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Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
Mr Khan said:
DanneSandin said:
Captain_Tom said:

NX is coming out next year.  No doubt about it.  They're latest attempt failed misserably and they need to respawn as soon as possible.  Heck I think AMD even said they are already done designing a console that is launching next year...

I imagen the NX will be BOTH a handheld and a home console; they will have certain shared features and compatabilities, maybe even some games. Releasing a new home console next year would mean that PS5 and XB2 would be severaly mpre powerful than Nintendos next effort. And we all saw how bad that went down this gen. 

Nintendo has no reason to care any more. Any chance they had of getting third party multiplats died when third parties gave up on Wii U even before they dropped PS3 and 360. Nintendo will get whatever exclusives they can rope in and whatever they can produce by themselves from this point forward.

What Nintendo needs to do to get third party support is drawing in that audience themselves first. Nintendo fans dont buy Ass Creed, GTA or CoD - Nintendo needs to make those kind of games first a d draw that audience to Nintendos consoles. And if they keep on ignoring 3rd parties and powerful consoles they might as well quit home console gaming all together; Wii U is a pretty good base line for Nintendo fans oit there. And theyre not enough to make home consoles worth it for Nintendo

Lateral thinking with withered technology has served them well when that "withered tech" doesn't include a $100 tablet controller.

Especially with rumors of the fusion concept. Wii U's problem isn't the lack of Nintendo fans, it's that core gamers who aren't seriously into Nintendo games are content getting their Nintendo fix on 3DS. One device (or two closely interlocked devices) fixes that problem, and keeping the hardware price low but profitable while keeping that Nintendo quality going on the games, and you've got a broader base than what Wii U's stuck with.

Withered tech have served them well when they launched theor console AFTER the competition and therefore could make a more powerful console at a good prize. SNES > Genesis, N64 > PS, GC > PS2. They will be launching FIRST yet again this time around. They need to bring their A game. They need none-Nintendo fans to thrive, and that calls for powerful specs and 3rd parties. And good design and great online services.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.