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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Nintendo Platform Teased at Conference, "NX"

Definitely looking forward towards what else this new platform can do. Interested to hear more in the future for sure.

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Nintendo's new direction makes me cry, but my tears gonna be hitting Pokemon on my Note 3.

JK i Kid i Kid.

Captain_Tom said:
JustBeingReal said:
Captain_Tom said:

Based on what?  Maxwell is more efficient than AMD's ~2 year old GPU's.   LOL big deal!  AMD's new line-up is out in 3 months so wait till then and we can talk.


As for history, Nvidia has by no means been an efficiency leader:

HD 5000 >>> GTX 400

HD 6000 >> GTX 500

HD 7000 >= GTX 600

R9 200 = GTX 700

R9 300 ? GTX 900

Based on the most important factor when it comes to efficiency, namely performance per watt.

So did you even look at what I said?  That is what I am talking about too, and Nvidia has been WAY behind for a long time.  Maxwell is the only efficient design I have seen them create, and it is competing with 2 year old cards lol

Nvidia has been ahead for a while, since they started focusing on efficiency, with Kepler, this is what the numbers prove.

As it stands they have the most efficient architecture and they're also coming with new architecture with Pascal Next Year.

WTH are you talking about? AMDs current cards are their current cards, they aren't 2 years old, they're less than a year old, they've had tweaks to the Chip design and both systems are 28nm, yet NVidia's cards use less power to perform better, you really have no argument for this, it is a fact.

Looking at 3 year old comparisons is pointless, because it's not the current state of things.

Nintendo will likely use AMD anyway, so they'll get whatever is most fitting for them. I doubt they'll use the best performing AMD stuff, because they want to release at the most cost effective price for them. Considering they weren't interested in use 28nm for Wii U, when the option was available to too them and that was the most efficient process they could have used even back in 2012.

Mr Khan said:
Captain_Tom said:
Mr Khan said:
The trouble is that what third parties want is diametrically opposed to Nintendo's strategy. They would have to make a console which is loss-leading, or terribly expensive.

And that's ignoring the problem that third parties have with Nintendo's very philosophy. Nintendo rebuilt the game industry by having manufacturer-led platforms to guarantee quality and drive sales from exclusive killer apps. The PlayStation epoch, that developers enjoy, homogenizes and standardizes and lets the third parties lead the way generally.

More like it gets out of  the third parties' way.  There is nothing wrong with making it easy for third parties to succeed.  TLoU is selling just fine.

This doesn't mean that first parties can't prosper, just that the consoles aren't led necessarily by their efforts.

What's wrong with that?  The PS4 is selling not just because it has the most games (It does), but because it has the best hardware.  What is wrong with that?

RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:

Im talking INDUSTRY epoch, not Nintendo epoch. Nowadays gaming is bigger than movies and music combined. They werent back then.  Owadays there are far mpre options for people to choose from; both regarding consoles and sw. There are mlre genres now. There are more consoles. Everything is better in todays industry than they were in 1990

I was talking about the same thing. But now, since you don't like the answer, you try to change the subject to revenue.

Granted, maybe each individual company had a larger profit margin back then, like Materia-Blade said. But the business as a whole is making A LOT more money. And why don't you go ahead and adress all my other rebuttals? Gaming is more respected now, we have far more genres now, we have story driven games now, more choices. From a costumer stand point EVERYTHING is better now. Except for certain DLC-practices, glitch-fests and things like that.... But the industry is thriving on a whole new level compared to the Nintendo dominated days.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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DanneSandin said:

From a costumer stand point EVERYTHING is better now. 

I would disagree. We have games trying so hard to be movies that they fail as games, or releasing so buggy that they need patches just to function as advertised. Graphics and story have supplanted gameplay much of the time, content is hidden behind paywalls, social local multiplayer has been largely replaced by anti-social online multiplayer, etc.

If you ask me, gaming in the 4th gen was better than gaming today.

Materia-Blade said:
DanneSandin said:

Nothing is free. What Nintendo needs to do now is to gain back the trust of both 3rd parties and gamers alike, but for differnt kind of reasons. 3rd parties must feel like their games can sell on Nintendo consoles, and gamers have to feel that there are games on Nintendo consoles for THEM. These two peoblems goes hand in hand.

This isn't about trust. third parties do not think their games don't sell on nintendo consoles.

I'm also sure that GAMERS still trust nintendo due to their software quality.

And maybe they have a point. Just look at Tekken tag Tour 2 on Wii U; perhaps the best version of that game, sold horribly. Resident Evil 4 for GC; 1.7m compared to 3.6m on PS2 (granted, PS2 had a far larger instalbase). RE4 didn't sell badly at all, don't get me wrong, but Capcom apparently wasn't too happy with the results. Or just look at Rayman Legends on Wii U... The PS4 version, released a year after the Wii U version, have sold better!

I'll say this though, 3rd parties have themselves to blame for a lot of their abysmal sales on Nintendo systems. They're not really trying all that hard lots of the time, and lots of Wii U ports have been quite late compared to when other systems got the games. Of course they can't expect good sales!

All of this kind of ties in with gamers trust with Nintendo. EVERYONE knows Nintendo delivers great game experiences. Everyone knows Nintendo makes good games. BUT, they're not making games for everyone. And that's the problem. Lots and lots of gamers see Nintendo games as "kiddie" (and they're wrong, mind you) and will not therefore buy Nintendo systems. This is an image Nintendo has had since the SNES days, and that only got amplified with the GC and Wii. And that's kind of what I meant with "gamers trust"; gamers can't depend/trust on Nintendo to deliver "their kind of game", something aking to Halo/Uncharted/Forza/The Last of Us.

If Nintendo wants 3rd party support and "general" gamers, they need to create the right enviroment for them. They need to create something that catches gamers eyes, something a bit more "dark" and forboding, something "mature" - and not just ONE of those games, but several. This will create an incentive for gamers to pick up a Nintendo console AND luring 3rd parties back to Nintendo since Nintendo themselves have created an eco system where 3rd party games can thrive, by creating similar experiences to get gamers to buy their console. BUT, the console need to be on par with the competition, or else people will get their 3rd party games on other consoles since they look and run better there.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

curl-6 said:
DanneSandin said:

From a costumer stand point EVERYTHING is better now. 

I would disagree. We have games trying so hard to be movies that they fail as games, or releasing so buggy that they need patches just to function as advertised. Graphics and story have supplanted gameplay much of the time, content is hidden behind paywalls, social local multiplayer has been largely replaced by anti-social online multiplayer, etc.

If you ask me, gaming in the 4th gen was better than gaming today.

Who are you to say that story driven games with long cut scenes are worst than any other games? 6m people bought and played Metal Gear Solid 4, which features A LOT of loooong cut scenes. Uncharted 1-3 have all sold more 4m each and have loads of cut scenes. I admit, these aren't my cup of tea - give me Super Mario (platformer) any day! But, they are trying new things. They are trying to find a way for games to tell compelling stories. The best example of a story driven game, imo, is The Walking Dead. Nearly made me cry when I played that last episode in Season 1. Nintendo have NEVER come close to make me cry. Choices are GREAT. If you wanna play a game where 90% of the game is cut scenes, then why not? Why is that such a bad thing? It's not like you CAN'T play Mario or Zelda just because these kind of games exist.

I'm with you 100% that games shouldn't be riddled with so many bugs as they are today. They shouldn't need 10gb of patches to be playable. But what incentive does publishers have to stop all of this when people pre-order games? The publishers KNOWS they're gonna sell a shit ton of games. We vote with our vaulets. I NEVER buy buggy games, or if I do it's years later at a discount price with all the bugs fixed.

And I don't see the problem with online multiplayer. If people wanna compete with each other across the globe, then why not? I prefer local co-op myslef, I NEVER play online against other players. The only time I've done so is Mario Kart Wii, and even then I payed together with some one in the same room. And Hearthstone and LoL. Those I play as well.... But having online co-op doesn't mean YOU can't enjoy your local co-op. Vote with your vaulet.

So the 5th and 6th gen wasn't as good? Super Mario 64, Zelda OoT, FF VII, Halo, Gran Turismo wasn't any good then?

Options are GOOD. Have lots of options are GOOD. All YOU have to do is play the games YOU like and let others choose what they wanna play for themselves.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Soundwave said:

The way I see it Nintendo can do as they please with NX. It will be a wacky platform probably with a bunch of crazy accessories on the console side like this patent Nintendo filed:

These are 3D glasses that can also create smells and blow wind/air to the users face, lol.

Smartphone revenue will be huge for Nintendo, they can now do as they please with NX.

They no longer have to cater to casuals/kids per se either because iOS/Android can fill that void even better than the Wii/DS did, but they don't have to grovel to third parties/dudebros players either. They can make something "Nintendo wacky" and so long as it doesn't lose them money, they'll be fine.

So from a business POV the smartphone thing is a monstrous game changer. 

NX is the first Nintendo platform that doesn't neccessarily have to carry Nintendo all by itself on its shoulders and be all things to all people either. It can just be one part of their business, next to smart device games, Quality of Life devices, and use of Nintendo IP in movie franchises and TV series'. As such I think Nintendo will be emboldened to take some chances/risks with the hardware design that they wouldn't otherwise. 

In 3-4 years Nintendo may very well have four profitable divisions rather than just being a gaming company that goes up and down based on however their current console and handheld is doing.

No, they can't do whatever they want with NX. We7They don't know yet if mobile gaming is gonna be successful, or HOW successful it's gonna be. Most mobile games don't make an impact what so ever. I think it's very likely Nintendo will find some success there, but how big is yet to early to tell. That means that they can't get all wacky and crazy just yet. IF mobile gaming fails they'll NEED a steady income from dedicated game devices. And you don't achive that be being wacky. Not any more.

I think that if mobile gaming takes off, and brings in a steady stream of cash year in and year out, we might see something wacky for the 10th gen of consoles from Nintendo. THEN the pressure is off.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
curl-6 said:
DanneSandin said:

From a costumer stand point EVERYTHING is better now. 

I would disagree. We have games trying so hard to be movies that they fail as games, or releasing so buggy that they need patches just to function as advertised. Graphics and story have supplanted gameplay much of the time, content is hidden behind paywalls, social local multiplayer has been largely replaced by anti-social online multiplayer, etc.

If you ask me, gaming in the 4th gen was better than gaming today.

Who are you to say that story driven games with long cut scenes are worst than any other games? 6m people bought and played Metal Gear Solid 4, which features A LOT of loooong cut scenes. Uncharted 1-3 have all sold more 4m each and have loads of cut scenes. I admit, these aren't my cup of tea - give me Super Mario (platformer) any day! But, they are trying new things. They are trying to find a way for games to tell compelling stories. The best example of a story driven game, imo, is The Walking Dead. Nearly made me cry when I played that last episode in Season 1. Nintendo have NEVER come close to make me cry. Choices are GREAT. If you wanna play a game where 90% of the game is cut scenes, then why not? Why is that such a bad thing? It's not like you CAN'T play Mario or Zelda just because these kind of games exist.

I'm with you 100% that games shouldn't be riddled with so many bugs as they are today. They shouldn't need 10gb of patches to be playable. But what incentive does publishers have to stop all of this when people pre-order games? The publishers KNOWS they're gonna sell a shit ton of games. We vote with our vaulets. I NEVER buy buggy games, or if I do it's years later at a discount price with all the bugs fixed.

And I don't see the problem with online multiplayer. If people wanna compete with each other across the globe, then why not? I prefer local co-op myslef, I NEVER play online against other players. The only time I've done so is Mario Kart Wii, and even then I payed together with some one in the same room. And Hearthstone and LoL. Those I play as well.... But having online co-op doesn't mean YOU can't enjoy your local co-op. Vote with your vaulet.

So the 5th and 6th gen wasn't as good? Super Mario 64, Zelda OoT, FF VII, Halo, Gran Turismo wasn't any good then?

Options are GOOD. Have lots of options are GOOD. All YOU have to do is play the games YOU like and let others choose what they wanna play for themselves.

Who is anyone to say? It's called an opinion.

Local multiplayer has decreased these past two gens compared to prior ones. That's the problem; new inferior types of games are displacing the good ones.

And yes, the 5th and 6th gens were worse than the 4th. In fact, I'll go one step further and say that the 6th gen was rather sucky overall.