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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official Witcher 3 review thread, 93 meta on PS4, 93 on PC, 91 on XB1 [Mod Approved]


Will you be buying Witcher 3?

Day 1 156 58.87%
On sale 38 14.34%
After the Enhanced/GOTY edition releases 44 16.60%
No 24 9.06%
shikamaru317 said:
ethomaz said:
mZuzek said:
I'm guessing 94 and it'll be sweeping all the GotY awards in 6 months.

Bloodborne will win most GOTY awards this year

People said the same thing about Bayonetta 2 last year. In the end, exclusives only win the most GOTY awards if they're very popular, such as The Last of Us. I think Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, and Metal Gear Solid V will be the top contenders for GOTY, Bloodborne will win a few GOTY awards and probably alot of best PS4 game awards.

It sold a million copies within 10 days and it's released on a relevant console, it's pretty popular. So I guess it wil win more than PS4 only awards. Best horror game is already a given and a high chance for best environment. Don't forget Halo 5 it can win quite a few awards even best game of the year.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

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Guys, it's looking like a good time to abandon Metacritic and just go with "some people on the forums say it's overrated/underrated." Instead of watching the score compilation sites, we can just watch Gaf and be like, "3WufMoon's opinion is out and he's going with ... OVERRATED! THAT'S ANOTHER OVERRATED! Chalk it up!"

Honestly, that promises to be a lot of fun. How do I submit for mod approval?

DerNebel said:
Weird that the reviews on metacritic are for the PS4 version, normally the version that has the marketing rights gets reviewed.

92 after 11 reviews, looks great, might check it out when I have some more time/money.

It is weird, but it is obvious console reviewers will prefer the best version to review. Plus, I am sure CdD projekt wants what they call the better version reviewed. Logic really.

shikamaru317 said:
tbone51 said:
92/93 on Meta, really good. I think its in the top 5, if not top 3 highest rated games of the generation (thats from this generation)


1. Super Mario 3D World- 93

2. Bloodborne- 92

2. Super Smash Bros. Wii U- 92

2. Witcher 3- 92

So tied for 2nd highest game of the generation so far.

Forgot Awakening!!! I thought Bloodborne was a 93, anywayz Batman Coming up to join or surpass these games next!

Dunno what other games.

Headshot said:
Ruler said:
Goodnightmoon said:

I care about the story, just dont when the actual gameplay is not fun. I usually don´t like interactive movies, doesnt matter how big they are. The game seems more than that anyway I was expresing my concerns because is not the first time a game gets ridiculous high scores just to be revealed time later as highly overrated like happened with gta4 and dai.

This, witcher 3 doesnt derserve to be at the same position like bloodborne imo, its just another open world game.

Why does it not? Come the end of the year, BB will probably be forgotten when it comes to handing out GOTY awards just like every other souls game before it.

Bloodborne won't be forgotten though I'm not surprised you think it will considering your bias. 

~Mod Edit~

This post has been moderated.


Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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Chazore said:
Ruler said:

This, witcher 3 doesnt derserve to be at the same position like bloodborne imo, its just another open world game.

That's just

I feel W3 deserves all it;s sales and recognition for it being a great Western RPG, the fact more gamers get to play it is a great thing and CRPR have proven they can make good RPG games before.

I'm sorry you feel that way but that's just like your opinion man, just because you say "this" with some other person doesn't make it an auto fact.

Some of these sites clearly have pushed hard this game like gamespot, and look at eurogamer poland giving it 100% right upfront. We know why they are giving it 100% because its made by poles. So a lot of these review sites cant be trusted, they are highly corrupt its proven time and time again.

tbone51 said:

Forgot Awakening!!! I thought Bloodborne was a 93, anywayz Batman Coming up to join or surpass these games next!

Dunno what other games.

Dude, no one cares how this compares to quality Mario games. They are nothing alike.

Ruler said:

Some of these sites clearly have pushed hard this game like gamespot, and look at eurogamer poland giving it 100% right upfront. We know why they are giving it 100% because its made by poles. So a lot of these review sites cant be trusted, they are highly corrupt.

I don't think that's much the case though, you jumped from having a go at them for DLC that's free, then actual DLC for the future, then the game release and now you're having a go at the poles in general, I find you very hard to believe especially as someone pointed out with your sig along with your W3 VS BB.

Both are different games and both have different stories and atmospheres., BB got the scores it deserved and so will Witcher 3, that is the end of this story.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

chocoloco said:
tbone51 said:

Forgot Awakening!!! I thought Bloodborne was a 93, anywayz Batman Coming up to join or surpass these games next!

Dunno what other games.

Dude, no one cares how this compares to quality Mario games. They are nothing alike.

Where is that comparison? 

chocoloco said:
tbone51 said:

Forgot Awakening!!! I thought Bloodborne was a 93, anywayz Batman Coming up to join or surpass these games next!

Dunno what other games.

Dude, no one cares how this compares to quality Mario games. They are nothing alike.

Huh? Talking about Metascore. Not Direct Comparisons