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Forums - Sony Discussion - BraLoD catching up with the classics: Final Fantasy 9

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BraLoD said:
DakonBlackblade said:

The begining of the sidequest chain is unmissable if Im not mistaken, from them on its actualy pretty simple to keep doing them if you want to, theres nothing actualy hiden, you have to actively want to do them tough but if you decide you gona do it you can pretty much do the whole thing by yourself (the whole quest chain sprawls for the entirety of the game).


Will probably do it so, as I hardly like to let things I know I can do pass by me


Im like that as well, and that proved to be a nightmare on Dragon Age Inquisition, the game has hughe open areas filled with fetch quests and colectibles, not realy the most fun activitys but I just had to do them all cause I cant keep playing if I know IM leaving stuf behind on purpose hehe. I can already see how bad this will be on The Witcher 3...

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DakonBlackblade said:
PieToast said:


Brazil has mostly the same stuf as the US on the PSN. You know you can make a US PSN for you right, I have one there wasnt a Brazil PSN when I bought my PS3 way back when, so I made a US one and just stuck with it because of trophys and such. I have to buy pre-paid PSN cards on the internet to add funds to my account since I cant use my credit card directly on my PSN acc cause of the billing adress of the card, its kind of anoying but not too much.


That's essentially what I'm doing right now. I only use my original account for the trophies and crossbuy games including PS1 titles.

.- -... -.-. -..

One more to go until you hit the best FF.

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

BraLoD said:

Nice, hope it can grow to be one char I'll like a lot XD

If you look up on the ditionary the definition of character growth one of the sinonims that come up is "FF IX's Vivi", he goes a long long way till the end of this jurney you can rest asured.

DakonBlackblade said:

Im like that as well, and that proved to be a nightmare on Dragon Age Inquisition, the game has hughe open areas filled with fetch quests and colectibles, not realy the most fun activitys but I just had to do them all cause I cant keep playing if I know IM leaving stuf behind on purpose hehe. I can already see how bad this will be on The Witcher 3...

I completely understand your pain. I always had to make a conscious decision to stop doing the side quests in DA:I. I liked the game, but I only bring up it's design flaws when I'm having a discussion about it because it left such a bad impression on me.

.- -... -.-. -..

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I'm so glad you're doing this BraLod! It really is a great game I'm quite enjoying it as well. A lot of what you say rings true with me; I posted a similar in the RPG thread the other day but this game has a type of charm that I've never seen before and I really like it. Continue to enjoy the game! I'll be doing the same

#1 Amb-ass-ador

I tried to get into FF9 before, hated it. Especially Vivi and the monkey guy... the main guy, forgot his name XD A lot of people here seem to really like Vivi and thats probably one of the main attractions to the game, but I cant stand him. He's annoying and a crybaby and I wished they'd kill him off early on with a better mage like that cool mage boss from the beginning.

BraLoD said:
ReimTime said:

I'm so glad you're doing this BraLod! It really is a great game I'm quite enjoying it as well. A lot of what you say rings true with me; I posted a similar in the RPG thread the other day but this game has a type of charm that I've never seen before and I really like it. Continue to enjoy the game! I'll be doing the same

You are also playing it for the first time? Cone would be doing it as well, but he just got too busy.

We can,share our thoughts about it once we finish it xD

Definitely! Except I've been playing it since December and am only on disc 2 (I do love the game, I just get sidetracked easily) so there is a slight possibility you may finish first lol.

Looks like I'm just a bit early on my MGS playthroughs to coincide (I see that's what you were considering next). I've just been trophy hunting 2/3/4 in the past few days. Might go for a Big Boss playthrough in all of them soon

#1 Amb-ass-ador

StarOcean said:
I tried to get into FF9 before, hated it. Especially Vivi and the monkey guy... the main guy, forgot his name XD A lot of people here seem to really like Vivi and thats probably one of the main attractions to the game, but I cant stand him. He's annoying and a crybaby and I wished they'd kill him off early on with a better mage like that cool mage boss from the beginning.

Blasphemy! StarOcean how could you?!

*covers Vivi's ears*

#1 Amb-ass-ador

ReimTime said:
StarOcean said:
I tried to get into FF9 before, hated it. Especially Vivi and the monkey guy... the main guy, forgot his name XD A lot of people here seem to really like Vivi and thats probably one of the main attractions to the game, but I cant stand him. He's annoying and a crybaby and I wished they'd kill him off early on with a better mage like that cool mage boss from the beginning.

Blasphemy! StarOcean how could you?!

*covers Vivi's ears*

It's sad, I know. Everyone loves him, but to be honest, he's probably my least favorite FF character ever tied with Kihmari. His design and personality are off-putting for me.