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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Screenshot Thread: Jump in and post!

Wright said:
TiagoCosta said:

That's Spanish.

The language Mexican doesn't exist btw

Mexican is a variation from Spanish :P

Just like brazilians speak brasileño, which is a variation from the traditional portuguese!


And I was messing with everyone here with the comment, by the way xD

The member is even Spain lol

Brasileiro tho that's a really Spanish way of saying it.

I do have a lot of Spanish friends over the Internet, some speak a Spanish really close to Portuguese. They are from Galicia region, but I can understand most Spanish pretty well. I even buy books in Spanish.

Around the Network

Ori looks so pretty, and its a pretty great game too! Liking it a lot more than I thought I would so far. I'll have to get some of my own screens to post here later :)

jlmurph2 said:

View Raw Image" width="800" height="450" />

I really like this art style!

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Around the Network

lol I just took some random screens, wanted to test this feature out xD Best to start off with one of the most graphically impressive games on current gen

teh elepphant?


Ori looks amazing

jlmurph2 said:


Your linked pics seem to be broken :(