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Captain_Tom said:
JustBeingReal said:
Captain_Tom said:

Based on what?  Maxwell is more efficient than AMD's ~2 year old GPU's.   LOL big deal!  AMD's new line-up is out in 3 months so wait till then and we can talk.


As for history, Nvidia has by no means been an efficiency leader:

HD 5000 >>> GTX 400

HD 6000 >> GTX 500

HD 7000 >= GTX 600

R9 200 = GTX 700

R9 300 ? GTX 900

Based on the most important factor when it comes to efficiency, namely performance per watt.

So did you even look at what I said?  That is what I am talking about too, and Nvidia has been WAY behind for a long time.  Maxwell is the only efficient design I have seen them create, and it is competing with 2 year old cards lol

Nvidia has been ahead for a while, since they started focusing on efficiency, with Kepler, this is what the numbers prove.

As it stands they have the most efficient architecture and they're also coming with new architecture with Pascal Next Year.

WTH are you talking about? AMDs current cards are their current cards, they aren't 2 years old, they're less than a year old, they've had tweaks to the Chip design and both systems are 28nm, yet NVidia's cards use less power to perform better, you really have no argument for this, it is a fact.

Looking at 3 year old comparisons is pointless, because it's not the current state of things.

Nintendo will likely use AMD anyway, so they'll get whatever is most fitting for them. I doubt they'll use the best performing AMD stuff, because they want to release at the most cost effective price for them. Considering they weren't interested in use 28nm for Wii U, when the option was available to too them and that was the most efficient process they could have used even back in 2012.