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Scisca said:
DanneSandin said:

What Nintendo needs to do to get third party support is drawing in that audience themselves first. Nintendo fans dont buy Ass Creed, GTA or CoD - Nintendo needs to make those kind of games first a d draw that audience to Nintendos consoles. And if they keep on ignoring 3rd parties and powerful consoles they might as well quit home console gaming all together; Wii U is a pretty good base line for Nintendo fans oit there. And theyre not enough to make home consoles worth it for Nintendo

Dude, don't make it more difficult then it really is. Nintendo doesn't have to teach anyone how to play CoD, AC or GTA. Nintendo gamers already buy and play these games, they just do it on PS or Xbox. Why? Cause these games are better on these platforms! Compare AC IV - Wii U is easily the worst version and it is all because of Nintendo and its stupid mistakes. The game plays like the PS360 game, yet doesn't have trophies/achievements and it's an obvious downgrade when compared to the PS4/Xbone versions. Why would a reasonable gamer pay the same price for an inferior version of a game? What Nintendo has to do is allow 3rd parties to make ports that are on par with the competition - drop the PowerPC architecture and give current-gen hardware. 3rd parties are designing their games with PS4/Xbone scope in mind and Nintendo has to deliver here or they can get lost - 3rd parties won't care about them, neither will gamers sans a handful fanboys. It's a business, you either deliver or get left behind. Happened to Sony with Vita and happens to Nintendo with Wii U.

I more or less said that they need stronger consoles and start listening to 3rd parties. Stronger consoles coupled with their own mature games would serve to sell the NX to gamers OUTSIDE of Nintendo fans, which means that 3rd parties would follow suit and start making games for the NX. But Nintendo needs to take that firsty step

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.