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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New Nintendo Platform Teased at Conference, "NX"

My guess on where NX fits to Nintendo

- Fusion platform (most of the games will be shared). There will be a NX home console, and a NX portable (maybe with several variants over time). It will be straight forward to make games work on both systems. DeNA will provide a unified network that lets you seamlessly continue playing the same game at home as you were on your ride home. 

- The handheld will be more powerful than people think, it won't be a rinky dink behind-the-tech curve device like the Game Boy up to the 3DS have been. Reason why is now that Nintendo is making smartphone games, they *really* have to provide a strong reason why someone should choose to pay $40 to play Nintendo games. Just saying "well this one has buttons" isn't good enough.

HD display, HD graphics, console like experience on the go. Book it.

- The home version of NX will have some new kind of quirky gimmick, maybe even several of them like the 3D glasses patent that blows wind and creates smells for the gamer (lol). I am now expecting a non-conventional main controller too.

- NX will be aimed at a slightly older audience at first. Now that Nintendo has smartphone apps, they don't have to worry so much about getting kids right away, iOS/Android can introduce them to Mario and company for free/99 cents, amiibo can cement their Nintendo addiction, and NX can be the final phase of it.

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Dusk said:


Edit: I reread your initial post, I think I misinterpreted it. You meant to quell the naysayers as opposed to Nintendo dropping consoles right?


Captain_Tom said:
DanneSandin said:

I imagen the NX will be BOTH a handheld and a home console; they will have certain shared features and compatabilities, maybe even some games. Releasing a new home console next year would mean that PS5 and XB2 would be severaly mpre powerful than Nintendos next effort. And we all saw how bad that went down this gen. 

AMD's 2016 APU's look to perform about as well or better than a PS4 while only consuming 15 watts
.  They could make it so it consumes 5w and works as a handheld while mobile, and then when you plug it into a wall all of your games go from 30 FPS to 60 FPS and at 1080p instead of 720p or something.  That would be sweet...

Do you have a source for that claim I've bolded?

It doesn't seem very likely, given that AMD are apparently moving down to 16nm in 2016. At 20nm Nvidia claims their Tegra X1 can produce 400GFlops of compute performance at 10 watts, even though 16nm is about 25% more efficient than the 20nm process Nvidia uses for their SOC and current parts, it's not going to allow for a drop that steep.

Tegra X1 scaled up to 5X could produce around the same performance as PS4's SOC at 50watts, Nvidia tends to be more efficient in their architecture than AMD, so comparing as like for like as possible maybe AMD can get their Zen APUs down to about 40 watts and that's assuming they have a really good efficient chip design for their next gen SOCs.

A 15 Watt SOC, with the same performance as PS4 is a few years away after 2016.

"Smart device and game"


I don't think a half of members commented on this thread did read anything about Nintendo Fusion


NNID : ShenlongDK
PSN : DarkLong213
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As other people have said already, I imagine the NX name is probably for both the next handheld and console and not just one of them.

If both Nintendo's handheld and console will work together the way the rumors are saying they are then I imagine that they will probably reveal the new handheld first and then the console later on. Or they'll announced them both at the same time like before.

I just hope Nintendo uses this as a fresh start and not make the same mistakes they did with the Wii U. Have a completely new name away from the Wii brand, call it Fusion if they want it to, and just make sure it's at least powerful enough to where it's easy to port games from the PS5 and next Xbox console to the Nintendo Fusion. They also need to make sure that they can regain good third party support.

I wouldn't be surprised if the new handheld launches in 2016 and the new console launches in 2017.

The concept itself sounds really great, but as long as they can pull it off well.

Scisca said:
DanneSandin said:

What Nintendo needs to do to get third party support is drawing in that audience themselves first. Nintendo fans dont buy Ass Creed, GTA or CoD - Nintendo needs to make those kind of games first a d draw that audience to Nintendos consoles. And if they keep on ignoring 3rd parties and powerful consoles they might as well quit home console gaming all together; Wii U is a pretty good base line for Nintendo fans oit there. And theyre not enough to make home consoles worth it for Nintendo

Dude, don't make it more difficult then it really is. Nintendo doesn't have to teach anyone how to play CoD, AC or GTA. Nintendo gamers already buy and play these games, they just do it on PS or Xbox. Why? Cause these games are better on these platforms! Compare AC IV - Wii U is easily the worst version and it is all because of Nintendo and its stupid mistakes. The game plays like the PS360 game, yet doesn't have trophies/achievements and it's an obvious downgrade when compared to the PS4/Xbone versions. Why would a reasonable gamer pay the same price for an inferior version of a game? What Nintendo has to do is allow 3rd parties to make ports that are on par with the competition - drop the PowerPC architecture and give current-gen hardware. 3rd parties are designing their games with PS4/Xbone scope in mind and Nintendo has to deliver here or they can get lost - 3rd parties won't care about them, neither will gamers sans a handful fanboys. It's a business, you either deliver or get left behind. Happened to Sony with Vita and happens to Nintendo with Wii U.

I more or less said that they need stronger consoles and start listening to 3rd parties. Stronger consoles coupled with their own mature games would serve to sell the NX to gamers OUTSIDE of Nintendo fans, which means that 3rd parties would follow suit and start making games for the NX. But Nintendo needs to take that firsty step

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
Captain_Tom said:

NX is coming out next year.  No doubt about it.  They're latest attempt failed misserably and they need to respawn as soon as possible.  Heck I think AMD even said they are already done designing a console that is launching next year...

I imagen the NX will be BOTH a handheld and a home console; they will have certain shared features and compatabilities, maybe even some games. Releasing a new home console next year would mean that PS5 and XB2 would be severaly mpre powerful than Nintendos next effort. And we all saw how bad that went down this gen. 

Nintendo has no reason to care any more. Any chance they had of getting third party multiplats died when third parties gave up on Wii U even before they dropped PS3 and 360. Nintendo will get whatever exclusives they can rope in and whatever they can produce by themselves from this point forward.

What Nintendo needs to do to get third party support is drawing in that audience themselves first. Nintendo fans dont buy Ass Creed, GTA or CoD - Nintendo needs to make those kind of games first a d draw that audience to Nintendos consoles. And if they keep on ignoring 3rd parties and powerful consoles they might as well quit home console gaming all together; Wii U is a pretty good base line for Nintendo fans oit there. And theyre not enough to make home consoles worth it for Nintendo

Lateral thinking with withered technology has served them well when that "withered tech" doesn't include a $100 tablet controller.

Especially with rumors of the fusion concept. Wii U's problem isn't the lack of Nintendo fans, it's that core gamers who aren't seriously into Nintendo games are content getting their Nintendo fix on 3DS. One device (or two closely interlocked devices) fixes that problem, and keeping the hardware price low but profitable while keeping that Nintendo quality going on the games, and you've got a broader base than what Wii U's stuck with.

Withered tech have served them well when they launched theor console AFTER the competition and therefore could make a more powerful console at a good prize. SNES > Genesis, N64 > PS, GC > PS2. They will be launching FIRST yet again this time around. They need to bring their A game. They need none-Nintendo fans to thrive, and that calls for powerful specs and 3rd parties. And good design and great online services.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I don't think NX will be super powerful.

They specifically called NX as a "new gaming concept" ... which is exactly how they referred to the Wii and Wii U prior to their unveilings ... meaning it's probably another platform that will be centered around a wacky controller.

They did submit a patent for a wearable 3D glasses that can do things like blow wind the players face and even emit aromas/smells (lol). I suspect that could be one of the things they're bringing to the table with NX. 

Nintendo can kinda do what they want now. Smartphone revenue, revenue from things like movies and TV series', and QoL are all coming, the traditional game division going forward will only be one part of Nintendo's business, not all of it.

DanneSandin said:

Withered tech have served them well when they launched theor console AFTER the competition and therefore could make a more powerful console at a good prize. SNES > Genesis, N64 > PS, GC > PS2. 

SNES/N64/GC were not withered tech, (with the exception of cartridges on N64) they were powerful, graphically competitive systems at the time of release.