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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is the XBO version of FFXV a mistake?

TiagoCosta said:
oniyide said:

so no. wanting and doing are very different things. I'll wait for an announcement.

Your question was

«Does MS even have a japanese studio to back them to undertake such a product.»

Well yeah they do, if they want to. 

So don't change the question midway please.

last i checked they dont OWN Mistwalker, so its not really their studio. Now to my next point doesnt matter what Mistwalker wants to do if MS wants no part of it then thats what'll be.

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oniyide said:
TiagoCosta said:

Your question was

«Does MS even have a japanese studio to back them to undertake such a product.»

Well yeah they do, if they want to. 

So don't change the question midway please.

last i checked they dont OWN Mistwalker, so its not really their studio. Now to my next point doesnt matter what Mistwalker wants to do if MS wants no part of it then thats what'll be.

I get it, I have 2 situations in my mind. 

I will choose the first one, that you don't want to understand. 

That's fine.. 

morenoingrato said:
Yeah a huge mistake...

... For Sony fans.

You should feel guilty for specking the truth lol.

Legend11 said:
Goatseye said:
Legend11 said:
I think the problem with Square Enix and other Japanese third parties in general is the fact they chose to stay exclusively with the Playstation platform for too long. You now have games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy being outsold by Call of Duty and Skyrim. It would make no sense at this point to not port Final Fantasy XV unless they want to further diminish the series.

They stayed in the 90's through out the 2000's. They dismissed Xbox platform because Japanese folks didn't adopt it.

However, what they didn't see clearly was that, the gaming world was expanding and Japan was not the center anymore.

Exactly, I think one of the biggest mistakes of last gen was making Metal Gear 4 a Playstation exclusive and now it's no surprise (at least to me) to see Konami now looking like it might fall apart.  It's too bad that an innovative brand like Xbox wasn't more successful in Japan last generation as innovation is what Japan really needed.

cause Metal Gear games sell so well on non Sony consoles. They dont nothing would have changed and the sales for a 360 version still would have been 1/3 or the PS one, there are just some franchises that are just too tied to PS brand to the point it doesnt matter what else its released on, people need to accept that. Metal Gear, Tekken; hell just about any fighting game not made by a westeren dev, most JRPGs etc. Now thats not to say those games shouldnt be on xbox systems just keep expectations in check

TiagoCosta said:
oniyide said:

last i checked they dont OWN Mistwalker, so its not really their studio. Now to my next point doesnt matter what Mistwalker wants to do if MS wants no part of it then thats what'll be.

I get it, I have 2 situations in my mind. 

I will choose the first one, that you don't want to understand. 

That's fine.. 

i understand that we wont see a MS funded JRPG anytime soon if at all on xone. If you dont believe that then its cool, we'll agree to disagree

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Chazore said:
whatever said:

Wow, you really are very immature for your age.

Keep playing your card, I'm sure it will turn up for you someday, also keep on that high horse of immaturity.

Also you're derailing this even further just an fyi =^).

Keep presenting facts that have nothing to do with the argument at hand.

whatever said:

Keep presenting facts that have nothing to do with the argument at hand.

keep coming back to derail the thread even further.

last word guy?.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

mymuro said:
morenoingrato said:
Yeah a huge mistake...

... For Sony fans.

You should feel guilty for specking the truth lol.

the real truth among the truth is xbox fans dont care with jrpg lol. 

VXIII said:

If the final game is well received ( which is very, very likely considering the general reaction to the demo ) I think the game will sell enough to be considered a successful investment. I think it will sell 1.5M at least on XOne.

On the other hand, we will never know how the game would have benefited from the exclusivity in term of sales due to hype and a possible extensive marketing push from Sony.

Keep in mind that supporting both consoles is a long term investment. SE want to expand the fanbase for future titles as well. For example, look at how Skyrim sold on both consoles. Every company want that.

That's a very ambitious prediction. Based on the assumption that many people inclined twoards FF have moved from 360 to PS4, lets face it, it's unlikely to be shooter fans who've made the move, cracking 1 million will be a challenge. My guess is 750K, which is plenty enough for SE to consider it to have been worth the effort.

The only way I'd say making this game for Xb one would be a mistake, for Sony fans indeed, is if SE could have made a better looking and performing game on PS4 had they been able to focus 100% on PS4. But that's a problem for PS4 / PS4 fans not a problem for SE or MS, or for Xb one fans.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


HollyGamer said:
mymuro said:
morenoingrato said:
Yeah a huge mistake...

... For Sony fans.

You should feel guilty for specking the truth lol.

the real truth among the truth is xbox fans dont care with jrpg lol. 

That's not the whole truth. Japanese devs never bothered growing JRPG fanbase on Xbox platforms.

For example, Lost Odyssey sold like the best selling Persona game. Blue Dragon sold more than any Persona.

Only one Tales of Xillia sold more than BD.

That was in 2007/08, they never capitalized on the interest of Xbox gamers on JRPGs.

Jap. devs wanted moneyhat from MS. That's their bad.