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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the XBO version of FFXV a mistake?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
TiagoCosta said:

If anything Microsoft was the one investing in jrpgs last gen, not sony. 

Lost Odyssey, Blue dragon.. 

What did sony invest in? 

Sony doesn't have to pay for Japanese exclusives but sometimes they publish them (like they do for co-development initiatives from level 5 or From Software). They are marketed to Japan and Playstation is the platform of choice for a lot of those RPG's. Microsoft is an outside so they have to pay and even then games like Lost Odyssey didnt even hit a million even though they were amazing. If Sakaguchi and Sony ever were to bury the hatchet, Square Enix would rule the day they lost the father of Final Fantasy.

Not the point in question, I'm not even defending Microsoft. 

Sony doesn't even have to try I know all that, but I read "Microsoft won't invest, contrary to Sony" 

free exclusives isn't a investment, not here in Portugal nor all the way in Japan.

pretty sure you read how I feel about Spencer.

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shikamaru317 said:
celador said:
So these games sell far less on Xbox because of that fanbase having better taste? Good grief

They sell less on Xbox because that console's fanbase has less interest in Japanese games. There is a reason MS focuses so heavily on only a few genres. They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. Trying to switch the narrative to Xbox fans having more discerning tastes is laughable. Plenty of high rated Japanese games have come and gone with a much better attach rate on PS, and that will always be the case.

That's part of the reason, but it's not the only reason. There were plenty of Japanese games that sold well on 360 last gen, and I full expect the biggest Japanese series to do just fine on Xbox One this gen. Obviously not as well as the PS4 versions of those same games, but the XB1 versions will turn a profit.

its the main reason and quite frankly the most important reason. What were these Japanese games that sold well on 360? Vesperia comes to mind but i would call that well, ok sure. 

On a side note this whole perceived value as a reason its not being bought on xbone is nonsense. How much people even know that Type 0 is a port of a PSP game that never released outside of the Japan? outside of forum goers im guessing not a lot.

TiagoCosta said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Sony doesn't have to pay for Japanese exclusives but sometimes they publish them (like they do for co-development initiatives from level 5 or From Software). They are marketed to Japan and Playstation is the platform of choice for a lot of those RPG's. Microsoft is an outside so they have to pay and even then games like Lost Odyssey didnt even hit a million even though they were amazing. If Sakaguchi and Sony ever were to bury the hatchet, Square Enix would rule the day they lost the father of Final Fantasy.

Not the point in question, I'm not even defending Microsoft. 

Sony doesn't even have to try I know all that, but I read "Microsoft won't invest, contrary to Sony" 

free exclusives isn't a investment, not here in Portugal nor all the way in Japan.

pretty sure you read how I feel about Spencer.

MS did invest in JRPGs last gen...initially, that stopped after Lost Odyssey came out, probably because the investment wasnt really paying off, they gave it the old college try and i respect that. Sony doesnt really need to try hard, they got Japan on lock at least against Xbox, they could just sit back and get the games and they will sell exclusive or not. FF13 proved that as it beat the 360 version in EVERY terriority despite it having bundles and exclusive advertising in the US

oniyide said:
TiagoCosta said:

Not the point in question, I'm not even defending Microsoft. 

Sony doesn't even have to try I know all that, but I read "Microsoft won't invest, contrary to Sony" 

free exclusives isn't a investment, not here in Portugal nor all the way in Japan.

pretty sure you read how I feel about Spencer.

MS did invest in JRPGs last gen...initially, that stopped after Lost Odyssey came out, probably because the investment wasnt really paying off, they gave it the old college try and i respect that. Sony doesnt really need to try hard, they got Japan on lock at least against Xbox, they could just sit back and get the games and they will sell exclusive or not. FF13 proved that as it beat the 360 version in EVERY terriority despite it having bundles and exclusive advertising in the US

Ahah I'm going insane. Not the point in question!!


VGC fellow user said this 

«They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. »

This is a lie, false. 

morenoingrato said:
Yeah a huge mistake...

... For Sony fans.

How so? In that they didn't pick the clearly inferior system?

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No, not a mistake at all. This is still an old demo and neither exactly run well. Both SHOULD run better when the actual game is released.
There are also a lot less X1's on the market than there are PS4's so it makes sense that PS4 should be eating up most top lists, but different demographics in different areas will have a huge part to play in this as well.

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

Having just played the demo on PS4 I would say making FFXV for consoles was a huge mistake. I don't even want to imagine how awful it is on X1 if it's already almost unplayable on PS4.

I will just sit here and pray for a timely PC port.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

TiagoCosta said:
oniyide said:

MS did invest in JRPGs last gen...initially, that stopped after Lost Odyssey came out, probably because the investment wasnt really paying off, they gave it the old college try and i respect that. Sony doesnt really need to try hard, they got Japan on lock at least against Xbox, they could just sit back and get the games and they will sell exclusive or not. FF13 proved that as it beat the 360 version in EVERY terriority despite it having bundles and exclusive advertising in the US

Ahah I'm going insane. Not the point in question!!


VGC fellow user said this 

«They would never, for instance, fund their own JRPG like Sony would. »

This is a lie, false. 

its not a lie but it is something that they will not do NOW. So what if they did it years ago? It didnt really pan out then, so why would they try now? Does MS even have a japanese studio to back them to undertake such a product.

SE will return a profit from porting the game, so from a business point of view it is clearly not a mistake. 

BTW, don't overlook the fact that both of these games are still in development.

Maybe if the characters had goatees, scared faces, and carried grenades and machine guns and it only had online vs mode the XBox target audience would be all over it.

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