Paatar said:
sc94597 said:
I think religion is the medium through which justification is made for said belifs moreso than the cause of these beliefs. Homosexuality isn't only looked down upon by Christians, for example. Culture plays a crucial role here.
I never specifically stated Christians. I just said religion.
Yes, culture has a part to play, but religion has been the main cause.
There are plenty of religions that don't codify treating homosexuals poorly. Heck, in Japan homosexuality was associated very oftenly with Buddhism. For that matter, you are implying certain specific religion(s) are the cause, not religion in general. And I would argue that in said religions it isn't just that the religions taught people to dislike homosexuals, but rather also that the dislike for homosexuality was a codification of some other cultural phenomena, religion being used as a medium to spread it. So the real origin/cause is something much deeper. I doubt the bigots today would be any less bigotted if religion didn't exist. They'd use some other excuse. The concept of a traditional family transcends religion.
A perfect example of this is that China, as athiest as a country can get where religion is heavily regulated, outlawed homosexuality until 1997. The cause of this was the nature of government influence on the perception of what makes a family. China is an example of a country that is heavily involved in the demographics of its population, and homosexuality was contrary to such goals (first they wanted to create huge populations, and then they realized that homosexuality coupled with the one-child policy would cause familial strife because a homosexual would not continue the family biologically.)