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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Catering To Women, Homosexuality and Minorities Restricting Game Developers' Creative Freedom?

Angelus said:
generic-user-1 said:
Pandering to feminists doesnt work, nobody likes those menhating liars, not even women, and they have absolutly no concept of art or fun, or civil discourse, or math...

its not about women, feminist just want stuff and attention, thats all-

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Catering to straight males and "majorities" already restricts any artist/developer creative freedom.
Catering to anything restricts any artist/developer creative freedom.
Assuming it wasn't their choice, of course.

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)

I just want politics out of my games. They're fine as they are. Infact, feminists are actually turning more women away from gaming than towards it, all while making a quick buck out of it.

Psychotic said:
Shackkobe said:

One must not assume that his/her point of view is superior. An artist has the right to do whatever he/she wants to do without fear of being viewed as narrowminded, old fashioned, limited etc.

Both of those statements are completely wrong.

It's easy to disagree, but it's ten times harder to say why :)

I think more so it is tailoring every game to make the absolute maximum amount of profit that limits creativity. You see it in every medium of art.

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"Is Catering To Women, Homosexuality and Minorities Restricting Game Developers' Creative Freedom?"

No. Creative freedom is restricted when women, homosexuals and minorities are left out of the equation. By addressing the existence of a broader audience than say, the male heterosexual majority, there is more room for creativity. Try explaining that to the SIGs, though.

Shackkobe said:

It's easy to disagree, but it's ten times harder to say why :)

"One must not assume that his/her point of view is superior."

Sometimes it is entirely rational to believe your point of view is superior, namely: if you are reasonably confident the other person doesn't know what they're talking about (i. e. if you're a lawyer and some random goofus tries to lecture you about law); if you have a good reason to think the other person is extremely biased or has ulterior motives ; if the reasons stated by the other persons for their point of view are obviously illogical etc. I think the last two situations apply frequently when discussing "catering to women, homosexiality and minorities" in gaming.

"An artist has the right to do whatever he/she wants to do without fear of being viewed as narrowminded, old fashioned, limited etc."

Wrong. An artist has the right to do whatever he/she wants within the boundaries of law without fear of being punished by the state. That is it. Anybody can think whatever they want about the artist based on his or her work´, including criticizing him! The artist doesn't have to change his work based on the criticsm or even acknowledge it in the first place, but I wonder what makes you think that it is immoral to form opinions about artists or sharing those opinions with others.

Enough of an explanation?

generic-user-1 said:
Pandering to feminists doesnt work, nobody likes those menhating liars, not even women, and they have absolutly no concept of art or fun, or civil discourse, or math...

the video games are anti women argument is just a lie, like the gender wage gap or other female discrimination in the western world.

What does a person's math skills have to do with feminism? That's like me blaming your above grammatical errors on you being an anti-feminist.

Games are a creative product and people want to associate with that product if a part of you (bein, female, black, gay or all together) is completely non existing in a (RPG) game, that could limit some people's enjoyment of that game. I am not saying every RPG should have those options but to live the entire fantasy for a large group of gamers it actually is pretty important and the dev should include those options. Yet he isn't obligated to do so, in sales perspective it's wise though.

I for instance always play a female character in RPG's, mostly because the voice acting of females in those games is better than their male competitor in Bioware games. For some reason I also like to play a female protagonist once in a while. So in the case of RPG's I agree with some complaints about some genders, sexual orientations and the large races not being in a game, because it makes those games mostlly better and allows more types fantasies, so more replay value. Not because I think they should by law, or are otherwise discriminating.

What I do dislike is that games as god of war etc. are under attack by people who claim the game is sexist and so on, RE5 being racist. I even heard Nintendo being racist due to the lack of black figures in the Mario IP. There are many games in which some races just don't fit all that well, take the order even though I did not play it, how odd would a black person be in that game as counts for nearly all Western based medieval games (so shame on you Dragon Age where on earth did you find a dark African in Western Europe during that time).

Sometimes you can almost see that developers put a black and female character in to avoid criticism, I don't think that should be the case in any game.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

yes it does

political correctness is shit