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Soundwave said:

The way I see it Nintendo can do as they please with NX. It will be a wacky platform probably with a bunch of crazy accessories on the console side like this patent Nintendo filed:

These are 3D glasses that can also create smells and blow wind/air to the users face, lol.

Smartphone revenue will be huge for Nintendo, they can now do as they please with NX.

They no longer have to cater to casuals/kids per se either because iOS/Android can fill that void even better than the Wii/DS did, but they don't have to grovel to third parties/dudebros players either. They can make something "Nintendo wacky" and so long as it doesn't lose them money, they'll be fine.

So from a business POV the smartphone thing is a monstrous game changer. 

NX is the first Nintendo platform that doesn't neccessarily have to carry Nintendo all by itself on its shoulders and be all things to all people either. It can just be one part of their business, next to smart device games, Quality of Life devices, and use of Nintendo IP in movie franchises and TV series'. As such I think Nintendo will be emboldened to take some chances/risks with the hardware design that they wouldn't otherwise. 

In 3-4 years Nintendo may very well have four profitable divisions rather than just being a gaming company that goes up and down based on however their current console and handheld is doing.

No, they can't do whatever they want with NX. We7They don't know yet if mobile gaming is gonna be successful, or HOW successful it's gonna be. Most mobile games don't make an impact what so ever. I think it's very likely Nintendo will find some success there, but how big is yet to early to tell. That means that they can't get all wacky and crazy just yet. IF mobile gaming fails they'll NEED a steady income from dedicated game devices. And you don't achive that be being wacky. Not any more.

I think that if mobile gaming takes off, and brings in a steady stream of cash year in and year out, we might see something wacky for the 10th gen of consoles from Nintendo. THEN the pressure is off.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.