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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The WiiU name confusion


How often you see people complaining about gamepad/WiiU game not working on Wii because he thinks it is an add-on?

Always 26 10.32%
Never 160 63.49%
Few times 48 19.05%
Still trying to make game... 18 7.14%

I have never heard of anyone making this mistake before. It is either just dumb people in the gaming press, or maybe it happened over in the US? I have never heard of any real people making that mistake, not once.

Even someone who knows almost nothing about gaming can deduce from the boxes that it is a new console which includes a Gamepad.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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The Wii U is basically just an hd Wii. I don't think it was ever going to sell apart from the hardcore fans. The casuals already had their motion fill.

I only have anecdotal evidence from most of the casuals/Wii owners I know (which is a significant amount) and when I recently got a Wii U it was often the same result:
When they see it:
Person: "What is this? A new Nintendo system? When did this thing come out?"


Person: "A 'Wii U'? Is it like the new Wii Fit balance board or something? Never even heard of it."

Note: Ive only had my Wii U since late Jan and those are still the general answers I get from causal/Wii Owners -of whom are very much aware of the PS4/X1.

Just my experience anyway

I think people give way too much credit to that whole confusion thing. Wii U as a gaming system has been rejected by the market just like the gamecube (was that confusing?) and the N64 before. Sure, the "people are confused"-cards, "There was no marketing"-cards, "Marketing was bad"-cards and the most beloved "it´s a conspiracy by ea and ubisoft"-cards are easy to pull and deliver a more or less satisfying excuse for the terrible sales the Wii U is pulling to those who want to believe.
Anyways my bottom line is this....Could the BEST name in Ninendo History have changed things? Maybe 10% more units sold. Could better Marketing have changed things? Maybe another 5% more (With seriously extensive uber "See Sony/MS this is how you do marketing" billion Dollar campaigns).

Yup...RO friggin rocked  

Though the Wii U is a bad name, they have been doing this with the Game Boy -> Colour -> Advance

I find the 'new' 3DS to be a lot worse..

Gamers will be able to tell the difference between the Wii and U but the 'new' 3DS or a new 3DS will still be confusing, even among gamers.

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RolStoppable said:
Kerotan said:
The Wii U is basically just an hd Wii. I don't think it was ever going to sell apart from the hardcore fans. The casuals already had their motion fill.

If the PS4 came with Move as its standard controller and DualShock 3s were sold separately, would you call the PS4 a true HD PS3?

A lot of people say the PS4 is just a little prettier graphics PS3, so probably having Move as standard not DS3 would make people say it differently (maybe even on the positive side).... although I preffer how it is even having move and the camera.... At least WiiU accepts the Wiimote as well.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

I have definitely talked to a few people who didnt know the wii u was a whole new console. so yes it's definitely a factor

Hiku said:

That might be more commonly heard by store employees. People who come on these forums probably don't associate with people who would confuse the two. I can see how it might confuse some parents who go in to buy a new Wii game for their child.
Some stories were going around from store employees about confused customers. Some made signs that explained the difference.

As for how much the WiiU name decreased the sales numbers of the console? I don't think it has affected it much at all.

DonFerrari said:

At others, how would the name generate confusion for WiiU but wasn't a problem on snes/nes (that many wouldn't know standed for super) or master system/Mega Drive or genesis? Or how would they know if x360 or ps3 was better Xbox or ps2 or x1 versus ps4?

Well I think in the case of Super Nintendo, the word indicates a difference in the name a bit more clearly than just one added letter at the end. And back then the game cases were different in shape and size from NES to SNES. While I believe the shape and size of the Wii and Wii U cases are the same, or similar.
Master System and Mega Drive are quite different names, so I don't think it should case any confusion. And as for Playstation 2 to Playstation 3, I think most people are aware that sequels are often branded with an ascending number, and associate it as such.
This is undoubtedly the reason why Microsoft feel they can't name their consoles with a proper numerical order. Because they would always be one number behind Playstation, and sound inferior to some casual buyers.

Hiku... differentiate PS1,2,3,4 apart is easy on that... I'm saying that if the confusion was such a big problem how would the consumer associate that PS1 or N64 or Dreamcast was better? In brazil a lot of people only know of Snes and have no idea it meant Super NES (we mostly got botlegged versions of the console and games for NES), what is better a Master or a Mega system? I think the amount of dumb buyers is really small for that to be the biggest part of the problem... on the parents buying gifts for the kids I agree it can generate some problem on the SW, but when Stores just have the console itself since Wii isn't getting space on shelves anymore I don't think that is influential...

The most I can give for the confusion is that people that don't game, don't inform themselves and wouldn't be able to easily differentiate Wii from WiiU. But that in itself shows they were a bad public to get anyway since they don't care much about gaming and buy a lot less SW than other costumers...

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

RolStoppable said:
Kerotan said:
The Wii U is basically just an hd Wii. I don't think it was ever going to sell apart from the hardcore fans. The casuals already had their motion fill.

If the PS4 came with Move as its standard controller and DualShock 3s were sold separately, would you call the PS4 a true HD PS3?

no because PS3 was HD unlike the Wii. The Wii lost momentum long before the Wii U came out so it was clear the general public had moved on. Nintendo need the next big thing but it looks like many other companies are ahead of them with VR and AR. 

RolStoppable said:

The name is most definitely the biggest problem. When people were asked why they weren't interested in a Wii U, they answered that they are healthy.

Painful ....

Anyway OP, I agree, I think most are aware it's a new system.