even w/out a setting, she could have been in a low pressure mode. And I've never seen a car wash w/out a low pressure rinse mode.

As for a garden hose being cruel, why? Discipline has a place and it's up to parents to decide how to handle their children. I don't see anything wrong with spanking or spraying a kid with water at a reasonable pressure. If your views are that a child should never endure any physical discomfort, then that's your opinion, but nothing more. I don't see anything wrong with spanking a child or spraying them with water if they're seriously misbehaving. There should never be excessive force and it should never be done w/out reason, but physical punishment is a valid disciplinary tool in my opinion and it's been used for thousands of years. Letting your kids run wild just breeds assholes.

I don't see any evidence of it being on "full blast" here. That's a critical factor. It's also important whether they find further evidence of abuse. If this was a one time incident it hardly justifies separating mother and daughter and likely ruining the child's life (not just the mother's) by placing her in our horrid foster care system.

slacker164 said:
A friend of mine used to work at a car wash, which is one of the main reasons I'm responding to this thread. We used to fight with the hoses all the time. It was friggin awesome! It stings on high, but not enough to bruise an adult. I agree that it's not cool to hit a kid on full blast though.

As skip said, some do not have pressure settings, but around here, many do. The ones that don't have pressure settings usually have three modes and divide your time between the three. First is soap+water, then water, then rinse. The first two are higher pressure and the rinse mode is low pressure. So even w/out a setting, she could have been in a low pressure mode. And I've never seen a car wash w/out a low pressure rinse mode.

As for a garden hose being cruel, why? Discipline has a place and it's up to parents to decide how to handle their children. I don't see anything wrong with spanking or spraying a kid with water at a reasonable pressure. If your views are that a child should never endure any physical discomfort, then that's your opinion, but nothing more. I don't see anything wrong with spanking a child or spraying them with water if they're seriously misbehaving. There should never be excessive force and it should never be done w/out reason, but physical punishment is a valid disciplinary tool in my opinion and it's been used for thousands of years. Letting your kids run wild just breeds assholes.

I don't see any evidence of it being on "full blast" here. That's a critical factor. It's also important whether they find further evidence of abuse. If this was a one time incident it hardly justifies separating mother and daughter and likely ruining the child's life (not just the mother's) by placing her in our horrid foster care system.

I can tell you it wasn't a one time incident. Maybe with the washer it was, but not in general if you something like that to your kid. The type of punishment you use, should be in relation with the kids age and menthal level, and that hardly qualifies for any kind of reasonable punishment. And just like someone said earlier, the kid could have died or get permanently injured. When you were saying that you and your friend had a waterfight with those, you propably mean you were playing with the setting that the flow is bigger.

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That car wash is about 5 minutes from my house.

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