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Chazore said:
Ruler said:

This, witcher 3 doesnt derserve to be at the same position like bloodborne imo, its just another open world game.

That's just

I feel W3 deserves all it;s sales and recognition for it being a great Western RPG, the fact more gamers get to play it is a great thing and CRPR have proven they can make good RPG games before.

I'm sorry you feel that way but that's just like your opinion man, just because you say "this" with some other person doesn't make it an auto fact.

Some of these sites clearly have pushed hard this game like gamespot, and look at eurogamer poland giving it 100% right upfront. We know why they are giving it 100% because its made by poles. So a lot of these review sites cant be trusted, they are highly corrupt its proven time and time again.