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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sexuality in Video Games



Sexuality is a good thing! 166 90.71%
eww no no no no!!!!! 17 9.29%

Sex has been explored and tried as a narrative for decades now and most people already have become used to it, and yet we don't see almost any big movies based on sexuality, or script writers or directors use it much. Apart from using sex as a "spice" on the side. Perhaps because there's the myth that sex sells. Many people find sexuality attractive by instinct, and attractive people in movies is a plus. Sex is also used for realism, since humans partake in sex it will also be in movies. But for narrative, no. You seldom see that.

Yes, I have seen that people in this thread have demonstrated that sex can be used successfully as a narrative in both games and film, and I acknowledge that, they were cool examples.

But they're very rare. It's on such a small scale. Ask yourself why.

Does anyone remember Basic instinct from the early 90's? One of few movies with a narrative largely based on sex and controversial at the time. And it's universally regarded as a joke.

The West is largely a free society and there are no problems today for a filmmaker to make a movie with sex as the subject. It's not controversial anymore.  

If sexuality is supposedly so powerful narratively, and since sexuality has apparently been tried in the past, you have to explain why it is used so seldom today, in a time where people are much more exposed to sexuality in public, media and magazines.

Look at literature. Do you know about the romantic novel genre? It's the genre with the most amount of sexuality in all of litterature. And these books are also seen universally as a big joke. They're contemptuously discarded as something that only middle aged ladies read (while actually younger females read them too to some extent, at least a couple of my ex-girlfriends did lol). Sex novels perhaps make up an important niche market, but it's a very small part of literature as a whole, and they certainly don't get any respect or any prizes in cultural circles, or anywhere else for that matter.

I'm puzzled about the thinking shown by many in this thread, it sounds as if they are expecting some kind of a sexual revolution in the future. But it's not gonna happen in the West. Because it has already happened! It started already in the 60's.

It seems many think of themselves as very tolerant, modern and forward thinking, as if the others in society are not. But the chance is high that your peers are quite openminded too. And yet films or games with sexuality aren't being made.

I think many here express a positive attitude towards sexuality in games, and conversely a negative attitude towards violence, because it's regarded as the sophisticated position. You come off as an intellectual, modern, tolerant person. While the stupid brutes love mindless violence.

This is a very mainstream position. So, you automatically embrace the idea that more sex is good. "Yes, I'm ready to explore more sexuality in games. I'm a modern human being and I'm aware. Not like the dude bros." And this positive attitude leads to assumptions. Assumptions about society and your peers for example.

Yes, there are areas in society that are still opening up for even more sexual exposure, and people's minds on some levels are still in the process of adjusting, and getting used to increased sexual exposur, but fact is that there's a movement in the opposite direction too. There are strong powers at work trying to decrease the expression of sexuality in our culture. A counter-movement going on with people objecting against sexual exposure in media. And I'm not talking about religious people or conservatives here.

For example, the heated discourse about exploitation of the female body in our society, the objectification of women, that it causes young women (and men) to be insecure about their bodies, the discourse about how young people in the West are increasingly feeling stress and pressure in an oversexualized society, that they can't meet the expectations society has put on them to have a rich sexual life. We have the anti-porn debate. Then we have the equality-movement in general that wants to have a say in this matter.

Surely you must have heard about these things.

We already live in a very sexualized age and in many ways (not all) we actually might already be at the peak of how much sexuality is expressed in society (at least if we're talking about the heteronorm). It's not given that it will just increase and increase. There is a counter-movement. What determines how much sexuality humanity will express in an ideal society? When does it phase out and stabilize?

There is a liberation of sexual minorities and LGBT happening right now, and those avenues will definitely be explored in the near future in media and culture. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the total sum of sexuality in culture will increase, we'll rather instead see changes in representation. There are no signs of some sort of general "hidden flood" of sexuality just waiting for its chance to break out and manifest itself as soon as the oppressor goes away. Not anymore.

And there's already at least one generation that has grown up in a sexually liberal society, having been exposed to sex in many areas of their lives, and yet, if we look at people born in the 90's they're not that much more sexual than people born in the 70's or 80's (apart from porn having radically influenced their sex lifes).

So in conclusion, we will not see many games that are designed around sexuality in the future either. No matter how much more liberated we may become. Meanwhile, while humanity and our culture will keep condemning violence (but let's not forget reality versus fiction here), it will be at the core of games and film for a very long time.