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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Screenshot Thread: Now You're Posting With Power!

irstupid said:
curl-6 said:

I hope so. It's silly that in 2015 we're still excluding same sex relationships from games with a relationship-building focus.

But I've gone off topic, so I'll leave it at that.

It's better than forced romance.

Chrom is a character, he has his history, his ideals, he is who he is.  And he is straight.  That's who he is.  Same for everyother character in the series so far.  If they want to make a person who is bi, or gay, then fine.  BUT don't make EVERY character bisexual just to please the select few that want it.  

I'm freaking sick of games where every character hits on me regardless of what sex I am.  I'm looking at you bioware

Why shouldn't players have the option to make relationships as they see fit? If you don't like it, don't do it, it won't be compulsory.

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curl-6 said:
irstupid said:

It's better than forced romance.

Chrom is a character, he has his history, his ideals, he is who he is.  And he is straight.  That's who he is.  Same for everyother character in the series so far.  If they want to make a person who is bi, or gay, then fine.  BUT don't make EVERY character bisexual just to please the select few that want it.  

I'm freaking sick of games where every character hits on me regardless of what sex I am.  I'm looking at you bioware

Why shouldn't players have the option to make relationships as they see fit? If you don't like it, don't do it, it won't be compulsory.

From what I hear people of the LGBT they don't like people saying that being gay is a choice.  They also are pretty adament that their sexuality is a major part of their identity.

Making every character able to be gay or straight kind of spits in those two things does it not?  

I like to think my characters have thought put into their backstories, their lives, their ideals, their relationships with other people, ect.  And a major part of someone is their sexuality.  Even though I dont' treat anyone any differently fi they are gay or not, the fact that they are is a part of them.  It's part of hteir character.  I want fleshed out characters, not some blank slates.  

You know in older bioware games, if you made certain choices your companions could leave your party because they didn't believe in your ideals.  Now adays, those companiosn adopt to your style and become say a heartless bastard like you.  I'm sorry if I prefer them to have their unshakable ideals and "LEAVE" instead of changing to fit me.

Skyward Sword // Dolphin

Wonderful 101

irstupid said:
curl-6 said:

Why shouldn't players have the option to make relationships as they see fit? If you don't like it, don't do it, it won't be compulsory.

From what I hear people of the LGBT they don't like people saying that being gay is a choice.  They also are pretty adament that their sexuality is a major part of their identity.

Making every character able to be gay or straight kind of spits in those two things does it not?  

I like to think my characters have thought put into their backstories, their lives, their ideals, their relationships with other people, ect.  And a major part of someone is their sexuality.  Even though I dont' treat anyone any differently fi they are gay or not, the fact that they are is a part of them.  It's part of hteir character.  I want fleshed out characters, not some blank slates.  

You know in older bioware games, if you made certain choices your companions could leave your party because they didn't believe in your ideals.  Now adays, those companiosn adopt to your style and become say a heartless bastard like you.  I'm sorry if I prefer them to have their unshakable ideals and "LEAVE" instead of changing to fit me.

But being able to customize so you could establish any relationship you wanted would give more player freedom; we already can choose our character's gender and race in many games, for instance. But this is way off topic; please make a thread if you want to discuss it further.

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Guys, if you want to talk about Nintendo's stance on LGBT issues, you can always make a thread for that. This thread is for posting awesome screenshots. ^_^

Bayonetta 2 (with the W101 reference!)

Bayonetta (with the Okami reference!)

Wind Waker

Man, Bayo 2 looks so much better than 1. A lot more color and vibrancy. It also helps differentiate the two games, as their play styles are largely the same (outside of Umbran Climax).

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


sc94597 said:

Skyward Sword // Dolphin

Those filters are insteresting, makes the game look different... but 2FPS? Was that just coincidence?

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You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

Platina said:
I would post more...

but screenshotting is a huge pain... Open game, pause game, load Miiverse, Post pic, load pic in url, post.
If there is no Miiverse community for that game, then no screenshots! D:

Why can't they make it easier for screenshots? It is basically free advertisement!

You can go here      and post your picture on twitter, facebook or tumblr.   manual