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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Nintendo Platform Teased at Conference, "NX"

Barkley said:
Materia-Blade said:

Wii U's GPU doesn't have 0.35 tflops, forget that. Wii U's memory is better than you think due to edram. you speak as if we have an alien level of architeture difference. And this is a time where dev tools are very scalable.

Find me a source that says otherwise, all sources i've come across all state the WiiU has a 0.35tflop GPU, debating 101, when you question what someone says provide some kind of evidence.

Edram may increase memory access speed but if there's not enough actual memory to store everything that needs to be stored that's irrelevent. It's not an alien-level difference just enough for third-parties to decide it's not worth there time to develop a port.

Though this isn't the only reason third-parties don't develop for WiiU, otherwise cross-gen games would still be coming to platform as they did at launch (call of duty), so it's not JUST the hardware difference, though it's a severe pain in third-parties ass compared to developing for ps4/xbo/pc.

Also both XBO+PS4 and obviously PC install data onto the hardrive and read off that, the WiiU doesn't neither does it have the space to be able to. Just another difference between the systems.

This was discussed to hell and back. YOU SHOW ME A SOURCE, because so far there aren't any. Repeating, there is no source, just VERY vague speculation. And considering wii u's performance, the gpu definetely has more than 0.35 tflops.

To this day, third parties never complained about wii u's memory.

Wii u's read speed seems higher, though. games aren't supposed to ever be installed on a video game.

"though it's a severe pain in third-parties ass compared to developing for ps4/xbo/pc."

Or the other most probable option that starts with b.

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Nintendo nexus seems to me the right name for the new console, with the right marketing and with this name nintendo could attract more people to his platform

ReimTime said:
DanneSandin said:
ReimTime said:

Read A5, paragraph 2 (*edit* paragraph 3 my bad) starting with "In terms of how we view our relationship with 3rd party developers....". I was wrong, it was Iwata who said that not Miyamoto.

I paraphrased it a bit ;) but read for yourself.

Oh Nintendo =( Digging your own grave since 1995...

I can do without 3rd party on my Nintendo consoles; I mean I buy them solely for the excellent 1st party software. However their attitude towards 3rd party is a tad elitist.

I for one would LOOOOVE great 3rd party support on Nintendo consoles...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
ReimTime said:

I can do without 3rd party on my Nintendo consoles; I mean I buy them solely for the excellent 1st party software. However their attitude towards 3rd party is a tad elitist.

I for one would LOOOOVE great 3rd party support on Nintendo consoles...

Oh I agree it would be a great thing to have, but as a sheer bonus. I don't know many people that buy Nintendo consoles for the thirdy party stuff. I buy Sony for most of my games, and Nintendo for couch co-op/1st party. To each their own, though!

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Materia-Blade said:
Barkley said:

Find me a source that says otherwise, all sources i've come across all state the WiiU has a 0.35tflop GPU, debating 101, when you question what someone says provide some kind of evidence.

Edram may increase memory access speed but if there's not enough actual memory to store everything that needs to be stored that's irrelevent. It's not an alien-level difference just enough for third-parties to decide it's not worth there time to develop a port.

Though this isn't the only reason third-parties don't develop for WiiU, otherwise cross-gen games would still be coming to platform as they did at launch (call of duty), so it's not JUST the hardware difference, though it's a severe pain in third-parties ass compared to developing for ps4/xbo/pc.

Also both XBO+PS4 and obviously PC install data onto the hardrive and read off that, the WiiU doesn't neither does it have the space to be able to. Just another difference between the systems.

This was discussed to hell and back. YOU SHOW ME A SOURCE, because so far there aren't any. Repeating, there is no source, just VERY vague speculation. And considering wii u's performance, the gpu definetely has more than 0.35 tflops.

To this day, third parties never complained about wii u's memory.

Wii u's read speed seems higher, though. games aren't supposed to ever be installed on a video game.

"though it's a severe pain in third-parties ass compared to developing for ps4/xbo/pc."

Or the other most probable option that starts with b.

I did just show you a source, yes they came to the conclusion through EDUCATED speculation but it's worth far more than your or my word alone. If ram wasn't an issue all the consoles would be using 2gb of ram.

This discussion really seems to be pointless however, It's very very clear how different the WiiU is compared to the other two consoles. The bigger the difference between one system and the other the more effort is required to port between. This is UNDISPUTABLE. Not sure why i'm even arguing this, when it's clear as day.

Is it the only reason third parties aren't developing for WiiU?  No.

Is it the main reason? Probably not.

Does it make developing for the WiiU more difficult for third party developers? Of course it does, this is a fact.

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Materia-Blade said:
DanneSandin said:

Why don't you go a head and adress the other 3rd party games I mentioned then? How could Ubisoft be happy with Red Steel 2 selling 600k? Or No More Heroes? Truth is, mature 3rd party games on Wii didn't do all that well, especially if you compare it with how well they did on PS360

it is normal to see declines from the same franchises released later. still, those sales should have made a profit. "mature" games sold better on ps360 because they were actually released there. wii sold 2 millions of the old resident evil 4, throwing one or two examples  like red steel and no more heroes isn't enough to say the genres had no audience, just that they weren't exploited properly.

Taking a quick glance at SEVERAL "mature" series, it's easy to see that that statement isn't really true. Ass Creed, CoD, Arkham, are some examples where sequels have done better than the original title. And I've already shown you that mature games were released on Wii, yet they failed to catch on, and not because they were bad (they had good scores).  We've got other examples like Dead Space selling 460k and Medal of Honor Heroes 2 selling 410k. It's quite clear that mature games didn't do very well on Wii, and definetely not as well as on PS360.

Please do explain how the "mature" audience on the Wii wasn't exploited properly, because I fail to see how releasing mature rated games for the system isn't exploiting the audience properly

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

ReimTime said:
DanneSandin said:

I for one would LOOOOVE great 3rd party support on Nintendo consoles...

Oh I agree it would be a great thing to have, but as a sheer bonus. I don't know many people that buy Nintendo consoles for the thirdy party stuff. I buy Sony for most of my games, and Nintendo for couch co-op/1st party. To each their own, though!

And that's why I'm in this thread arguing with everyone =/ I say Nintendo should treat 3rd parties properly so they get proper 3rd party support and even develop similar games of their own to lead the way. But no one seem to agree with me.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

megafenix said:
Nintendo nexus seems to me the right name for the new console, with the right marketing and with this name nintendo could attract more people to his platform


  1. a connection or series of connections linking two or more things.
  2. -----
  3. Not bad, & also makes sense for Fusion.  But due to other products with that name, I'd keep the NX abbreviation, and just attach the proper name for each product.  ex., NX Air (HH) NX Base (home).  

DanneSandin said:
zorg1000 said:
DanneSandin said:

When I said double dipping I was also talking about people buying a 3DS several times over... And I think you're overestimating how much MK would sell on a unified NX system; 16-17m seems like a lot since MK7 and 8 so far have sold 15m together, and I'm pretty sure a few million of those cosyumers have both copies... But maybe you're not far off.

And I totally agree with your last paragraph! Some franchises won't sell as many copies per gen, while others will do better. With the Fusion NIntendo will be able to release more games from different series, which should be a really good thing.

I know u were talking about people who have bought multiple version of 3DS but then again what makes u think Nintendo won't release multiple versions of NX handhelds? We will still get revisions and plenty of special editions.

MK7+8 shipments are a little over 16 million right now and both are still selling. MK7 released in 2011 yet still shipped 1.8 million so far this fiscal year. When all is said and done it could be 20 million for MK7+8, in which case 16-17 million wouldn't be unlikely if they were a single title on both platforms.

Look at it this way, let's assume that each Mario Kart unit is sold at full price

Mario Kart 7-$40×13,000,000 units=$520,000,000 revenue

Mario Kart 8-$60×7,000,000 units=$420,000,000 revenue

Mario Kart 7+8=$940,000,000 revenue+MK8 DLC=roughly $1 billion revenue

Mario Kart NX-$60×15,000,000 units=900,000,000 revenue+DLC=roughly $1 billion revenue

See how they can still make the same amount of money by selling 5 million less units and are likely making more profit by developing and advertising one game instead of 2 seperate games while still able to go ahead and make a new game 2-3 years later?

I think you're bringing up  VERY interesting point, although you don't adress it at all; what price point will the NX games have?! If they are part portible and part stationary... What price should they have? Will Nintendo sell certain games at $60 and optimize them for the home console and others for $40 optimize for portability?

Try that calculation but have MK NX at $40: 15m x 40 = 600,000,000 + 100,000,000 in DLC.... in this case they're making 30% less...

I figure we will see a pricing tier like this

Low budget, eShop titles, $10-20

Mid budget, handheld experiences, $30-40

High budget, console experiences, $50-60

So in this case, I would put Mario Kart as a $60 release

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

DanneSandin said:
ReimTime said:

Oh I agree it would be a great thing to have, but as a sheer bonus. I don't know many people that buy Nintendo consoles for the thirdy party stuff. I buy Sony for most of my games, and Nintendo for couch co-op/1st party. To each their own, though!

And that's why I'm in this thread arguing with everyone =/ I say Nintendo should treat 3rd parties properly so they get proper 3rd party support and even develop similar games of their own to lead the way. But no one seem to agree with me.

I agree that 3rd party support would be nothing but positive for Nintendo

#1 Amb-ass-ador