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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - More believable Nintendo Direct leak for April 1st. (Not Bowser Wii U)


This one seems very legit

It's legit 32 16.49%
It's not 59 30.41%
Obviously we don't know but I belive it is 45 23.20%
Obviously we don't know ... 33 17.01%
Maybe 24 12.37%

Hahahaha a ND is actually happening.

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I'm guessing there is some truth to this, knowing that the just announced a Direct. Can't wait to sift through the lies and truths.

I really hope that the Paper Mario thing is real :(

the only thing that raises alarm bells with this for me is the whole Starfox thing. i was thinking they were going to save the whole thing for an E3 reveal.

also the subtitle "Horizons" sounds lame and not like something Nintendo would use imo.

BasiltheBatLord said:
the only thing that raises alarm bells with this for me is the whole Starfox thing. i was thinking they were going to save the whole thing for an E3 reveal.

also the subtitle "Horizons" sounds lame and not like something Nintendo would use imo.

Sounds cooler than Adventures or 64, if you ask me.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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BasiltheBatLord said:
the only thing that raises alarm bells with this for me is the whole Starfox thing. i was thinking they were going to save the whole thing for an E3 reveal.

also the subtitle "Horizons" sounds lame and not like something Nintendo would use imo.

Star Fox Horizon sounds AWESOME in my opinion.

Well, we are getting Fatal Frame V guys!!!! :D

I'm just confused as to why Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't on the list. Maybe that's the treehouse at the end? I doubt it but you never know.

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

[Xbox Live: JissuWolfe]

[PSN: Jissu]

SNES games on my 3DS? I wanna believe...

BasiltheBatLord said:
the only thing that raises alarm bells with this for me is the whole Starfox thing. i was thinking they were going to save the whole thing for an E3 reveal.

also the subtitle "Horizons" sounds lame and not like something Nintendo would use imo.

Just like a couple others have said, I really like Horizons.

But not everything will appeal to everyone. It's the same with Bravely Second's subtitle "End Layer"

I love it and it makes it sound really omminous. But a lot of people are iffy on it. But that's just how the world works.

[Switch Friend code: 3909-3991-4970]

[Xbox Live: JissuWolfe]

[PSN: Jissu]

Some of those announcements we already knew. Other announcements are thing expected considering late rumors.
So this is probably fake, but at some point they will broadcast a new Direct in later April