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Forums - Politics Discussion - Indiana Governer signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers.

SlayerRondo said:

If a hospital refused to serve certain patients the insurance companies who would have agreements in place with the hospital would sue them for breach on contract and the bad publicity would destroy them. Their are pleanty on incentives for business to not descriminate and allowing people to chose who they do business with would only results in a few small business turning certain people away in the worst of the states.

Freedom of association also means freedom from association.

These discussions typically involve more small businesses than anything. With the alarmingly high instances of bigotry in certain parts of the country, businesses with these practices could actually get more good word of mouth than bad and see an increase in customers. I think you underestimate how big this issue can be in some parts of the country...

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daredevil.shark said:
What are you talking about?

You just said you like the governor now and support his decision of discriminating against homosexuals in public places. Is that not considered a hatred of an entire portion of the human population?

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


daredevil.shark said:
Anyways I wont be replaying anyone here. Kudos to the governor for making the right choice. Good decision.

Lmfao. Of course.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Skullwaker said:
daredevil.shark said:

The irony is astounding. So you want others to feel hated and unwelcome but don't want to feel that way yourself? 

The hypocrisy of your earlier statement is perhaps lost on you?

daredevil.shark said:
Anyways I wont be replaying anyone here. Kudos to the governor for making the right choice. Good decision.

Better not,how many times you wιll violate a specific rule? ;)

How would you feel if this governor didn't like people from your country and decided to pass the same law for people from you country?Would you approve too?

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
FunFan said:

But it has a $85,000 initiation fee. Hows that not a business?

It doesn't need to be a business. The fee is used to keep people out who cannot afford to be there. Legal classicism, and sexist behavior. Its a frat house. I believe the religion of Scientology has a fee as well.

I wonder if the Illinois State Tax Commission agrees with you.

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)

The_Yoda said:
The hypocrisy of your earlier statement is perhaps lost on you?

There is no hypocrisy to be found. The difference between hating someone for something they can't change and hating someone for their own actions is astounding. 

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


The_Yoda said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Ministers have the empathy of a nation of believers. As a Christian it was easier to speak to Christians about political change. He was assassinated because he was making more social and political progress than religion. He went about peaceful progress because he's a pacifist like Christ was in the scripture. Malcolm X is the exact same way. You know...the same guys who Professor X amd Magneto were created after? The duality of peace vs militant by any means necessary tactics for social change. Most of these guys were socialist were socialist as well.

How is this possible ... using Chistianity as a vehichle to promote change ... doesn't work so well with your assesment of "Its actually a fact that religion has held society back"

"He was assassinated because he was making more social and political progress than religion." - can you possibly even back this up with facts?

He was a Christian preacher who believed much like Christ that peace was the only way to go. No matter what time you live in, the philosophy of the bible will never evolve or change, its static. He used pacifist policy to bring forward social change (Once again, being like Christ). He was not only a religious figure, but a political figure fighting for the rights of black people and other minorities of color who were kept down. He spoke to people on a Christian level because sometimes people despite what they say, wont listen because those who are speaking to them were outsiders.

He used christ-like pacifist policy as a tactic, but the overall idea was to make life better for blacks and other minorities (which isnt religious at all). Once again, the bible was used as a reason to keep blacks as slaves. In fact name change, brain washing and religious acceptance was something most blacks were forced into. Its in your history book, look it up. Do you think the world is majorly Christian because of the love of god? No. Its because of war and conquest. He had to remind people of their constitutional rights in protecting the equal rights of men.

Historically speaking when Religious ideals took over the state societies were pushed back because of political corruption. This is why the founding fathers created separation of church and state. Even in your bible, it even states that in the end times you will have a lot of corrupt religious leaders. 

There is the reason why the famous saying "Religion is the opiate of the masses" exists.

Skullwaker said:
The_Yoda said:
The hypocrisy of your earlier statement is perhaps lost on you?

There is no hypocrisy to be found. The difference between hating someone for something they can't change and hating someone for their own actions is astounding. 

If we are talking only about homosexuals then I take it you fall in with the side that believes homosexuality to be biological rather than a choice?

FunFan said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

It doesn't need to be a business. The fee is used to keep people out who cannot afford to be there. Legal classicism, and sexist behavior. Its a frat house. I believe the religion of Scientology has a fee as well.

I wonder if the Illinois State Tax Commission agrees with you.

I said it doesnt need to be a business, not that couldn't be. Generally those fees are used to make sure specific people  in a class are in there. Is there a monthly fee?