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RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:

Im talking INDUSTRY epoch, not Nintendo epoch. Nowadays gaming is bigger than movies and music combined. They werent back then.  Owadays there are far mpre options for people to choose from; both regarding consoles and sw. There are mlre genres now. There are more consoles. Everything is better in todays industry than they were in 1990

I was talking about the same thing. But now, since you don't like the answer, you try to change the subject to revenue.

Granted, maybe each individual company had a larger profit margin back then, like Materia-Blade said. But the business as a whole is making A LOT more money. And why don't you go ahead and adress all my other rebuttals? Gaming is more respected now, we have far more genres now, we have story driven games now, more choices. From a costumer stand point EVERYTHING is better now. Except for certain DLC-practices, glitch-fests and things like that.... But the industry is thriving on a whole new level compared to the Nintendo dominated days.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.