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Forums - Politics Discussion - Indiana Governer signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers.

tak13 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Yeah, I can't wait to get a Wii. No problem at all.

I'm sure the post will still be here if people are still interested in talking about it. :)

It will explode,be sure!I hope in a peaceful way,without personal attacks and homophobic comments,although we already had some,in an underhand manner though...

You mean wii u not wii,it thought that you had bought it,oh you have fooled me...Anyway!

Yeah I decided to get the WIi U this year when Zelda or Starfox launch. Hopefully we can continue the conversation in a civilized manner as her already have. Everyone has been pretty cool about the news.

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They should do like they did before the 60's, just have separate section for heterosexuals and the gays just like they use to have sections for the whites and people of colors. That was a great period of history right guys?

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

chapset said:
They should do like they did before the 60's, just have separate section for heterosexuals and the gays just like they use to have sections for the whites and people of colors. That was a great period of history right guys?


McDonaldsGuy said:

IMO you should be able to reject whoever you want as customers. Doesn't mean I have to shop there though (I wouldn't shop at a place that denied gay/minority/females/different religious people for example).

This.No one should be forced to serve another for any reason. If you run a private business you should be free to serve whom ever you choose. 



It's interesting to see those lashing out against "bigotry" be so bigoted towards religion. We don't even have real examples of people turning gays away, unless you want to count the ridiculous case of a woman getting mad because a certain baker wouldn't make her a wedding cake (even though there are probably dozens of bakeries in that area who would, the baker offered to find another one who would, AND the baker had made things for them before), yet it's so easy to label others as bigots and haters and they deserved to be hated.

Yet another example of the "open-minded" actually being closed minded, as their opinion is the only correct one and the other side needs to MADE to agree with them. No debate. Just name calling. Also another example of people focusing on Christians like are the scum of the earth, but ignoring the true examples of hatred towards gays. I mean sure, let's focus on a gay woman being politely turned away when she wanted a wedding cake, while we ignore the fact that countless gays are being thrown off buildings in some Arab countries. Hell, they're slaughtering the Christians, too. But those damn Christians, am I right?

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Not all that are against the gay lifestyle are religious...

To think this likely starting with the bakery who didn't want to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I'm quite surprised a bill like that could still pass in the US.

If a business adopts such policies, then I assume it's just the owners making a clear public stance against homosexuality and not them directly acting on their religion. Because from my understanding, Christianity and other religions don't suggest that money can only be accepted from costumers who don't follow specific ethics. The gay people who will be mostly turned away are couples. To me this bill sounds like a retaliation to the the fairly recent news of the legalization of gay marriage.

Edit: I just checked and same sex marriage has been legal in Indiana since last October.

.- -... -.-. -..

Businesses should be able to deny service to anyone they want except if a business is classed as a utility or is essential to someone's life/daily life. Homosexual rights and religious rights are equal in my opinion.

2Ultra said:
Not all that are against the gay lifestyle are religious...

Sad but true