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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rare Will Reveal New Project at E3 - Not Kinect Game

alright, lets get a few things straight on this...
1. Yooka-Laylee is being developed my ex-Rare employees. any magic of the Donkey Kong Country and Banjo-Kazooie games is elsewhere now. basically we dont know what to expect and what we are expecting is probably far from reality.

2. a revival of 3D platformers would be amazing, but since when has that been Microsoft's department? (correct me if i am wrong) i just think people who are getting excited are hoping a bit too high

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Slade6alpha said:
Samus Aran said:
Just sell Banjo-Kazooie to Nintendo already...

--Haven't even seen what it is..--

Tells them to sell it back to Nintendo... 

They basically said it was a new IP. If you're not going to use your old IPs then sell them.

Samus Aran said:
Slade6alpha said:


They basically said it was a new IP. If you're not going to use your old IPs then sell them.

Rare is working on 2-3 projects as a heads up.  This also doesnt stop them from outsourcing it similar to Killer instinct.  For the record Banjo-Kazooie is heavily rumored and not long ago they said this year is a BIG year for Rare.  Wouldnt be surprised to see new and old ip from Rare this year


After so many years developing kinect games, is Rare even equipped and with a team good enough to develop something noteworthy?

And i know i am going against the YL hype here, but i am not sure a 3D mascot plataformer is what XOne players expect from 1st party.

It is not a 3D platformer for sure? Why?

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vkaraujo said:
After so many years developing kinect games, is Rare even equipped and with a team good enough to develop something noteworthy?

And i know i am going against the YL hype here, but i am not sure a 3D mascot plataformer is what XOne players expect from 1st party.


Judging by LinkedIn profiles, there are a few senior people still there who have been there since the glory days. I bet they could make something decent. 

A 3D mascot platformer can help to diversify Microsoft's lineup, and it definetly won't be Perfect Dark or another FPS because of Halo 5. 

JayWood2010 said:


Rare Will Reveal New Project at E3 - Not Kinect Game

Woodroffe was responding to news that Banjo-Kazooie inspired project Yooka-Laylee by former Rare developers was successfully funded on Kickstarter last week when he said "E3 Will tell the world what Gregg Mayles new project is about."

Mayles previously worked on Rare's Donkey Kong Country games as well as Viva Pinata. When a fan suggested that it might be another 3D platformer, Woodroffe said that the company is more about new things, and also indicated that it isn't Kinect game. Woodroffe also quoted Mayles, saying "This is more fun than anything we've ever done."

This isn't the first sign we've seen that Rare is ready to talk about a new project. In January, composer Robin Beanland, who has worked at the company for more than 20 years, said that 2015 would be a "huge" year for the UK studio.

Well there goes my hopes for a Conker sequel...

How many Banjo clones does the world need? Let it go already.

Not a 3D platformer, huh? I would be perfectly fine with a new Jet Force Gemini!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

gatito said:
How many Banjo clones does the world need? Let it go already.

Conker is a Banjo clone...?