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btw Fatal Frame is pretty sweet.

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CaptainExplosion said:
I still would've preferred if it was a new F-Zero.

Shin'en does what Nintendon't


curl-6 said:
CaptainExplosion said:
I still would've preferred if it was a new F-Zero.

Shin'en does what Nintendon't


That reminds me, Nintendo did try to have an F-Zero launch titles at launch with Criterion.  But it fell through (which, BTW, the fact they didn't have time to even try to get someone else should really drive home how rushed the Wii U was).  I wonder if we might see them try again at the launch of the Wii U's successor or soon after.  I think F-Zero would fit as a launch title: fun, straight forward, flashy, technical showpiece.

So my Black Friday loot ended up being:
-Mass Effect 3 (Wii U)
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Wii U)
-Okami (Wii)
-Final Fantasy IV (DS)
-Chrono Trigger (DS)
-The World Ends With You (DS)

I'm pretty happy with it, and it didn't cost all that much, especially with the latter 3 being (as far as I know) new copies. The only downside is that this significantly adds to my backlog, but I've been wanting to play these games so...worth it. xD

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

Shin'en does what Nintendon't


That reminds me, Nintendo did try to have an F-Zero launch titles at launch with Criterion.  But it fell through (which, BTW, the fact they didn't have time to even try to get someone else should really drive home how rushed the Wii U was).  I wonder if we might see them try again at the launch of the Wii U's successor or soon after.  I think F-Zero would fit as a launch title: fun, straight forward, flashy, technical showpiece.

Yeah, it's a real shame those plans went to pot, a HD F-Zero by Criterion would have been exactly the kind of "hardcore" showcase that Wii U's launch was lacking.

Around the Network
Skullwaker said:
So my Black Friday loot ended up being:
-Mass Effect 3 (Wii U)
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Wii U)
-Okami (Wii)
-Final Fantasy IV (DS)
-Chrono Trigger (DS)
-The World Ends With You (DS)

I'm pretty happy with it, and it didn't cost all that much, especially with the latter 3 being (as far as I know) new copies. The only downside is that this significantly adds to my backlog, but I've been wanting to play these games so...worth it. xD

Okami, play that, like now, do it!

ARamdomGamer said:

Okami, play that, like now, do it!

Unfortunately I'm not in the vicinity of my Wii U to pop it in, but as soon as I get back home on Sunday I'll try it out. :) I've been interested in that game for a long time, so I had to jump on it when I saw it in store. 

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


KyleeStrutt said:
btw Fatal Frame is pretty sweet.

Damn straight! :D
Where you up to?

KyleeStrutt said:

Well, at least some are enjoying it.

A bad game can still be enjoyed afterall. I liked FFXIII for instance. The gameplay had very little depth and the story made little sense, no denying any of that, but somehow it didn't bother me that much, probably cause I was blinded by it's beautiful visuals and sound hehe.


Team pizza!!!!!!!!!