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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is PS One overtracked on VGChartz (serious and honest question)

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Did the original PlayStation sell over 104 million units?

Yes, 104.25 is the correct number. 39 46.99%
No, 102.49 is more likely. 44 53.01%

Wrong thread* Sorry! :(

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I posted by mistake here but anyway,I will tell opinion or rather I will say a fact!It's undisputedly overtracked!Here's the proof...

Honestly, if you reviewed Sony's annual reports, you'd know that the 104.25 number is off. It's straight from Sony's mouth.

In the 2006 fiscal report: (Through March 31, 2006)

Sony had shipped ~103.7m PS2 units by that point, a number which Sony themselves stated in that same report exceeded the number of original PlayStation's shipped.

I'm inclined to believe that the 102.49 is the accurate number to go with. You can't have sales that exceed what's produced.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

rolltide101x said:
There is no way to know for sure. Also companies do not say they sold 1 million at 1,000,001 units sold they wait until 1.1-3 million so they are sure they are correct. But as I said there is no way to know for a fact

Sorry dear but there is...

The 102.49 figure is right,ps1 is overtracked here!:P

tak13 said:
I posted by mistake here but anyway,I will tell opinion or rather I will say a fact!It's undisputedly overtracked!Here's the proof...

Yep, I came across that as well.  You'll see the link in my opening post also.  I'm hoping that someone/anyone who so adamantly stands by the 104 million total offers up contradictory evidence to dispute the more easily supported 102 million number.  I'm really curious as to where it comes from.

Around the Network

Nobody will never know.

Sony figures in PSOne age was Production Shipment (that means what they produced and put in the Sony's warehouses before ship to Retail).

PSOne Production Shipment is ~105 million... a bit over that.

But nobody will never knows how much it sold but it is safe to say it sold more than 100 million.

Mandalore76 said:
tak13 said:
I posted by mistake here but anyway,I will tell opinion or rather I will say a fact!It's undisputedly overtracked!Here's the proof...

Yep, I came across that as well.  You'll see the link in my opening post also.  I'm hoping that someone/anyone who so adamantly stands by the 104 million total offers up contradictory evidence to dispute the more easily supported 102 million number.  I'm really curious as to where it comes from.

102.49m is completely right!I didn't notice that you had posted that link...Well,why we discuss something that is proved? lol

P.s Someone will come to contradict that,even though this official source is a proof...Sometimes we fall into the trap of subjectivity!

I wish companies would tell us exactly how many consoles they've sold. :(

PenguinZ said:

Honestly, if you reviewed Sony's annual reports, you'd know that the 104.25 number is off. It's straight from Sony's mouth.

In the 2006 fiscal report: (Through March 31, 2006)

Sony had shipped ~103.7m PS2 units by that point, a number which Sony themselves stated in that same report exceeded the number of original PlayStation's shipped.

I'm inclined to believe that the 102.49 is the accurate number to go with. You can't have sales that exceed what's produced.

Thanks for the added input!  That is my conclusion as well.  I'm seeing a lot of documented support for the 102.49 figure.  What I'm waiting for is one person who stands by the 104 million+ figure to add something/anything meaningful as to why they believe the higher number is true.  Without it, they are just voting for 104.25 because they want it to be true.  And, on a sales tracking site, that kind of number just doesn't belong.

ethomaz said:

Nobody will never know.

Sony figures in PSOne age was Production Shipment (that means what they produced and put in the Sony's warehouses before ship to Retail).

PSOne Production Shipment is ~105 million... a bit over that.

But nobody will never knows how much it sold but it is safe to say it sold more than 100 million.

I don't dispute that is sold more than 100 million, as that much is certain.  My timeline indicates that Sony announced over 100 million sold by late 2005.  My question is whether it could have reached 104 million, or if the 102 million range is more likely.  Mind you, even if adjusted down to 102.49 million, it doesn't diminish what the console achieved in the slightest.  It was the first console to sell over 100 million units ever.  If the Wii doesn't manage to cross 102.5 million units (which is, I whole-heartedly agree, highly unlikely that it will at this point), it will still be the 2nd highest selling home console of all time (behind only the beast that was the PS2), even at the lower number.  My point is, why support a higher number than is likely just for the sake of being 2 million higher when 102.49 million is a massive achievement in and of itself?

Also, just curious, but can you link where the 105 million production shipment you cited came from?  I didn't come across that anywhere in my searches, and I'd like to see anything I may have missed that offers a differing viewpoint.